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Sermon Honoring the Thirteenth

Come listen to an exciting (okay we won't promise exciting but hopefully somewhat edifying) sermon dedicated to the precepts of the Thirteenth. No need to bring your own mirrors, there are plenty in the Shrine.


Aug. 3, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Hosted By



Tynan Appolonia Delilah Fortunato Monique Niklas(RIP) Simone Starling Vanora Gwenna Waldemai Etienne Arthen Sabella Tibaltus



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Shrine of the Thirteenth

Largesse Level


Comments and Log


More curious than devout, really, I attended a very interesting sermon honoring the Thirteenth. I feel like I learned a bit more about balance and considering such things before making judgments, so am quite glad to have attended. As well, Lord Alessandro did a truly marvelous job and perhaps my familiarity with him made it all the easier for me to sit and listen.

Tynan wanders in with Delilah, idly chattering on the way but the words die as out as they get into the shrine. Tynan casts a glance towards the front and then raises his hand and standing up on tiptoes to wave to some people he knows, especially the one holding the sermon which is probably towards the front there somewhere. Makes sense that he would be, all things considered. Then he finds a bench to sit on.

Kit, the grey fox, a tiny man with a BIG unpronounceable name, 1 Greenmarch Guard, Q, a very tall man with a very short name, a very average man arrive, following Monique.

Georgette, 1 Greenmarch Guard arrive, following Simone.

It is a quiet approach that Appolonia makes as she enters the Shrine, her curious gray eyes taking in everything as she moves in her slow, easy pace. She stays out of the way so that others can wander past her quicker if they like but she's taking it all in at her leisure. Once she gets deeper in to where others are gathered she pauses, looks around and then makes her way to sit, giving a polite nod as she does to those already seated.

Appolonia has joined the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Dark in her dress, something that might well accentuate the mirrored reflections all around, Delilah aims to move on light feet through the shrine. She pays quiet regard to the mirror-masked figure conducting those last touches in advance of the evening's affair, curiosity bright in her averted gaze. With interest a bonfire kept in check, she offers a nod, and then takes her seat upon the benches while there is still time.

Someone wearing A Dark Mirrormask has joined the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Monique has joined the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Etienne has joined the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Niklas has joined the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Sabella has joined the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Fortunato drifts in, stuffing his feathered hat in the pocket of his overcoat. He's close to the mirrored right wall, his shadow overlaying his reflection, and he comes perilously close to leaning on it as he drifts to a stop behind the last bench.

Simone has joined the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Monique arrives on the arm of the Archlector of Gild, smiling up at the handsome blonde with all the radiance she can muster, which is considerable. She leans in to murmur something to him, dragging Etienne to get front row seats for this particular sermon.

Another one of those mirrormasked figures, one assumes, is Alessandro. He is recognizable to any who know him by his posture and manner, though his face is completely covered. He stands at ease, waiting for people to arrive and take their seats, and once they do, he starts toward a spot in front of the benches, coming to a stop in a place where he can be seen and, once hopes, heard. "Thank you all for coming," he says, and while he isn't exactly speaking loudly, his voice does carry more than many who know him might be used to -- perhaps it is the nature of the shrine, though. "I hope that something said here today will be useful in some way."

He takes a breath, his masked visage moving from one to another, as he begins. "The duality of light and dark in matters of faith and morality is one that has been used since time immemorial. Light has often been used to symbolize righteousness, where dark is associated with evil. However, this understanding does not encompass all the qualities of each. Light can be warm and healing, but it can also be harsh, and burn. By the same token, while darkness can be cold and frightening, it can also soothe and restore."

Niklas walks in with Sabella on his arm, walking very slowly because last time he was here he kept slipping on the very slick floor. Sabella walks with her face mostly on her feet, unwilling to look into the many, many mirrored surfaces. Niklas squeezes her hand and murmurs something to her. As he passes the dark mirrormask he offers a nod, quirking a lopsided smile at the person he's vairly certain he recognizes, then he walks further into the room, leading Sabella to sit at one of the benches.

