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Written By Thesarin

June 30, 2018, 2:19 p.m.(2/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

I said the same to a man named Eshkorin of Greenblood, when I was nearabouts your age. Different words in a different tongue in a different world, but even so.

I'll pass on what he told me, all them years ago:

If you find a trick to manage it, do let me know.

Written By Thesarin

June 28, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(2/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

The legends and the living of them don't often have much to do with each other, how I've found.

Written By Thesarin

June 11, 2018, 12:14 a.m.(12/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

For hosting the Deepwood Harvest Festival, and giving a dear-needed smile to my face: thank you, Marquessa.

Written By Thesarin

June 10, 2018, 10:24 p.m.(12/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

With the opening of the Academy of War in Arx, the Compact has a place for all the Compact to learn together, on how to stand against the threats we face.

With some fortune, and good choices, might be this helps us stand together, how we have against these dark days past, and do more in the dark days coming.

Count and Countess Keaton, and Natalia Whisper, deserve every part of credit for the work they've done.

Written By Thesarin

June 4, 2018, 12:07 a.m.(11/28/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Nigel

My brother by marriage has returned to Arx. The days ahead can be reckoned dark ones, but they might be brightened by family being close.

Written By Thesarin

May 20, 2018, 11:15 p.m.(10/12/1008 AR)

My wife's cousin, Lord Liam Riven, has made his way to Arx.

It's been years since I saw the man, and he's grown to his place at the Knights of Solace.

I stand with him, kin in honor.

Written By Thesarin

May 20, 2018, 3:41 p.m.(10/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Rohran

I want my children to be happier than I've been.

I want them to have everything our name and station affords them.

I want them to have a land of peace and security, that one could hardly know as the stretch of burned fields and mass graves I rode to, all them years ago.

I want them to have a world that fits them, without losing who they are.

I want them to live long, full lives without drawing steel off of a practice-yard.

Written By Thesarin

May 19, 2018, 11:45 a.m.(10/9/1008 AR)

The Grey Forests are never a safe place to venture, but even less so of late.

Whole villages are abandoned, taken as slaves, or made sacrifice to dark powers.

Anyone venturing far from the cities should go armed and ready.

Written By Thesarin

May 13, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(9/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I reckon I need to stop by, if only to see what all this is about.

Written By Thesarin

April 30, 2018, 4:56 p.m.(8/25/1008 AR)

I wonder who it was, bought the portrait of the green lady from the Laurent auction.

Have to say, while it was finely painted... wouldn't care for it on my walls. Put me off, I don't mind saying.

Written By Thesarin

April 22, 2018, 10:23 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

Today marks the opening of the Embassy to the Nox'alfar. A strange building, but a place to make peace is a fine place to have.

Princess Jaenelle, and all them who worked to build it, have done well by it.

Written By Thesarin

April 8, 2018, 11:56 p.m.(7/8/1008 AR)

Another year of the Crew Race, and again the trophy comes to Grayson.

My thanks to Princess Alarissa for hosting the event, and my congratulations to all the crews who pulled an oar. It was a fine showing from all corners of the Compact.

Written By Thesarin

March 25, 2018, 10:37 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

It's been asked that those of us who were at Stormwall put to words what we saw at the battle.

Saw more soldiers than I had in all my life, when we stood to muster. Northmen and Oathlanders and Crownlanders and soldiers of the Faith.

I stood at the beaches when the first waves came. Saw Alban Farshaw lead off the cavalry to scatter the first landers, saw Sir Holden riding out with Esoka. Saw Rey Laveer tending to the wounded while arrows and burning pitch fell onto the ranks.

Saw the spirits of the sky striking at the ships that were coming. Sank some and drove the rest away. Called by Khanne Stormcaller and the other Shamans. That ain't a sight I'm like to forget.

Past that, all I can talk of is an attack like a river of bodies. Broke on the walls again and again, but never let up and never ebbed. We fought, and we bled, and I can talk of Michael Bisland bringing the troops to force the ladders off the walls.

I didn't see it, but Eirlys Greenmarch's sacrifice should never go unremembered. Or my wife, Countess Mia Riven, standing guard over the wounded as they were carried out.

But most of what I can tell of Stormwall is fucking hours of bloody fighting and bloody retreat in the rain and storm, until we set the whole city to the torch.

