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Written By Alis

Sept. 20, 2018, 7:06 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

Well, so much for that cake buying spree I had planned. Sheesh!

Written By Niklas

Sept. 20, 2018, 5:27 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

My challenges record is now 2-1.

Though Bliss Whisper did not defeat Princess Sorrel 'The Bladesong from Blancbier' Thrax, she still put on a fantastic show. Anyone who came to the duel was in luck, as four of the greatest singing talents I have ever known were there. (Though only two put on performances, I'm sure the Nightingale would have been happy to offer autographs for anyone willing to pay.)

As per the requirements of the challenge, I have admitted my crimes against Lady Zoey in a public manner.

Written By Hannah

Sept. 20, 2018, 4:52 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Yessica

I did say I had a lot of sisters, Yessica is almost as adventurous as I it seems. Growing up I suppose I saw glimpses of this but since arriving back in Arx she has truly come into her own in this sense. A skilled bow-woman, something I only just learned, she is also incredibly intelligent, a trait I have long known and seen. Won't stop worrying about her going off into danger, even while I cheer her on finding her wings.

Written By Hannah

Sept. 20, 2018, 4:48 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

A while ago a discussion on siblings was brought up, and being slow to jump on these things I missed that window, better late than never yes? I have a lot of siblings and grew up in a rather less easy manner than some, much easier than others but together we saw each other through it. Reigna kept us going, even at such a young age as 10 she pulled us along and drove us to do what we needed to, even if it wasn't always what we wished for.

I know of few stronger, more caring, or more reliable than my youngest sister. Clearly many others see these aspects to her as well.

Written By Coraline

Sept. 20, 2018, 4:45 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

It never ceases to amaze me how life will turn suddenly and seemingly without cause. One chapter closes, one possibility taunts me while another entices. Which is the correct one? From the questions I have asked, of myself and others, and the way life has gone, I am incline to say whichever my feet set foot upon. One thing I know, Amare will remain by my side throughout, regardless of the direction life takes me.

Written By Hadrian

Sept. 20, 2018, 3:45 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Extremism, no matter the noble cause or nefarious plot, is still extremism. Finding the balance between the points is not only good for the self, but also wonderful for interactions with others. Frequently people use the adage that we should think of ourselves in the shoes of another - that is how one accomplishes that. By not giving way to extremes, it increases the likelihood that one will be able to meet in the middle and find mutually beneficial endeavors to pursue.

If people would like relative peace and quiet for a change? Perhaps we should consider embracing a more balanced approach to life. Too many cakes can cause the need for a new wardrobe as the ass grows larger and larger, because of our actions. The scales become imbalanced and even righteously intended actions can result in detrimental (and empowering) results on account of an extreme being embraced and indulged. This is why one must stand against zealotry if at all possible. Even fanaticism in pursuit of a purportedly or genuinely 'good' cause, can have a negative backlash by strengthening its opposite.

Written By Isabeau

Sept. 20, 2018, 3:40 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lisebet

I have heard it said that if what you desire is unrivaled Lycene artistry in silk, then you should seek out Mistress Caprice Artiglio.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 20, 2018, 3:07 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

Hmmm, there is a good Lycene, and then there is a g.o.o.d!!! one. One of these days Luis or Ariella, if she is back in port, or I will manage to get Quenia into some good fun, no guarantees it is good the way she would mean it though. The lord who is courting Quenia now seems to have a sense of humor, perhaps could entice him into helping.

Written By Vanora

Sept. 20, 2018, 2:22 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

The only thing I would like to graciously point out to those who are so engaged in the discussion of The Thirteenth and the Mirrormasks, is that though many of those of us called to Him are Lycene by birth, many are not. In fact I believe it a bit condescending to suggest that Prince Mydas Ettoire Velenosa is merely discussing his faith in the whites as an aspect of his 'embracing his return to the Lyceum'. I have worked with Mydas for years among Tehom's discipleship, his devotion, focus, and interest in study dating back long before his true identity was known. To imply otherwise is disingenuous and lacking in respect. I might advise those debating to refrain from considering his motivations for his writings, and rather the text itself. A theological discussion need not be so personal.