Simone slips in quietly so she does not disturb anything, seeming slightly uncomfortable as she makes her way through. She makes her way to one of the benches to take a sea, giving Tynan a polite nod as she does so. Spotting Monique and Etienne she gives them both a warm smile and a wave, then turns her attention to Alessandro.

Starling's dark eyes round as she looks about -- clearly, this is the first time within the Shrine of the Thirteenth. She moves slowly, as if to keep the merry jingling of the belled anklets and bracelets she wears to a minimum. When Tynan addresses her, she smiles, dipping her head in greeting. "Master Grayhope, how good to see you again. My lady, well met," she says quietly. Her dark eyes return to the front, studying the masked figures, then quieting once Alessandro begins to speak.

When the figure that many assume is Alessando begins to speak a few other Mirrormasks find seats quickly themselves, eager to watch from behind those shadow-obscured faces as the man addresses the conversation. They are almost impossibly silent, no whispering or comments...and though it may be hard to tell where they are looking at a given time, Alessandro is a likely bet.

Alessandro continues to speak, mostly motionless except to look around at those gathered, the masked face stopping on each of those seated for a few moments, before he moves on. "It is the balance of the two that is essential. If there was no light to temper the darkness, we would be lost in the woods, unable to find our way. However, too much light and there would be no relief ? we would never be able to rest. Both light and dark can be painful or beautiful; both can challenge us and reward us.

"So, too, is the Dark Reflection an essential part of ourselves. Those things that we perceive as our faults often stem from our greatest virtues, and to attempt to deny one ultimately means denying both. One might be prone to anger, but while this passion can be self-destructive, it can also be a motivating force. Anger aimed at finding a solution to a problem, rather than let go just for the sake of it, can benefit and strengthen relationships and help one achieve their goals. Again, it is finding the correct balance that is crucial."

Gwenna's head tilts a bit after the first part, a mostly quiet 'hmm' escaping her lips, as though weighing the logic of the remarks perhaps. Mulling them over, to judge by her expression, she then glances back to murmur something at the bench. The next offering in the sermon seems to start that whole process all over again.

Monique seems entirely approving of the second half of Alessandro's sermon, nodding her crimson head with an emphatic bob, then leans in to murmur something quietly to another.

Waldemai looks into the mirrored mask when the mirrored mask look into him.

Half-Mast, a surly little person arrives, following Arthen.

"We can find many examples of this sort of balance to strike in our lives," Alessandro continues, still in that same tone that carries throughout the shrine without being overly loud. "Envy is generally considered a negative emotion and can lead to unwise actions, but if it is examined through reflection and identified, it can be used as a motivator for self-improvement. Conversely, happiness, overwhelmingly considered positive, can be pursued for the wrong reasons, and can even lead to harmful consequences.

"For instances of this balance struck well, we have only to look to our own history. Take, for example, the story of Procella Pravus. She was by all accounts a ruthless manipulator -- a quality that, if used for ill purposes, could bring ruin to even the greatest of houses. However, instead, she focused this natural talent -- and, many might say, a darker impulse that could so easily be misused -- and instead united the city-states of the Lyceum, a near impossible feat that few, if any, others could have accomplished."

Etienne listens, politely, nodding and exchanging the occasional quiet comment. His smile, a fixture on the golden haired man's face is a common fixture seems occasionally strained, but enthusiastic none the less.

Appolonia continues to listen in silence but her dark head does bob a few times in agreement at things that are said by the mirrormask wearing speaker. Something at the bench causes her gray eyes to flick away for a moment, a slight smile given and another dip of her chin in acknowledgement before she casts her gaze back and listens once more. The talk of Procella however gets her to really seem to hone in, brows lofting.

Harlen arrives, following Duarte.

Starling's eyes slide now and then from the mirrored figures to those around her, watching the interactions between friends and acquaintances. Her fingers play with the fringed end of her lavender scarf -- sitting in one spot doesn't seem to suit the fortune teller, though Alessandro's words draw her eyes back to him. Something he says makes her lips tip upward into a small smile. Something catches her attention again away from the speaker, and she looks away once again. There are many shiny things besides masks to appreciate.

Delilah's expression is a composed mask of marble painted by the lightest hand, emotions rising and fading without leaving much in the way of an impression. Listening intently upon the flow of Alessandro's sermon, her gaze remains drawn to him. Communication in a balance of fluid posture and words blends together, and she straightens a fraction.

