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Written By Cambria

Jan. 24, 2024, 10:12 p.m.(8/13/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I am not sure I shall ever be able to thank you enough for what you did for my House, and the people of Ostria. Among those I count as instrumental to our survival, your name shines brightly. If anyone has ever needed proof that you are a hero most deeply despised by our enemy, then I stand as witness to the constant onslaught you suffered against the worst of monstrosities. They came against you without surcease, and you did not falter. I watched your sword arm cut them down as though guided by Gloria herself. I saw you suffer blows that caused my heart to leap into my throat, and still you did not fall.

In that one fateful moment, when it appeared as though they would overwhelm you through sheer numbers alone, it was my honor to be able to be at your side quickly enough in order to pull you back to your feet.

Fighting beside you has been one of my greatest privileges. However long my days are numbered, you can rely on me to remain a steadfast ally and friend, and source of support, as you were for us. The hope that you inspired among my people when they saw you upon the battlements cannot be readily expressed in words. It was something that could only be felt.

May you always be remembered as the great soul that you are.

Written By Lou

July 4, 2022, 7:03 a.m.(12/12/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Oh, how I wish you were here dearest sister. How I have a need to bend your ear and seek your advice, but I know you are off on grand adventures for the Faith and would not pull you away from them. You are loved and missed and I wish for all of the world that you might stay safe.

Written By Hadrian

Sept. 5, 2021, 12:06 a.m.(2/23/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Aside from thanks, I find myself wondering of late what sort of gift one gives to a hero. The news out of and about Bastion is troubling, but I do find some things in it all to take a measure of solace. Despite such a dark moment in our Compact's history, there are still moments of heroism that stand out as stark reminders that even in the most heart wrenching times there are glimmers of hope and distinct acts of bravery that shed some light on an otherwise dismal moment.

I heard talk of one of my proteges embracing her duty as a templar and attempting to claim the head from the proverbial snake. By all accounts that I've heard, Dame Reese took strides to bring a swift end to the enemy's leadership. My understanding is that her efforts likewise drew a good deal of attention to her efforts and disrupted what were surely carefully laid plans. This in turn provided time for more to seek out and achieve safety. I can't begin to fathom the toll that may have been wrought had she not performed the selfless act that she did.

It takes a particular sort of mettle to wade into chaos in search of its source, while pushing against the tide of those who are eager to be away from danger. The feats and achievements of Dame Reese over the years surely do not need me to recount them, for they speak for themselves. I will say as a patron I am proud of her distinguished actions. As someone who loves our Compact, I will offer thanks to the Pantheon that Dame Reese is among us. As an associated bordering on a friend, I will say that I am pleased beyond words that she was able to have such a close brush with danger and able to live to see her next battle.

The question for me becomes what does one gift a hero, beyond simple gratitude? What does one gift someone who is humble enough not to proclaim their actions as heroic and vital to the world? What gift does one offer to someone who more than likely doesn't even want a gift?

Medals are a great form of recognition. I haven't given someone a medal in a while. Medals are fun.

Written By Sorrel

Aug. 22, 2021, 6:15 p.m.(1/25/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I particularly want to thank you for your heroism at Bastion. I knew in a moment that you were willing to die to protect everyone at the Cathedral, and the thought of losing you broke my heart a little. That, and knowing that I very much did not intend for you to die alone, if it came down to that. We have not been close for a long time, but you were instrumental in helping me get my bearings when I first arrived in Arx from Blancbier. I have nothing but respect for you, and so I was immensely relieved that you managed to escape Baston unscathed.

Written By Mabelle

Aug. 21, 2021, 1:22 p.m.(1/22/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Thank you.

Written By Dio

Jan. 6, 2021, 12:58 p.m.(9/14/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Owen asked to accompany me to visit Princess Reese Grayson. I had written for an audience hoping to gain some advice, but Owen had heard that the princess's watchtower contains a library and gallery with some of the rarest books and paintings.

I met the princess as she was curled up on a couch. I have not the words to describe her beauty. She has golden hair, eyes the color of the Saffron Sea, and movements both supple and graceful, but her strength lies at its core. She is honest, and says what she thinks and feels along with her reasons. Her dimples show when she smiles, and her cheeks are prone to color when she is touched by passion. She is humble, yet regal in a manner that commands respect. Her martial prowess is beyond question, and her manner of teaching is direct and challenging, but not devoid of warmth and encouragement.