Written By Thesarin

March 21, 2018, 8:49 p.m.(5/26/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Terese

I did not hear her Highness complain when the heathens at Redrain called down lightning to strike down the ships of the enemy.

And of the troops I lead to relieve her when she took a hurt in battle, I can't say for sure they all prayed to the new gods over the old.

I'd find out, but most are past asking.

Written By Thesarin

March 18, 2018, 9:33 p.m.(5/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Emily

A good commander always tries to bring back all their people, and rarely will. That's the bloody business.

And a good commander can't hesitate to spend their people, when needs be. Being over cautious can lose a battle, let your enemy take the initiative, wind up a slaughter. Can't lead folk to war without being ready to send them out where you know there's no coming back.

Hell of a business, all told.

Written By Thesarin

March 4, 2018, 11:19 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

I've known Dame Esoka of the Greenwoods all her days. From our times in the woods, to when we walked into civilization together, when she was made a knight of the Compact, and when she took the Swords of House Riven to carry.

Stood by her at the walls in the Siege of Arx, fought with her in the Forests.

And now I've seen her married, to a man who makes her happy.

Dark days coming, but this is a good one.

Written By Thesarin

March 2, 2018, 1:37 p.m.(4/15/1008 AR)

Once there was a girl who was called Sparrow, of the Redcrows, and she lived in a village with her people. She sang and spoke with sweet music, which is why she was called Sparrow.

One day, when she was weaving baskets in the river, she saw a man from the Greenwoods tribe standing at the bank. So she pulled her knife, because their people and hers were at war, but he said stop! I have not come to hurt you. Our elders have talked with yours, and there can be a peace between us.

Sparrow was glad to hear this, but she did not lower her knife. She said, then why have you come sneaking through the woods to talk to me alone at the river?

The man from the Greenwoods sighed and he said, it is because Wildfire is in the woods with his warriors, and until he returns to the lands of the Greenwoods, he is still their War Chief, and he does not want peace. The man from the Greenwoods said, Wildfire wants to fight your War Chief, who is called Egret, and beat her in battle, and cut off her head, and tie it to his saddle, and take her name and deeds to his own, so he will be the man who killed Egret in battle. The man from the Greenwoods said, you must flee, for Wildfire is coming, and he will leave ash and death behind him, so you must flee, and keep fleeing, until Wildfire turns around, and returns to the Greenwoods, and there can be peace between us.

And Sparrow said, no, this cannot be. If we flee our villages, and Wildfire burns our homes and takes our herds, then the Redcrows will not let there be peace. We will make Greenwood suffer as we have suffered, and there cannot be peace between our peoples.

So the man of the Greenwoods was saddened, but he only said, then I am sorry, but still, you must flee, for Wildfire is coming to make orphans and leave ash and death behind him. And he went back into the woods.

Sparrow left the stream, and ran back to her village. She found the warriors who had stayed there, and she said, go into the forest. Find Egret, and tell her that Wildfire is coming. Go out and return in strength. And Sparrow went through the village, to open every door, and build a great bonfire, and slaughter the best picks from their herds, and set them to roast.

And so Wildfire and his warriors came in the night, with Wildfire and his Blood Warriors at their head. They had bones in their hair, and paint on their faces, and Marks of their battles from waist to neck in ink and scars. Seasoned warriors, and killers without mercy. And Sparrow went out to meet them, with her hair down over her face, and dropped to her knees. She said to him, is it true you are the War Chief to the Greenwoods, Orphan-Maker and River-Wolf, the mighty Wildfire who leaves ash and death behind him.

Wildfire swelled his chest, and laughed, and sad that it was so, and he was here to kill the warriors and make orphans of their children, to burn the village to ash, and to take their herds, and piss in their fires.

So Sparrow said, the warriors are all gone, out with Egret, and the herders and farmers and basket-makers who remain have left every door open, and made a great fire, and slaughtered the picks of their herd, and if the Greenwoods would stay their blades until the roast was finished, they could have a fine feast with sweet ciders, and not only dust and ash in their mouths.