Sorry! Coming through! Arthen Dayne is not at his most graceful after he shows up, but he does try and be a little bit quiet about interrupting the sermon with his late entrance. "I'll have to stay late to balance this out." he laments in just above a whisper, finding a seat for himself.

Arthen has joined the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

"Thus, we must look inward and recognize our own darker selves, the qualities we may not like to admit we possess, or that others may censure us for, for if we can recognize and accept them, we may also learn to direct them toward a better purpose, instead of allowing them mastery over us."

As he ends those words, Alessandro's posture becomes slightly more relaxed, just a little bit less still, and though his face is still covered with the mask, his voice now seems to carry a tone that indicates he's smiling. "I hope you all found something to take with you tonight. If you would like to sit in reflection now, I hope you will feel free to do so." With that, he steps to the side again, presumably to signal the end.

Tynan sits in attention, eyes front and center, listening to the sermon. After a few moments, he looks to the ground where he stashed his bag and ever so slowly leans forward so as to not make any extra or un-necessary sounds. Out comes a quill, a tiny little inkwell and a piece of parchment and Tynan starts to make a few notes here and there as he watches and listens to Alessandro until the man finishes and all of it gets just as quietly and ridiculously carefully put away again.

Monique is overheard praising Alessandro: It's good to be bad?

Again, Gwenna is given pause, her lips pursing a bit as she listens and considers the balance being described. A murmur or two at the bench are the only things that seem to tug her attention from Alessandro and even those appear brief. Tucking a rambunctious curl behind her ear, she leans back a little to listen further. Arthen's familiar voice does lead her to glance in that direction, the princess offering the Redrain historian a nod of greeting. Oh! And then the sermon concludes. She lifts her hands to clap but doesn't actually go through with it, considering the quiet.

Gwenna is overheard praising Alessandro: A wonderful and thought-provoking sermon.

Arthen is overheard praising Alessandro: I caught the last minute. Solid sermon, that one.

One lady in a Dark Mirrormask rises to her feet and walks over to Alessandro, whispering some words of praise and giving what would be an encouraging smile if not for being hidden beneath metal. Still, her tone can convey approval at least.

Someone wearing A Dark Mirrormask is overheard praising Alessandro: He works hard in the name of Tehom

Niklas glances around as his friend gives his sermon and his eyes widen slightly when he sees Fortunato. He offers the artist a brief nod before returning his attention to the tail end of the sermon. He lifts a hand briefly toward Alessandro, then sits back and murmurs something to those at his table.

Delilah is overheard praising Alessandro: A reasoned, balanced, provocative discourse on a subject that beckons us to challenge our accepted beliefs.

Etienne is overheard praising Alessandro.

Vanora has left the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Fortunato inclines his head toward Niklas, from where he stands in the shadow of his shadow. He then turns his attention back toward Alessandro, thoughtful, his head canted.

Tynan stands up as Alessandro declares the sermon done and despite everybody elses misgivings, he applauds clearly for a few seconds. "Wonderful!" Tynan declares before the claps die out to nothing again just a hint of a moment later and he takes his seat all over again.

Monique's wave and smile are returned before Starling glances away solemnly again, asked to reflect. Sabella's look catches hers as well, and the fortune teller blushes, setting her hands on top of the edge of her scarf, to keep from playing with the fringed end. The smile is returned, however, and Starling glances down, the very picture of demure piety and reflection.

Something that is said draws a true smile to form on Appolonia's lips as she reaches up to tuck a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, nodding as she doesn't quite to make from the bench just yet. "Very well said," she offers to no one in particular.

Starling is overheard praising Alessandro: Wise words and prettily spoken.

Duarte has joined the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

The murmured words that Delilah offers mingles with the rest of the crowd, and she finally eases back a little, back to smiling. "That was very well-spoken, wasn't it?" she says in that light, lilting tone. "He has given much food for thought, and a better sense of balance." Her fingers slip smoothly away from her palm, tilting her head a degree to the side.