I had the lowest opinion of knights before I came to Arx. With the exception of Sir Ari, I'd found them pompous, sanctimonious and inefficient. My experiences in Arx have wholly changed that view. My combat training, with the exception of that granted by the Warchief of House Redrain, has come entirely from knights: Dame Alexis, Sir Jeffeth, Lady Brigid and Princess Reese. Though I confess I have absolutely no desire to give up my life of raiding, pleasure seeking and general dissipation to join a knightly order, I have come to recognize the knights of the Compact as dedicated warriors, who strive, in their way, to bring honor to Gloria and their Houses.

Perhaps I shall have to take back all of those things I said about Porter.

Owen and I left Princess Reese's watchtower wiser and more prepared for what we will face. She has my gratitude, and we look forward to our next opportunity to take advantage of her hospitality.

Written By Danielle

May 18, 2020, 6:26 a.m.(4/23/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

You hear legends about people like the Knight of Ribbons. And they rarely do the source justice. She is so kind, so warm, so fierce, and so brave. I cannot believe she's offered to train me. What an opportunity. I am so happy right now! My tactics have always been a strong suit, and my father's sword. But to have such a hero helping me learn... is such an honor. She fought the same forces mine own father fought, but lived to tell the tale.

Written By Anisha

May 10, 2020, 10:01 a.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I met Princess Reese fairly quickly after I'd arrived in Arx. In the Golden Hart. It would take some effort to recall the exact circumstances - so much of my memory is devoted to her. We talked, we connected. We became instant friends. And before she left, she asked if I would give her the honour of being my patron.

It stunned me. Here she was, the famed Princess in Pink. Ribbons. Hero of The Silent War, of the Gyre War, and the Battle at the Lodge. General of the Grayson Armies.

Really, there are books written about her, you don't need me spending pages upon pages of parchment listing her accomplishments.

The point is I was stunned. The point is, I had to stop myself from shouting yes. I took a few days, asked around a bit. Everyone seemed to think it was an excellent idea.

Reader, they were right.

I accepted Princess Reese as my patron, and I have not regretted it for a moment. She has always been supportive and kind. We sent each other little attentions - she'd find something in a store that made her think of me, and I would do so in turn. She'd introduce me to so many people. And we both got to look glamorous together, on each other's arms.

She guided me from being a simple Whisper arriving in Arx, until I had the pleasure of accepting the title of Softest from my Radiant.

She is, and forever will be, my Princess. And I hope she will forever think of me fondly as her Whisper.

The astute among the city know she is no longer my patron. It was not an easy choice, nor should it be.

But Princess Reese and Emissary Jadara met, and sat down, and I believe the three of us are in accord.

Princess Reese is a brilliant star in the sky of the Compact. And no-one can take from her the time we spent together. She is a fine patron, and I will never stop singing her praises.

But as the Compact and Arx opens themselves up to the greater stage of the world, as we deal with foreign nations more directly, well.

I need someone to prepare me for that.

My Princess was and is perfect, and I cherish her and her friendship. And I am thrilled that we continue to have a close bond.

And I am so, so very blessed to have her support in looking outwards. In learning from Emissary Jadara.

In striving to be the best I can be. As Anisha. As Whisper. As Softest.

Thank you, my Princess.

May the Thirteen always smile upon you and your labours, and may they each grant you their blessings in turn.

Written By Rysen

Feb. 11, 2020, 2:50 p.m.(9.795949074074073/24.57314814814815/1012.7329957561728 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

The Boast

O fie! Fie on you bejeweled combs and pins
Of alaricite, or star iron rich!
With all your gaudy, pompous luster bright -
Never will rest in hair of Glory's knight!

While I, though of soft silk in blooming pink,
Do to a fall of purest gold yet cling.
While you at seasons end are cast aside,
I with my knight to holy battle ride!

You boast expensive jewels that richly gleam?
Only till you are junked, and they redeemed.
So silence! Give your snobbish airs a rest,
And weep that Jayus me has highest blest!

For while you rust, I for all history
Will be named with peerless Princess Reese!

Written By Anisha

Feb. 1, 2020, 8:12 a.m.(9.062344990079366/4.491319444444445/1012.6718620825067 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

My Princess has been named the Sword of Bastion. A great honour for her, and as her protege, I can't help but feel pride. I know she is proud too. She carries on a great legacy, and I am certain she will add a bold chapter to Elvesbane's legends.

Her appointment comes alongside the declaration that House Grayson is rallying the banners. That, of course, is less fortunate. The Compact has known peace for scant time, and I've seen whites expressing worries in various directions.

