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Written By Rymarr

Jan. 19, 2017, 5:29 p.m.(9/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calypso

The Lady General is a noteworthy warrior. The safety of His Majesty's realm seems to be one of her many priorities; that is good. I look forward to another opportunity for both of us to test ourselves in the peace and quiet of hitting one another.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 19, 2017, 5:27 p.m.(9/15/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Ainsley

First Officer of the Iron Guard. He is a credit to their ranks. He possesses foresight and the ability to consider that even that which appears relatively mundane may pose a potential risk. A far cry from the first night that I met him, it is good to know that impression was not the full measure of the man.

The answer is no. Maybe.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 13, 2017, 8:09 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Gabriel

Stern, resolute, and quiet. I suspect because he is of the belief that actions speak louder than words.

I like this.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 13, 2017, 8:05 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Samantha

A monumental task.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 13, 2017, 8:04 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I've known the man for some years now. My house has been sworn to the Valardin as their liege for longer than I've been alive. When my brother died, I became the Marquis of Lyonesse. Prince Edain, High Lord of Valardin, and councilor of the Regency Council still treats me with dignity and respect despite the fact that I passed my title to my younger sister. No longer am I Marquis Lyonesse, now I am simply Sir Rymarr in service to the King's Own's mandate.

Despite these facts, the prince seems not to acknowledge that fact. When I stand by in silence, waiting for attention to be called to me, he reminds me to speak rather than wait to be heard. Something which he does not have to do, but he does. That is worthy of respect.

He and I truly need to catch up some time. It is not often that I have the opportunity to sit and speak with many from home.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 13, 2017, 7:59 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Zhayla

Formerly Abandoned, I suspect. At least judging on her many tattoos. That is no judgement, but only an observation.

She possesses the excitement of youth and the willingness to learn all that she can. Well, save for perhaps horseback riding. I've made it my own personal task to teach her to ride so that she may better serve the house she has given her sword to. It is quite the sword too.

She seems intrigued, perhaps even excited, at the thought of the King's Own. I suspect she may even daydream of becoming one of the Silver Swords, judging by her reactions upon seeing my armor and the series of questions she had to ask about the royal guard.

She possesses a great deal of potential and because of this I will keep a close eye on her. She has informed me that she can read and write, though it is still a work in progress. I've given her invitation to write to me. Gods know that I could use the distraction from staring at the wall or cleaning and polishing my kit.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 13, 2017, 7:53 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

I've said it many times since my arrival in the city, the people of House Redrain are not the barbarians or savages that rumor would have you believe. I've found them to be rustic, yes. Barbaric? No. They are a noble, strong people, with their own ways.

High Lord, Prince, and one of the Regent Council. I've come to recognize the man behind those titles as a wise leader, eager to do what he considers right and sensible, while also being willing to hear out the concerns of those below his station. He seems to exemplify the phrase 'firm, but fair'. That is worthy of respect in and of itself.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 13, 2017, 7:48 a.m.(8/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lark

The recently appointed figurehead of House Grayson. She seems a shrewd and possibly even no nonsense perhaps. This appeals to me as both a knight of the King's Own and a citizen of the Compact.

This of course warrants further investigation to determine the validity of my own thoughts on the High Lord of House Grayson and one of the Regent Council.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 8, 2017, 12:36 a.m.(8/8/1005 AR)

As war looms on the horizon, I begin to question many things.

The wisdom of others. My own purpose. The actions of others. My own words. To name only a few.

I rarely openly write a journal focused on self-reflection or discussing the matters which I encounter on a regular basis. Call it paranoia, call it fear. I will call it security. My role in this world, at this time, is to see to the safety of our sleeping king. Due to this role I find myself regularly unable to form friendships as I so often consider the matter of ulterior motives. No doubt this is exacerbated by the long series of misfortunes my family has historically suffered that ultimately resulted in my expecting the worst and being pleasantly surprised when my concerns were unfounded.