Since there was no battle worth singing of, Wildfire and his warriors dismounted, and went to the fire, and waited for the roast. While they sat, Sparrow sang to them, and gave them fruits and nuts from the woods, and strong ciders to quench their thirsts. And when the roast was finished, the Greenwoods ate their fill and more, and they laughed and sang and drank deeper, and they danced around the fire, and fell asleep under the stars and in the homes or the beds of the Redcrows.

And when the morning came, Wildfire was among the last to wake, and he woke to the smell of roasting fruits over the embers of the fire. Sparrow said to him, good morning, mighty Wildfire, we have begun to prepare your breakfast, and the children are out gathering fruit. So instead of killing the villagers, the Greenwoods ate well, and drank deep, and when night came they danced and sang, and so it was for three days and three nights, until Egret and her warriors came toward the village. And so the Greenwoods strapped on their armors, and gathered their weapons, and made ready to fight, and Sparrow went to one of the children of the village, and said go to Egret, and tell her to let the Greenwoods return safely to their lands, for they are our guests and I will not see them come to harm.

Wildfire heard her speak, and he said, I am not a guest. I have come a conqueror, and been given a conqueror's due. And I will fight Egret, and beat her in battle, and cut off her head, and tie it to my saddle, and take her name and deeds to my own, so I will be the man who killed Egret in battle.

And Sparrow said, oh! What sort of manners are these! You came to find a bonfire in your honor, and every door open to you; not one man or woman of the Redcrows denied you anything, or raised a hand in violence. We brought you our finest meats and sweetest ciders, we treated you as most honored guests for three days and three nights. Now we give you free and safe passage back to your lands, and instead you would kill our people? You and the Greenwoods will be cursed if you do this, to the sight of the Twelve and One and the old gods of the winds and waters, despised to all peoples and tribes of the Forests.

The Greenwoods stood amazed, knowing it was true. Wildfire knew he had been tricked, and he flew into a rage, taking his sword to kill Sparrow, and it took four of the Blood Warriors to hold his sword into its sheath, and drag him out of the village raging and cursing, while they thanked Sparrow for her fine hospitality and that of her people.

And so the Redcrows and the Greenwoods made peace between them, and when Sparrow was made a speaker for her people, she came to the Greenwoods as the most honored of guests, denied nothing, and given three days and four nights of their finest food, and drink, and song, and celebration.

--From the collected lore of the Grey Forest Prodigals, organized by Mia Riven, AR 1007

Written By Thesarin

Feb. 21, 2018, 4:09 p.m.(3/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

Legate Orazio wondered at why folk give worship to the spirits. Answered best I could.

Didn't mean to say that our people only paid mind to the spirits, but I see how it could have. So I wanted to make clear.

Reckon you're right that winning is up to us. Can't expect gods to step in on our side.

Would be nice.

Written By Thesarin

Feb. 20, 2018, 10:15 p.m.(3/24/1008 AR)

I should make clear: my people's prayers didn't start and end with the spirits of the Grey Forests, even before we bent the knee and set them to side.

Plenty prayed to the Twelve and One in the woods, either beside the spirits or in stead. Most especially the Greenblood, who held the Pantheon fast a thousand years away from the Compact.

Among them Dame Esoka, now my sworn sword, and her grand-father, the man taught me the better part of what I know of war and leading. (And tried teaching me the better part of what's left, if I'd had sense to listen.)

Written By Thesarin

Feb. 20, 2018, 4:43 p.m.(3/23/1008 AR)

I'm sworn as Count-Consort to Riven, husband of Count Mia Riven and vassal to Marquessa Deepwood, by the light and oaths of Limerance. I serve as War Chief to our armies in the sight of Gloria.

But if you'd ask why folk give worship to the woods, the rivers, the rains and the skies...

Moral virtue and love without question are fine things, but if the skies don't rain, the nets sit empty, and the woods turn up no game, folk can't fill their bellies with virtue.

A second point, far meaner, was that the spirits of a people was the spitits of that people. If Grayson and Thrax make war, can be hoped both go with Gloria, fight with honor and courage. But even she can't give both sides victory.

I'm sworn to the Twelve and One, and if I were otherwise, still couldn't talk for ten thousand of peoples pray to a thousand thousand Old Gods ten thousand thousand ways.

But that was the heart of it, where I came from. Folk treating and begging with the wind, sky, and waters that their children didn't starve.

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