I say that when the weapons are drawn, my mission has failed. But sometimes, weapons must be drawn to protect that which we care for. I have faith. Faith in the Compact, faith in the people who are drawing arms to protect us. Faith in my Princess.

She will draw on the virtues of Gloria and she will staunchly defend our values, and she will stand shoulder to shoulder with so, so many others willing to do the same.

And I am thankful.

And I will do my best to remind people why they fight.

That is the least I can do.

Written By Rysen

Dec. 2, 2019, 4:32 p.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Reese's Song

From the House of Grayon,
There rides the perfect knight,
Her hair the purest gleam of gold,
From which ribbons take their flight.

When not on missions daring,
She trains with sword and lance;
She's once this poet truly blessed
With a graced, enchanting dance!

Nor less a poet is this knight
Whose epic not of ink,
But of mighty deeds was wrought,
Of which Seraphic choirs sing!

Yet stand beside this warrior,
This princess, glorious and bright,
Mercy sweet, and Kindness,
Who attend her with delight.

My muse, though bold and soaring,
Cannot yet find the means
To express the fiery ecstasy
When her lips did touch my cheek.

O dauntless scourge of evil!
O friend to holy peace!
To Lagoma rise my ardent songs
In thanks for Princess Reese!

Written By Mabelle

Sept. 18, 2019, 12:36 p.m.(11/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I was very honoured when Princess Reese asked me to watch over her dogs while she goes on a certain mission. But then I understood the possible result.

I hope the Princess and the delegation will be triumphant and return well and hale.

Written By Mabelle

Sept. 8, 2019, 3:34 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

If by now you did not know we are friends, I am doing something wrong.

Written By Willow

Sept. 7, 2019, 9:48 a.m.(10/16/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

All of my friends are married, pregnant, or both, except Reese. Thank you for being such good company and the nights spent laughing together. You really are my best friend, and I feel so lucky to be able yo say that of someone I love and admire so very much. Princess, you have the loveliest heart and the most beautiful manner.

Written By Sparte

Sept. 4, 2019, 10:43 a.m.(10/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

There are many who have changed in the time I've known them in Arx. People who have grown or wilted.

Princess Reese has been through many trials that I cannot imagine were deserved, and the recognition I believe she deserves for her accomplishments have not always been offered. Yet in the time I have known her she has managed to weather this and continue to grow. A bold pink flower that refuses to wilt on any battlefield.

I am honored to know her and look forward to seeing her story continue. May it be an inspiration to others who will boldly stand and define themselves.

Written By Miranda

Aug. 25, 2019, 2:51 p.m.(9/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese


I've said I will do it and I will.

Ribbons? When shall I climb your Tower?

I know Lady Isabetta wants to make a race of it, but I was actually intending it to be a fun thing to see if it's even possible to climb the outside.

Wouldn't that be a sight? And the prize within?

What say you, Ribbons? A kiss?

Written By Delia

Aug. 18, 2019, 11:20 a.m.(9/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I was as honoured to be Princess Reese's guest as she was to have me. An enjoyable time and beautiful clothing to admire all around. What more could I ask for?

Written By Vanora

June 21, 2019, 10:51 p.m.(4/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I had a fabulous drink and an even better conversation with Princess Reese this morning.

Since then, I've seen only more evidence of what we discussed, Highness.

And it is such a shame.

Written By Evander

May 25, 2019, 11:57 p.m.(3/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I had occasion to attend the Princess Reese's book party. I must admit, it was more than worth hauling myself out from the Kay for: she had bookshelf after bookshelf of useful tomes, which she was handing out for free. I'm sure this will keep me busy for at least a couple of weeks while I go through them. Some of them reference points of history I'm aware of, providing another perspective to an event, and some are wholly new to me, yet both are equally welcome in wealth.

I look forward to seeing the Princess Reese's library. From all accounts it's very extensive and well worth the visit.

Written By Willow

May 24, 2019, 2 a.m.(2/27/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

You are light and joy and victory
Determined and beautiful.
My soul soars when we are together,
You make me feel safe and loved.

I have never known anyone like you.
The blush of valor, shining hope.
You have been hurt so badly by those closest,
They are blinded to your radiance, undeserving of it.

I wish I could make you feel whole,
Take the sting from the scars
That the slings and arrows of life
Have left upon your heart.

You are a thundering of hooves
Shining knight on a white horse,
Unafraid to display your femininity
And yet the strongest person i know.

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