Alessandro allows a little time to pass for the words to settle -- though he has to smile at Tynan's applause. Of course, he can't be //seen// smiling, but he did it. Believe it, he did. Eventually, though, he takes off the mask, revealing that is is, in fact, him, and not an imposter. He returns Niklas' wave, looking around at those he knows with a smile of greeting, but he first moves toward Monique on the benches, giving her a hug. "Thank you so much for coming," he says, "it means a lot to have your support." Etienne, too, gets a nod -- though not a hug this time, but he's polite! "Archlector. Thank you for coming." He's moving on then, toward Simone, who //does// get a hug as well.

Waldemai has left the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

While Gwenna is more of a suspecter than staunch believer in any particular form of Faith, she sits for several minutes longer and likely replays the parts of the sermon that might have struck that more curious side of her. Such doesn't linger and soon it seems she is making some quiet good-byes before preparing to stand.

Monique embraces Alessandro warmly and leans up to murmur something in his ear before relinquishing the conquering mirrormask.

Gwenna has left the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Etienne smiles at Alessandro, he rises from his seat, hands clasped behind him. "It was a well interpreted speech." he says with a warm smile. "I believe I've had several conversations in the same vein over the years." it's meant as a compliment from his tone.

Tynan asides to Delilah, "Oh yes. Quite so. You know, I don't believe I have been to a Mirrormask sermon before?" He gives a thoughtful click of his tongue and then shakes his head, "No, not on purpose.' Then Alessandro is heading this way, because he's heading for Simone, and Simone is this way so it all works out that way. "My Lord, I didn't know you had it in you. The mask adds such mystery. Well said."

"I suspect you're trying tonget me in trouble, Master Arthen," Sabella says with a hint of amusement. Then Tynan is clapping for those few seconds, "Alas I am not as brave as Master Tynan here, though if anyone would know the rules for sure it would be him." she nods to Niklas, "I know it was a good speech because I didn't understand a word of it." And then to Starling she says, "I'm Princess Sabella Grayson, this is my husband, Prince Niklas Grayson. Do you need introductions?"

Simone smiles warmly at Alessandro and stands up as he approaches her. She returns his hug and says softly, "You gave a lovely sermon, Alessandro. Thank you for inviting me." Stepping back, she moves out of the way so that he can greet others. She smiles faintly at Tynan, "Nor have I, Tynan."

Gwenna, as well, makes her way toward Alessandro and inclines her head. "That was very interesting, my lord. I had not considered balance quite that way, perhaps. Certainly I understood how darkness can be soothing. It seems a near blessing when I can turn the lamps down after a day at the ledgers," is said with a small laugh following. "Good to see you, as always. Your brother told me earlier he had something else to attend to, or would have come with me."

It takes the Seraceni woman a few moments before she works up the desire to stand but stand Appolonia does. She gives a polite nod to Alessandro and waits for him to be done with his greetings and murmured words before she offers to him, "A very thought-provoking sermon. It has been some time since I paid my own respects and dues." Those gray eyes linger but a moment before they are cast out again, taking in the shrine before they land on Delilah. She gives the woman a polite nod before she starts to make her way from the bench but not quite to leave just yet.

Starling's eyes widen just a bit when Sabella introduces herself and her husband. "Your highness," she says, with a dip of head and lowering of lashes, and then, well, again. "Your highness," she says to Niklas, before shaking her head. "Oh, I've simply come for the sermon. I know a few here, Master Grayhope and the Lady Greenmarch," she explains, dark eyes glancing at those she names. "It is very nice to meet you."

As the discussion rises, continues, and the audience for the sermon remains, Fortunato quietly departs.

Ugarte leaves, following Fortunato.

Niklas laughs at Sabella's comment and shakes his head, then offers a nod to Starling. "What she said. Though I'd put it in the other order, since I'm profoundly egocentric." Etienne's comment gets a faint snort. "They practice that over at the temple of Gild, right? 'Avarice builds cities'?" Now that the sermon is over he greets everyone he didn't get to earlier. "Marquessa, Lady Delilah, Lady Monique, Master Grayhope." He looks around for a moment, frowning just slightly, but doesn't say anything else.

