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Written By Leta

Jan. 20, 2019, 10:14 a.m.(6/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

<This entry is dated to 24/05/1010. The handwriting is especially bad, even for Leta.>

It's been two years. It feels like it might as well have been yesterday.

The world has changed. Too much, if you ask me. But I always said that, didn't I? Truth is I liked it when things were simpler, when we didn't know about all these unnatural things that crawl in the corners of the world. I had a sword and I had my arms and that was that, and magic was something in the stories my nan used to tell me. I don't know what to make of all this, and I don't reckon I ever will.

For a while, it didn't matter. I had a star to guide me by, such as sailors do. I knew where my North was, or rather my South I suppose. I still ask myself what you'd want me to do, sometimes. What you'd think of things, like these foreigners and the road and all. But it's not the same. Used to be I had a purpose, and I don't feel like I've much of one these days. Things change but I don't. It's like I'm still stuck in the bloody muck of Setarco after all this time.

Maybe this ought to go in the Blacks, but folk forget too quickly. And maybe some day I'll do something heroic and worth speaking of. And then maybe Scholars of years to come, if they haven't all been killed, will want to learn more and ask why, and here they'll have it. Odds are I won't live to do great deeds, but you never know. And if I sacrifice myself for something, folk will talk about glory and honor and foolish things like that. Odds are I'll do because it would make you laugh.

I wish we'd never left home. Setarco would've done fine without us.

Meowlarice misses you too.

Your Leta.

Written By Eleyna

Aug. 14, 2018, 11:15 a.m.(5/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Gods, I miss you.

Written By Eleyna

June 3, 2018, 10:07 p.m.(11/28/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

I wish you could have seen it, Sera. You were always the more adventurous of the two of us. You would have been amazed.

Written By Ainsley

May 1, 2018, 2:49 a.m.(8/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

An addendum: No, further thinking. You'd be the first to tell me: If this is a curse, stop bitching, get your sword, and kill the person who laid it.

Written By Ainsley

May 1, 2018, 2:47 a.m.(8/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

As I sit here at my desk, staring at these figurines I've worked with artists to have made... I cannot help but feeling guilt. Is this my fault? Did I place a curse upon us? First Valkerie, then Killian, and now you. That leaves only me and Leta left.

The guilt creeps in, and worry now, for Leta. But I think that you would be the first person to smack me and tell me: "It's not all about you, Ainsley".

I didn't spend enough time with you.

I'm sorry, my friend.

Written By Eleyna

April 3, 2018, 1:04 p.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

There are no more tears left. All that remains in a small, empty part of my heart where your memory now lives. I know you wouldn't want me to spend a moment longer lost in this grief than I must be. You were always telling me to embrace life more fully. To stop thinking and just -be-. But, I must admit, it is has been difficult.

My children have helped pull me free of the shadows in my head. As has Talen. And Ettore, in his way. Sometimes, I fool myself that you are just gone, the way that you were before. I just tell myself you are gone and can get through the day. And then I remember that, this time, you will never come back and all the darkness comes pouring back in.

You will never see another summer. You will never see my children grow up or teach Donato how to properly hold a blade or tell my girls how to do that prank with the honey and the ants. My children will only know you and remember you from the stories that we will tell them of their wild Aunt Serafine. I will never see the way your face lit up when you spoke about Leta again. You will never challenge Talen to another duel as I watch, delighted, that you hold your own against him. You will never attend another family dinner and drive me to frustration as the whole lot of you threaten a food fight. I will never disappoint you again by being logical when you need me to show how I feel.

I am selfish in that I wanted more time with you before you returned to the wheel. You have left and taken a piece of me with you.

Yet, dwelling on this grief is not the Velenosa way.

Everyday, it hurts a little less. Everyday, I am adapting to the idea of a life without you in it.

Written By Merek

April 3, 2018, 11:17 a.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

You were a wonderful friend, and I wish for nothing more than your turn on the Wheel to be the best. I wish that the tides of war turned a little bit differently, but I understand why you fought. Thank you for being the friend to me that you were.

Written By Marik

March 27, 2018, 9:55 a.m.(6/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Never my favorite. But always brave, often at the worst of times.

Get well soon.

Written By Valencia

March 24, 2018, 2:48 p.m.(6/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

When I was a little girl I idolized my cousin. I still do I think. She was everything I wanted to be. Brave, strong, wild and free. She did as she pleased. She had such light and fire. I remember trying so very hard to be like her, much to my cousin Luca and Cicero's amusement and my parents disdain.

When I returned to Arx she was among the first to welcome me home. Got me into a drinking contest with Aksel, Sigurd and Mydas at the Spirits. She was so proud when I out drank Mydas. I swear I was so happy my heart could have burst. To have her be proud of me like that was like setting in the rays of the most beautiful sunrise.

My Sera is gone now. I will never again lose composure and jump up to cheer wildly for her in a match like some wild thing. I will never again nearly knock us both over with a far too joyous and reckless hug at seeing her again. I will no longer have new and wonderful ways to be so proud and happy for her and wish in my heart of hearts that I could be just as magnificent as her.

I will miss her so terribly I cannot breath with the thought of it.