For a change though I will do as so many do and comment on the topics of the day. Possibly for my own sake and my own sanity, unable or perhaps unwilling so often to form personal friendships. It could be the means which will allow me to allow my thoughts to be known, without the threat of allowing someone too close to manipulate their way into gathering information which could violate my vow to protect the Crown.

The Teind. So many are opposed to it, yet so many are in favor of it. This is an issue that I find myself so regularly uncertain. I see the merit in the possibility, but it is just that, a possibility. The Teind is reputed to be our savior, yet it comes at a cost. Thirteen lives paid for exactly that: a possibility. There are no assurances, there is no certainty that the Teind will not wipe out only our enemies. What if it were to be turned against the blood which is used to fuel the ritual? The Nox'alfar claim to be unable to end our King's long rest, but they have the power to vanquish or impede an enemy through blood magic? It smells of deceit and ulterior motive.

The Nox'alfar. I have encountered them. I have witnessed their Twilight Court. A place of chaos, revelry, and devoid of logic. Or reason, by our standards. Their King Calithex, reputedly the most powerful mage in the world or so the ghost's whispers would lead me to believe, a bored lump who resides upon his throne while his court gallivants from one death to the next. I have witnessed them eaten alive, set ablaze, and I find myself willing to trust them as far as I could throw one of their number while set aflame and a spider chewing on their legs. Who keeps a spider that big? When it reached the size of a horse however long ago, no one thought that perhaps it should have been slain?

The Assembly of Peers. I am thankful each day that there was not some attempted uprising within those august halls. I am thankful that the King's Own did not have to draw steel to defend against some heinous plot. I am thankful that the people of Arx, my people, largely kept their heads despite the many stresses of that night. We all felt it, even those who maintained their composure until the end. We all understand those who showed dismay over their respective issues. We understand.

The King's Own is still comprised of the sons and daughters of Arvum. While we've sworn our loyalty to the safety and security to the Crown, this is still our home as well. One should not think that we are uncaring or that our thoughts do not turn to those who have lost their lives beyond the walls of our cloistered tower. Each loss of life is felt keenly, as it directly strengthens the resolve of our number and hones our focus. It draws into sharp clarity that the world is becoming more and more unstable with each passing day. That some day, gods forbid, our duty to the Crown will be truly tested. I hope such a day does not come to pass, but I always expect the worst, so I will not hold my breath.

As the threats make themselves more and more apparent on the horizon, some which I've faced myself already in standing between <redacted> and the then Lady Regent Dawn, our blows landing with what seemed initially to be little effect. I begin to wonder if taking my vow to the Sovereign's Own was the right choice. I do not regret it in the slightest. I merely question whether I would be more useful when the time comes, on the front lines rather than watching over the safety of the palace and king.

My hand is cramped now. I will write no more. Nor will I for sometime. It is strange making my thoughts and feelings visible so readily. It is not my nature. A character flaw perhaps, but it is one that I believe better serves the safety of the Crown. Some day, maybe, I will not need to be so guarded.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 7, 2017, 11:26 p.m.(8/8/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Kerr

A household knight in the service of the Marquessa Deepwood. He seems a good man, one who I found interesting and a pleasure to meet. He is apparently also a smith, though his level of skill I am uncertain. The Marquessa thinks very highly of him and I believe her measure of the man is quite accurate.

I found him to be disciplined, respectful, polite, and loyal. Precisely what a knight should be.

Written By Rymarr

Jan. 7, 2017, 11:21 p.m.(8/8/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I encountered her at Sleepless Knights while on business of the Crown. While performing a duty, she caught my attention as she was at the bar nearby. I would have paid her little attention to begin with, until I took note of a particular mark on her cloak that she so proudly wears.

The Minx of the Marches.