Whatever Monique says has Alessandro letting out a little noise of amusement, not //quite// a snort, but almost. Or maybe it is a snort! But the expression on his face is fond as he nods in thanks to Etienne, replying, "I am glad to hear it, Archlector." But then hugging Simone for real, and when he pulls back he continues, "Thank you for coming; I appreciate your presence." His eyes move to Tynan then with a little more amusement, and he adds, "I have many hidden talents. None of them useful, but that is neither here nor there." His eyes move to Gwenna then, and his smile widens a little when she mentions Lorenzo. "Thank you for coming in his stead," he says. "I shall count that as him being present as well. I am still looking forward to your betrothal announcement." He looks past then, to Starling, and lifts a hand to her to wave in a welcoming way, then turns to Appolonia. "Thank you," he says. "I appreciate your presence, and I am glad it was worth listening to."

Delilah remains upon the bench in the unwinding after the sermon, seated comfortably so for a moment. Long fingers pressed to her lips, she lowers her hand after a moment to dust her skirts clear to her shoes. Care executed to rise from that space, she provides a gracious smile to Tynan. "I have not had the pleasure here for some time." Alessandro she will approach after the others, allowing an opportunity to mingle. Those sea-bright eyes mark others in kind, the occasional softer comment spoken in a light lilting tone. Returning the Seraceni lady's nod in kind, she dares to smile but a moment.

Starling has left the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Monique waves a greeting to Niklas and Sabella, now that's she risen and turned to view the congregation. "Princess and Prince Grayson. Lovely to see you both here, out and about. Princess Sabella, I'm holding that costume for you," she informs her stubbornly, if warmly.

Tynan inclines his head at Simone, "Marquessa, such a delight to see you once more. You grace us all by your sheer presence." Giving her a quick flash of a smile, before he adds to Alessandro, "That is the key to hidden talents. You keep them well-hidden and then pull them out to shock-and-awe. That way, nobody can tell how pointless they are in the end. Not that I believe a word you say, of course, my Lord. I imagine your talents to be far from pointless." There's his name and he glances back at Starling, "You could do much worse than have Princess Sabella do introductions. It might be months before she has gone through her social circle, but I'm certain it would be a good time in the meantime." That all said, Tynan takes a few steps to the side, out of the biggest huddle of the crowd.

"Definitely worth a listen. It is always a pleasure to hear someone speak upon duality for it is found in many things that most seem to take for granted. Something you well pointed out," Appolonia says to Alessandro as her gaze flicks back to over toward him. "Many forget that light casts the shadow." She pauses a moment and then as if remember something she says, "Lady Appolonia Seraceni." Her way of an introduction apparently.

"Oh," Gwenna replies to Alessandro with a wide smile. "I wanted to come, actually, though hoped Lorenzo might be able to slip from duties to join me. Such is the way of things, hmm? I am, as well. One would have thought such a thing might already have been announced, but surely His Grace has matters of great import before him and will eventually address a marriage from another great house into his family. " She gives a little shrug. "I did sincerely enjoy the sermon. If you hold more, please let me know? I think I would like to attend. For now, though, I suspect I should return to those ledgers I mentioned."

Etienne smiles widely at Niklas's invoking of the golden words long the steps of the shrine of Gild. "Each has their perspective, but then that is what the journey all about, your Highness." he says in return, listening and watching the small crowd mill about.

"I don't know that I could do it justice, Lady Monique," Sabella says quietly, cheek flushing just a bit as she reaches for Niklas' hand, "But thank you for saying so.

Duarte has left the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

"Master Grayhope," Starling says with a smile. "I'm sure you are right. I just feel a little out of place; I haven't your ease at fitting in." She looks back to Sabella and Niklas, before adding, "I forget my manners, Starling Ione, your highness." She smiles at Monique when the woman speaks to the Prince and Princess. "My lady," she adds, before looking back at Alessandro to flash him a smile and wave in return.