In addition, our own Archlector is Oathlands born and bred. Though the Lyceum is more comfortable with the Thirteenth, it is a mistake to assume that all of those who have devoted time to studying his teachings all share the same background. We do not.

Written By Vanora

Sept. 20, 2018, 2:15 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I was halfway finished with my own entry on the debate that has been going on in the journals about Tehom and the Oathlands Orthodoxy.

Yet there is little I can say that would come out as eloquent as your own responses, Prince Mydas, and thus my interjecting my own thoughts is entirely unnecessary.

Merely know that I am reading your own, and in complete agreement. Even if that comes as no surprise.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 20, 2018, 1:23 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

And yet, you would deny an absolute that was... never proposed. As you have suggested, perhaps you should spend some of that time at your disposal to refresh your knowledge of Tehom and His dogma? The first three levels should be enough to put your fears of such absolutes to rest. If they don't, then I'll be at a loss on how to help your case.

As to your following point, do feel free to explain it further. Were you attempting to say that the difference between Lycene Liberalism and Oathlands Orthodox, made starker with the civil war that followed, was small disagreement? Or were you trying to express something entirely different?

Written By Edain

Sept. 20, 2018, 1:14 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

I generally stay out of this discussion, but as it comes up frequently I thought maybe my own thoughts on this can be helpful to people curious about the counter view point.

I was raised as devoultly Oathlands Orthodox as one can. When my teachers as a child told me the believed worship of the 13th should be outlawed, I agreed with them. Now the world has become so much bigger than when I was young, and I see the 13th as filing a vital role in the Pantheon, and I do honor him in so much that the Pantheon recognize that all the gods create a balanced cosmos together, not standing appart. But I have never explicitly worshiped the 13th, and I suspect I never will.

The frequent point that many Mirrormasks have made to me over the years is that if we do not look at ourselves and acknowledge the darkness there we will all fall. While this is true I feel the Lessons of the the three Primary Triads of the Pantheon have given me the tools to look at myself, know that I am an imperfect being and strive to be better. And just like everyone sometimes I fall, and have to pull myself up and try to be better.

If you find something in the direct worship of the 13th then I am happy for you, but I have never found his worship to offer me anything that is missing from my life, and I think many that consider themselves Orthodox as I do would feel the same way. Our distrust of his worship is not based in our fear of the darkness within ourselves. We face that everyday and we have chosen a different road to not let it lead us to ruin.

Written By Preston

Sept. 20, 2018, 12:47 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

It is a clever point - though I would say it applies only should I be an absolutist and say there should never be questions. I merely deny the absolute that says there must always be a place for questions. It is a rather deeply unsatisfying position, but the truth is that like many things it is a judgement call. It is why the Godsworn are here, to spend time that others do not have in study of the Faith and dedicate ourselves to the Gods and hopefully make the right decision on when those calls need to happen.

As an aside, the issue of Marach is actually got around by the office of Carnifex - that which is necessary for the defense of the Faith is lawful in the eyes of the Faith. The offer about the history was a genuine one, your highness - I do not think we spend enough time understanding history, and thus what binds us far stronger than the small disagreements that might seek to separate us in the present.

Written By Joscelin

Sept. 20, 2018, 11:57 a.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

I don't think you've met Mongoose. 'Little' doesn't describe a thing about her. But you are correct about the other thing: she is lovely.

Except when my husband feeds her jerky.

Written By Harlex

Sept. 20, 2018, 11:18 a.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Isidora

A skilled physician, healed me up. I appreciate someone use to tending to soldiers.

They aren't afraid to boss you around.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 20, 2018, 10:18 a.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Just as a reminder if you are putting together a basket for the fundraiser or just want to donate an item, please try to get that to me today or tomorrow so I can start advertising all the lovely things you've come up with! All proceeds from the raffle will go towards defending the Lodge of Petrichor! I'm spending some time today designing the lovely aeterna and seasilk ensemble that will be part of my donation basket, so also make sure to contact me if you want raffle tickets!