By becoming a prodigal her past transgressions were wiped clean and a fresh start her reward. That does not mean that I've forgotten the acts taken against my family's holdings. I can forgive, but I do not easily forget. As a result I will keep my eye on her when appropriate.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 30, 2016, 3:45 p.m.(7/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Killian

A veritable fortress all by himself. He is a talented warrior and these exercises to prepare for the future ahead of ourselves do him little justice. He is ready for the struggles ahead.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 30, 2016, 3:43 p.m.(7/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Pietro

A fierce warrior who moves around the battlefield with a spring in his step. He owns a hound trained for battle and it became a little antsy during a recent teamwork duel that we participated in. The hound joined in and had to be knocked in the head to prevent it from claiming my leg as it's own.

The Lord may not have liked that I had to pommel it twice to get it to stop harassing me during the battle. I am uncertain.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 30, 2016, 3:41 p.m.(7/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Tristram

An archer. He and I recently faced off against a pair of opponents and their hound. While we ultimately lost the bout, I'm happy to say that we held our own. It was a stark lesson in the precarious nature of battle, particularly when you are essentially tethered to another individual that you're seeking to protect.

He seems a good sort and will do his House proud during the dark times on the horizon, I suspect.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 28, 2016, 6:47 a.m.(7/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Serafine

Warrior. Princess.

The product of breeding a wolverine, with a bear, both of which were from the parentage of a viper having bred with a mountain goat. Then dwindled down to a small, easily throw-able package.

She is a relentless opponent even in a mock-battle, which I would have no other way. That is the only way which we will ever simulate the true threats of combat. The combat that is surely on the horizon.

To temper all of this raw, and trained, ability; she has proven herself a humble and gracious winner. She is truly an example that the squires, warriors, and aspiring knights of of Arx, and Arvum no less, should look to as a shining example.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 24, 2016, 12:38 a.m.(6/19/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Logical and clever. Legate Orazio is increasingly proving to be a valuable friend as time wears on. Our first encounter involved facing, and talking down, an impending riot together. More recently he and I had a discussion that was peculiar to say the least. He helped explain, or at least what we think explained, some strange matters that I've experienced.

Only time will tell, but I know that I can look to the Legate for advice in troubling times.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 23, 2016, 8:30 a.m.(6/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Marcas

An able bodied warrior. He and I met one another in mock battle. He is a shining example of the strength, ferocity, and talent of the men and women which hail from the north. We have agreed that we will meet to test one another again, twice more.

With the dangers looming on the horizon, Marcas is one who I am confident I will see after the blood has been shed and the fog of war has lifted.

I may need to recommend him to the Lord Commander.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 23, 2016, 7:47 a.m.(6/17/1005 AR)

I would think I were crazy, had the discovery of other untold legends or disbelieved myths proven themselves to be quite real recently. They came again last night and we spoke. I am no closer to what they want, but I suspect that is the point. You can not force bravery in confrontation to an insurmountable task. It happens when you least expect it.

Their suggestions are becoming an annoyance, despite what I assume to be pure intentions. One of them advised me to hurl myself from from Weeping Wall Watch because there was the slight possibility that I may "heroically land on something worthy of a valiant death". I do not think that they have my, or anyone's, best interests in mind.

Troubling at best, I find some of their suggestions of heroism to be oddly specific. Particular in reference to the catacombs and other nudges offered to me that would lead to a certain death.

For now I will continue to do my duty and remain ever vigilant.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 20, 2016, 10:34 p.m.(6/10/1005 AR)

It has been a long couple of days. Beyond the drills and training. What little I have in way of a personal life has been restless and confusing.

To top it off, my bunk mate will not stop snoring.

I have a lion at least, I keep it close, and it keeps me company.

Written By Rymarr

Dec. 17, 2016, 4:22 a.m.(5/27/1005 AR)

I saw a sloth for the first time.

I do not understand their purpose. Nor how they've survived this long. They do not provide meat or any other noteworthy product.

Perhaps some Abandoned tribes use their claws as weapons? Positively fearsome, no doubt.

I will have to inquire further with appropriate parties to determine if they have any military applications. Perhaps they can be used to guard the palace alongside the King's Own, should the Lady Regent deem them suitable.

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