Delilah's approach gets a smile from Alessandro, and he inclines his head to her. "Lady Whitehawk," he says, "thank you very much for coming, I appreciate it." His gaze shifts back to Appolonia then, and at the introduction, replies, "Lord Alessandro Greenmarch. A pleasure to meet you. And they certainly do -- it does good to remember that." Tynan's words get a little snort of amusement, too, and he just shakes his head, but he doesn't argue, instead looking back to Gwenna. "I am sure," he replies, just //slightly// dryly, but the gaze he settles on her is warm, and the amusement does not seem directed //at// her. "I certainly will. Have a pleasant evening, Your Highness, and if you see Lorenzo before me, send my regards."

With that he starts toward Sabella and Niklas, and the former gets a hug, as well as the latter. Unless they don't want one, in which case...well, too bad, they're getting one anyway. "Thank you both so much for coming," he says, "it means a lot."

Delilah's hands clasp together, the interlacing of her fingers catching the slim spill of her skirts in a stardusted backdrop. "I am fortunate to hear such well-reasoned ideas in the person. Know I appreciated the clear effort stitched into your choice of words." Not too long, then, she adds, "Thank you. You've given me much to consider, my lord." It falls then to slip to the side, allowing each their opportunity to discuss what they would.

Niklas is calling out a greeting to Duarte as the count leaves. He gives a shrug and turns back to the party, giving Monique a broad smile at her words but not saying anything, just giving her a thankful nod. When Starling introduces herself he offers a sketch of a bow, "Mistress Ione. It is a delight." Though when Alessandro approaches he gets. that. hug! "Thank you for inviting us. I know what this means to you and if I may say you did a superlative job." He looks around, then makes a face, "Hm. I thought I'd get to say hello to Vanora. Perhaps that's why she left so quickly."

One corner of Gwenna's lips tugs up a bit higher than the other and she offers Alessandro one last dip of her head. "I will certainly give him your regards. Enjoy the rest of your evening." She gives a wave here and there, having apparently been caught up in the sermon and missed a couple of familiar faces while doing so. Alas, the ledgers wait for no one and the Redrain is soon out the door.

Tibaltus enters the shrine with a tired gait. Disappointment flashes across his face as he looks around the room. He nods respectfully to the titled individuals before departing the shrine. As he passes the wall of mirrors, he notices his reflection in one. With a shudder, he looks away from the mirror and picks up the pace in departing.

"I think you're the only one who would do it justice, more now than ever," Monique replies earnestly to Sabella, before turning her regard to Starling. "Goodwoman Starling. I was hoping I'd run into you again soon, after your chillingly accurate fortune telling. Have you told any others lately that I might find interesting?" she teases the woman. "And have you met the Archlector of Gild, Blessed Etienne Telmar?" she gestures to the handsome blond by her side in introduction.

Simone quietly moves over to Monique to give her a hug, "Hello, sister." Turning to Etienne he is greeted much the same way, "Hello, cousin. What did you both think of the sermon? I thought Alessandro did wonderfully." She turns to give Alessandro a brief smile again. Nodding over to Starling, she says gently, "I am Marquessa Simone Greenmarch. It is a pleasure to meet you Mistress Ione. I heard you introduce yourself a moment ago."

Appolonia nods to Alessandro but does not make to interrupt as he moves onward to greet others. Those gray eyes move then toward Delilah as she gives the woman a rather slow appraisal that at least does not feel anything less than curiously academic before she speaks. "Lady Whitehawk is it?" she finally asks when her gaze lifts to meet hers. "A pleasure to meet you."

"I thought it was very well done." Etienne says to Simone, returning the hug. He hears his name as Monique introduces him to Starling and gives her a warm friendly smile to accompany the introduction. "Goodwoman." he delivers with a friendly nod.

Sabella looks to Starling curiously as Monique says that bit about fortune telling, but then she's being hugged by Alessandro, "I wouldn't have missed it! You did a fantastic job, though I might have some questions for you later."

"All in the name of diversion and fun, of course, milady," Starling says, a little quickly, with a smirk at Monique's comments. "I've given some, but I cannot speak to their accuracy, of course." When more introductions are made, she dips her head to Etienne, and murmurs, "Well met, Archlector Etienne," and then to Simone, "My lady. A pleasure as well."

