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Written By Gilroy

April 2, 2019, 2:59 p.m.(11/8/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaya

I feel like you need help.

If you need help you should ask someone.

Else, that is. Someone else.

Not me.

Written By Gilroy

April 1, 2019, 4:38 p.m.(11/6/1010 AR)

Is there any lie quite as adorable as "I don't associate with criminals"?

Except when I say it, of course.

/I/ would never associate with those sorts.

Written By Gilroy

March 28, 2019, 8:27 a.m.(10/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeffeth

Fucking hell, man.

Send me a messenger. We can figure out something to get you some damn alaricite.

Written By Gilroy

March 26, 2019, 7:25 p.m.(10/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

Kind of funny that the person best positioned to welcome new businesses to the Ward of the Lyceum is also the one in charge of deciding rent in two other wards.

Written By Gilroy

March 13, 2019, 9:34 a.m.(9/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

A man of depth?

How dare you, sir.

Written By Gilroy

March 12, 2019, 10:44 a.m.(9/21/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

If you've decided that your only options are letting criminals go or killing them, then you might as well do it yourself.

I can't imagine you have much experience at 'hiring' people to do things anyway.

Written By Gilroy

March 11, 2019, 11:49 a.m.(9/20/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Klaus

I'm going to have someone send you some blank sheets of paper. Perhaps I will have an associate at Scholar Oswyn Spencer's shop put lines on it for you. That way you have a nice, handy place to keep notes to yourself.

Written By Gilroy

March 6, 2019, 6:05 a.m.(9/9/1010 AR)

When talking to someone whose cousin was killed in a wolf-related incident earlier that day maybe hold on to your Not All Wolves stance for a week or so.

Written By Gilroy

March 1, 2019, 2:10 p.m.(8/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Look at this fancy lad with his /potatoes/.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 25, 2019, 8:37 a.m.(8/19/1010 AR)

I'm good not reading any pubic records of anything.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 22, 2019, 10:51 a.m.(8/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gretchen

The constant party invitations are beginning to get a little tiresome, but the speaking engagements pay well.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

I suppose we could send Brass off with Ambassador Zulana.

The Undying Empire is fine with us as long as we don't go with Cardia.

Cardia is fine with us as long as we don't go with the Undying Empire AND we don't offer Brass 'safe harbor'.

So sending him off with the Undying Empire would work.

But that leaves the charging bull.

I appreciate the idea that one doesn't stand in the way of a charging bull just because one is stubborn, but I'm not sure the cure for a charging bull is to add another charging bull. Or does Brass have a secret plan where when the armies of the Abyss rise on one side and the armies of the Sky Kingdom rise on the other the entire Compact jumps out of the way at the last second so the two of them smash into one another?

Note that I am not saying we should send Brass off because he is a hypocrite. That is a misread of my point. I dislike him because he is a hypocrite, but I dislike all sorts of people and I don't think we should throw (all of) them off of the Sovereign Bridge. Sending him off solves at least one, possibly two, problems. Embracing some random historical figure as the solution to a problem, when he asks a lot and offers vague promises in response, when it only makes more problems, is a mad response.

I don't necessarily know who Ashe is, but she once told me a very old story with the vividness of someone who may have been there, and people seemed very impressed when she stood, so I feel comfortable quoting her: "Darkness is gathering. And if we stand against it, the battles may be difficult. There may be heavier losses than in previous conflicts. But they are still battles that we can win, if we all stand together."

And quoting her and Copper, "Never give up hope."

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 21, 2019, 10:25 a.m.(8/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Of course the idea of sacrificing Brass to stave off an invading force is a shocking idea. Probably even moreso for you, as mercenaries are known for their sweet and tender hearts.

After all, the heroic Metallics would never have sacrificed someone to benefit themselves or their people.

And the Compact itself has never sacrificed people for the greater good.

So I suppose you're right. There's no precedent for this sort of thing.

I'm sorry I even suggested it.

Completely unrelated, what was it Brass was planning to do with the king's kid again? I never did understand that. I feel like the Cardian said something and Brass didn't deny it, but I certainly can't remember what it was. Maybe to buy him a nice rocking horse? Kids love rocking horses.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 21, 2019, 7:58 a.m.(8/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

He's not a reformer any more than the Lenosian 'businessman' who offers 'protection' for your business in exchange for a weekly tithe. He wants something from you, but isn't at all interested in doing the work to help make it happen, and if you fail, well, it sure would be terrible if the Abyss ate everyone here.

Brass makes people feel like they have another Copper, but his demands are high and his promises vague. A Brass Knight is a hollow thing.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 20, 2019, 11:48 a.m.(8/10/1010 AR)

Say no thank you to the Undying Empire.

Say no thank you to Cardia. This will make the Undying Empire happy.

Hand Brass over to Cardia. This will make Cardia happy.

Then just keep being us.

I have a feeling this wouldn't be a popular option. I expect that there are people who like Brass too much. Having a living legend assure you that thralldom is wrong but an oligarchy is fine allows people to cut a fine line between actual slavery and economic slavery.

Written By Gilroy

Feb. 14, 2019, 10:07 a.m.(7/26/1010 AR)

This choice seems like a false dilemma.

From what I understand of Cardia we will see our culture replaced, our gods made a trifle and our heroes turned into local folk stories. Also, mass slavery and maybe we have to replace the king with a dragon? I overheard people talking about this, so I may be wrong, but if that's true then I'm not at all on board with Cardia. Dragon kings seem like they'd want a very different sort of taxes. Also, the Undying Empire will be very angry with us.

The Undying Empire seems like there'd be a least amount of change, except that at a moment's notice the Emperor might decide that he needs to control a bunch of people directly and then that just happens. Seems really creepy. Also, Cardia will be very angry with us.

A lot of people like Brass.

I think my problem with Brass is that he's a tremendous hypocrite.

He's supposedly against slavery, but he still participates in perpetuating a system where a tiny number of people benefit greatly from the efforts of the vast majority. He's supposedly against thralldom, but doesn't appear to have any interest in helping us get rid of it beyond being preachy about it. He's got all the convictions of a Cardian, though less of the malevolence to be sure, but without any of the interest in backing up what he says. He's shallow. A hollow replacement for Copper. Who I can't help but notice didn't leave us any sort of a suggestion that Brass was a preferred option.

And Ashe basically says for us to keep doing what we're doing. I like that.

Cardia wants to own us. The Undying Empire wants to use us. Brass wants us to be his ideal. Ashe wants us to be us.

Frankly, I'm for us.

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 16, 2019, 11:44 a.m.(5/16/1010 AR)

Noting that I myself am not particularly religious, it is still surprising to see and hear from many nobles who are loudly and stridently voicing disagreement with the recent decisions made by the leaders of the Faith.

People may love those to whom they have given their fealty, but when times get scary, the common folk seek the refuge and comfort of the Faith.

Times are getting very scary. Peers would do well not to challenge their people to choose between them and the sixth great house.

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 15, 2019, 4:13 p.m.(5/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

First doing a heresy and now this.

It's just not your month!

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 14, 2019, 8:44 a.m.(5/10/1010 AR)

I think it's important to look at the bright side of the Great Road conflict.

It's given a lot of people a chance to be very self-righteous!

Written By Gilroy

Jan. 11, 2019, 9:36 p.m.(5/5/1010 AR)

I did such a good job of talking up Sir Corban you'd almost think I'd met the man.

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