10 (economic resources) per ticket if you're nobility, otherwise it's just 1 (economic writ) per ticket if you're not!

Send your messengers! This is going to be the best party ever!

Written By Mydas

Sept. 20, 2018, 9:28 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Look upon every perspective. Look. Words are important, and look does not yet mean speak, or ask. Look, and think. Is there a side to this that bears bringing up, without which we might actually step away from the Gods further than if we were to blindly follow?

If such is the case, what would be best? To say nothing and obey? Or speak up and in so doing, follow the true will of the Gods? You spoke of Marach, Grandmaster of Templars. Allowing nothing but obediance to the then Dominus would make those that murdered him traitors rather than guardians of the Faith against heresy.

You can't have it both ways, Grandmaster.

Written By Preston

Sept. 20, 2018, 9:20 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

It is to look at a matter from every possible perspective, Prince Mydas. Your words. The Lycene style is just that - to open up to question in public matters that some feel may be best done in private or not at all. Others would say some perspectives are unacceptable, and too close to the Abyss, too easy for someone to stumble and in the dark place a foot upon that ground. If that is a view you yourself hold, then I am glad - for it is a safer place to be and I am sorry for misunderstanding - but somehow I do not think it is.

My original point was you misunderstand when you say that the fear many have is of Tehom, when really it is fear of ourselves, fear of the mortal, because mortals slip and fall. Even the greatest of us. Equally when you say they do not worship Tehom - all worship Tehom in the Compact. The style of that worship may differ, it may be private rather than the public style, but they honour him all the same. If you know of those who deny the Gods worship, I am sure your Seraph would like to know their names so they can rectify the matter.

No, I read what you write very carefully Prince Mydas. And what you seek to champion. It speaks much to your dedication as a disciple - and your embracing of your return to the Lyceum.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:57 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

It seems you've failed to read my writing properly. Have I written that all questions and doubts should be raised? No. Much as I might enjoy discussion, we would all be served if you saw what is rather than what you wish to see.

Try harder.

Written By Preston

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:50 a.m.(8/19/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

Yet, not all perspectives are equal or even valid, your highness. Nor must all questioning, which by its very nature is to assert or introduce doubt into the existing opinion, be done in public where such questioning could disturb others who were previously certain in their faith and truths. I have had many questions in my time, after Fawkuhl, after Stormwall, I have sat and prayed to the Gods - including Tehom - to let me understand if my Faith was misguided, if I had trodden off the path. Those resolved themselves without the need to recourse to public questions, to shared celebration of questions as the Lycene celebrations of the 13th often do - and I think such public debate would have only served to harm, not to heal.

It is not a matter of extremes - questions have their place, and justice often requires them. Yet. Believing all can be questioned, and that there is room for compromise with any in the name of a greater peace, is not something that can ever have a place. It is to push the Mirrormask ideal to an extreme.

I know well Most Holy Orazio's thoughts, he and I have argued on occasion and he has taught me much. However I think you may misread the intent in his words. It is not to say that all questions are allowed and we should openly allow division or dissent without check. It is to say there are limits, there are points where debate may lead others that is beyond what the Faith will tolerate. And we will not compromise our sacred trust for momentary victories, or for the unity of the compact. If others err, we will correct them as loving parents, not stay quiet to avoid upset. The discussions in the Faith - over the Orthodox, the Lycene and Pragmatic styles - are over small matters. Style and nuance, over or under emphasis of certain tropes. Such discussion is fine, it does not weaken us. Yet, it must always be controlled. And when it goes too far, when people cross the threshold from discussion into dissent, from division into schism, so it is my order that brings correction and balance.

Sometime perhaps, your highness, we will hold a night of canticles about the fall of Marach and the rise of the Orthodox. It is almost time for the Feast of Alor Valardin once more, after all.

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