Alessandro has to let out a laugh at Niklas' last words, and he glances toward the door where Vanora left, though of course she has already disappeared. "Surely not," he says a little wryly as he turns back to the other man. "More likely I should worry about how it was received within the discipleship, but hopefully not." He doesn't seem //too// worried about it, though, and instead turns to Sabella. "Of course," he says, "any time. I will do my best to answer at extreme length and with many metaphors and contradictions, as is expected from a Mirrormask." He catches Simone's smile, though, and returns it warmly.

Niklas laughs at Alessandro's comment. "Well, I enjoyed it. For what it's worth. Which probably isn't a whole lot! But I thought your observations were interesting, worthwhile and, above all and most important when it comes to sermons, brief!" He offers a wave to Arthen, "Master Dayne. Good to see you again."

Monique returns Simone's hug briefly. "Hello, Simone. It was a lovely sermon, wasn't it?" She turns back to Starling and the redheaded Greenmarch's smile grows wide. "I'd love to sit down sometime soon and pick your brain on the cards you read and possible interpretations. And just get to know you a little better. Find out if you've had to use that dagger yet," the Minx teases. She offers up to Sabella, "She tells a scarily accurate fortune, not for the faint of heart, but exceptionally skilled."

That somehow a messenger manages to thread their way through the phantasmagorical relief that forms the inner sanctum is a remarkable sign of tenacity. Delilah receives the thin slip of paper between her fingers, hesitating in reading it for the more significant matter at hand. A measured regard alighting upon her might take any number of measures, foremost the mercurial shift of moods -- traced from intrigued to faintly concerned to blithe in the space of four breaths. But for the Seraceni, she inclines her head. "Lady Delilah, if you would. Delighted." There may be a trick to not looking at one's own reflection surrounded by so much glass and polished metal; difficult to ascertain if she has that, however. "Quite the delivery, wasn't it? I found the historical references quite compelling."

Arthen Dayne tosses a hand up into the air to wave back at Niklas, "Well hey, Prince Niklas! Fancy seein' you here!", he calls out, dressing himself up in that nice and easy smile for the other man.

Sabella glances from Monique to Starling curiously, then says a touch hesitantly, "I think someday I should want to hear that, but maybe not someday soon." there's a quick glance around at all the half-faced Sabella's that look back from the walls, "Ah, my love, I think I need some air. You can stay if you like." she says with a shaky voice, suddenly looking a little pale.

"Lady Delilah," Appolonia corrects then with a nod of her head. "Yes, the delivery was quite good. It is one of my favorite topics - duality. Not sure why so many fears it." Her own countenance reflects serenity as she looks from the Whitehawk toward a reflective surface, unafraid clearly by the way she does it. "Yes, the historical reference was quite lovely. I find it is important to remember where we came from, how far we must go and what is still lost to us. It is also good practice to study history and see what we can learn from the smaller details, the things many gloss over. What it may teach us."

Niklas grimaces when Sabella says she needs air and looks back to the others. "When she says that she very much means it!" With some rapid half-bows to the room in general, he starts walking his wife toward the exit. Quickly, but carefully. That floor is slick!

"Thank you, Niklas," Alessandro replies with a smile that is more just genuine, and he looks to Sabella then with a nod, watching her for just a second or two. "Good night," he says after the departing Graysons, his smile slipping just for a moment, before he turns away, starting back toward Simone and Monique, and by extension, Tynan, Starling, and Etienne. And anyone else who is over there!

"Of course. Anytime, my lady," Starling says with a flash of dimples at Monique, but then Sabella's words make her falter a bit, and she nods, stepping aside to let the princess pass. "Whenever you like, your highness," she says, somewhat softer, teeth tugging on her lower lip as she glances at Niklas, and nods her farewell to him as well. She watches them go, her brows drawing together in something like worry, before looking back to Alessandro. "Very well spoken, my lord. You have a gift with words."

Niklas has left the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Sabella has left the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

2 Grayson House Guards, Elizabetta, a disapproving lady-in-waiting, Lily, an aloof lady-in-waiting, Clark, an exasperated guard leave, following Sabella.

Isabelle, who is just so tired of everyone's nonsense, Sabella leave, following Niklas.