My heart goes out to Dame Leta, all my family and those who loved her best. I am here if I am needed. As always. As ever. I pray they know how much she loved them. It is a little thing, but such an important thing.

There has been talk of the importance of family. We talk a lot about it in these times. Serafine always made me feel loved and important when she was near. I never questioned my worth to her or that I was her family. Perhaps that is what I will miss most of all. She was and will always be my sweetest, most beloved cousin. My family by blood and heart.

Farewell, my wonderful, beautiful cousin. Maybe one day I shall be a little more wild and strong like you. I promise that I will always love as deep and true as you did. I hope I will make you proud one day.

Written By Mydas

March 22, 2018, 9:24 a.m.(5/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

I am sorry you did not live to see these times, sister, when we could acknowledge each other as such. That your death proved to be the catalyst hardly seems to make up for it, does it? I've looked back on our correspondence, our promise to find the time to spend with one-another, when we would not be so pressed for time.

It's those little things that hammer in the fact that you're gone. I hope your next spin upon the Wheel gives you what you enjoyed of this life and more.

Written By Silas

March 22, 2018, 2:43 a.m.(5/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

It took me a bit to register it when I got the news that you had fallen. When I became the Lord Commander of a tattered Iron Guard in the wake of Everard's betrayal, I relied on you heavily in the weeks that followed to maintain order because I knew your strength. I knew I could throw you at something with confidence that it will be handled, because you weren't just someone who fought extremely well but you also understood people and could easily adapt. You were someone who was fun to hang out with and didn't take yourself too seriously.

We will miss you, Serafine. I will miss you.

Written By Eleyna

March 21, 2018, 10:14 p.m.(5/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

I kept my promise.

Written By Cassius

March 21, 2018, 3:28 p.m.(5/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

I still remember the mice. The fights we never meant. The bouts. The pranks.

I wish those days were to come again. Days of mice and song.

You will be missed. By your people. Your loved ones. By me. Always.

Written By Theron

March 21, 2018, 2:11 p.m.(5/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

We weren't close, but we fought together.

I barely knew you, but I could see the prowess in your motions as you took the fight to things other people will deny even exist.

It was an honor to have met you, and I hope that, should I meet you again in this life, or in the next, that we become good friends.

Princess Serafine Velenosa, you will never be forgotten. By your deeds you will be known.

Written By Reese

March 21, 2018, 10:33 a.m.(5/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

I was not as close to Princess Serafine as many, but I would still like to take the time to write about her.

When I was a little Reese, losing all my spars, didn’t have command over anything, not even a litter of kittens, Serafine was kind to me. She would spar with me, train with me, showed great patient for my lack of ability and yet it went deeper than that. Princess Serafine also showed faith, hope and belief with me. She was this tiny, badass, powerhouse of a warrior and when I looked upon her, I felt hope that I could also be badass.

One of mine earlier experiences with her was when we went into the Grayson forest to escort refugees back. Duke Dagon was the leader of the mission and Princess Serafine was there. This really stands out to me, because it was my first mission into the Gray Forest. Many more would follow, but Serafine was there at the first. She fought so well, but that is not what I remember most about her on this mission. There was a little girl there and Serafine showed this great kindness to her and all the other children refugees there. She was there as a warrior, but she showed a motherly love to those who lost everything to Brand.

Another memory that stands out is when Lord Ansel showed opened the now famous gauntlet for the very first time. He opened it at a Ministry of Defense meeting, back in the day, when I was all wide-eyed and just amazed to be welcome at such meetings at all. Serafine was there with Leta and this was the first time I realize notice the intense and great love between them. It is hard to fully put this into words what happened there as we all ran the gauntlet, but the spark between them was so intense and it wasn’t just the spark of lust, although that was there. It was the deeper bond of a full and trusting alliance. I believe that Leta fell off one of the obstacles if I remember right, but it was so long ago, but the memory of Serafina at her side after that fall is a powerful one.

As most know and as nobody needs said, Princess Serafine was an amazing warrior princess who fought battle after battle. She is a hero against Silence and she is a hero against the sea beast. She is example for other warrior princesses to follow. She is badass while still being be real, humble, kind, mothering and approachable. Very few badasses well ever be as chill and as unhindered by pride as Princess Serafine There is none like her and never will be again.

Written By Saoirse

March 19, 2018, 3:26 a.m.(5/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Only way to come, I say.

Written By Marik

Feb. 5, 2018, 9:58 a.m.(2/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Are you taunting me, my dear daughter? Have I taught you nothing? Perhaps you should consult with your sister before attempting such a ridiculously perverse thing.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 21, 2018, 9:47 p.m.(1/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Indeed. Wetnurses are lovely. No biting I am told. Not for me.

Written By Alarissa

Jan. 17, 2018, 8:40 a.m.(12/25/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

She is a pearl of the highest order, dear Princess Velenosa. It will be a lucky man who stands with her as she guides Maelstrom, the Mourning Isles and moves side by side with the rest of the Compact to guide Arvum together in the future.

Written By Talen

Jan. 10, 2018, 3:44 p.m.(12/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Oh, you can hear us? Oops.

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