"Certain concepts cause discomfort because they have not been regularly studied or understood. We oft fear that which we do not know, and approach rightly in caution." Delilah's soprano carries a contemplative cast, plucked from the complex array of emotional chords available to her. She pitches her voice soft, the better not to interrupt on other conversations. "A message at the crux of the delivery, and an important one. On face value, we may read a text or hear something. The practice of analysing and studying it from the other side strengthens our own understanding, and grants an invaluable insight. You are absolutely correct, Lady Appolonia." That she heard the introduction is evident, a pause there to permit her companion to correct her for the familiarity or not. "We should seek to build the history based on facts and evidence. Knowing the narrative can suffer when lacking information or subjected to bias, too, is a difficult practice but an important one. Those details matter a great deal. Sometimes everything hinges upon context too subtle to catch at first glance." She raises her shoulders a fraction and smiles. "I intend to head to the Ambassador Salon, I think. But you are someone with whom I think I might speak all evening." That, slightly brighter, carries easily in a hall of mirrors.

It is clear that Appolonia is listening to Delilah as she speaks despite the fact that the Seraceni doesn't make the other Lady her entire focus. No, Appolonia's gaze flicks here and there to catch herself in those surfaces, so many of herself cast back at her that it brings another smile to her lips. "No, you are not wrong," she says at a pause in the conversation. "Face value seems to be something many are content with but studying it for deeper truth, deeper meaning, that is where a scholar is born. Asking those questions that few dare to even brush against." She falls back into the conversation once Delilah picks it up, another nod here or there or a glance with a knowing look. "Context is very important as one may have a sliver of something but not know what it relates to or how. That just sends the mind on a whirlwind chase." A beat. "The Ambassador? If you would like to make your way there I would be happy to continue our conversation. I could do with a good red wine about now."

Tynan has gone to regard himself in one of the many reflections around the Shrine. He just spent a lot of time here recently, after all, and he's pretty used to the look of it staring back at him at this point. He even spends a few seconds correcting his outfit before rejoining everybody else. "Lady Delilah, I enjoyed your company this evening, as I am certain that I will enjoy it again soon. I hope you don't mind if I abandon you, you seem to be in fine company?" He smiles brightly, glancing between Delilah and her conversation partner. "Although I do look forward to speaking again." With that, he heads on over towards Alessandro, Simone, Starling and whoever else happens to be there. "I'm apparently making a habit of being at the shrine now. Which isn't bad, but perhaps moderation is key when it comes to it all." He remarks, to nobody in particular.

Simone smiles faintly at Tynan and nods, "Indeed, I believe I will make my way home. Lovely to see you again, Master Tynan." Turning to the others she bows her head, "If you will all please excuse me, I find that I am very tired. I bid you all good evening." She gives a smile to Monique, Etienne and Alessandro, "Goodnight, sister and cousins." Quietly she moves to leave, still avoiding the reflections as much as possible.

Arthen has left the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Half-Mast, a surly little person leaves, following Arthen.

Those shimmering facets and images hurl plenty of fascinating images, such that they are more than a little satisfying to catch from the corner of the eye. Or perhaps they offer excellent opportunity to see the hemming job performed by a tailor of especial talent and skill. Tynan straightening himself up is a prime example. Mirth glints under lapis as she tilts her arm somewhat. "I shall forgive you, Messere Tynan. Go with my regards for them, would you?" She smiles, bidding him farewell by a kind or another. To Lady Appolonia, she dips her head in graceful agreement. "I should like that very much."

"Goodnight, Simone," Alessandro replies with a smile, before he turns toward Tynan with another laugh. "Perhaps I will make you sit in here with me more often," he says, in a way that makes it hard to tell if he's joking or not. "I should have put that in our patron contract." He turns to Monique then with another smile, "Mo. I'll see you both at home?" He looks from Simone to Monique, including them both in there, of course, before he turns to the sider audience. "Thank you all," he saus a little louder. "I am glad to have given something to think about." With that, he turns toward the sanctum, perhaps to do whatever it is a Mirrormask does in there. Who knows!

Delilah has left the Polished Reflective Bench Seating.

Appolonia has left the Perfectly Balanced Bench Seating.

Nicola, Chiara leave, following Appolonia.

Scribble, a Delicate Social Butterfly, Appolonia leave, following Delilah.

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