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Written By Amari

Jan. 7, 2019, 5:36 p.m.(4/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Klaus

I have no recollection of the conversation we had, but I hope it was a good one, if it in fact occurred. If you happened to share a terrible secret as well, rest assured I shall never reveal it.

Written By Amari

Dec. 27, 2018, 11:08 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

I wonder if all scouting expeditions are like this one of Baron Norwood's I've just returned from. There was little found but trees, and some more trees stood next to still more trees with some additional trees behind, and the weather wasn't the best either, nor was the terrain easy. It was quite demoralizing for most everyone. I love the woods though. It's so wild and untouched out there, with everything left to live as it will according to its nature. Granted it lacks the amenities and security of civilized life. At any moment you could be set upon by bandits or eaten by a bear, but if you don't let the fear of those things color your perception too much, it's actually quite lovely. It helps to have brave companions with sharp swords along too.

With the mood being so low in the party, I sang Princess Sorrel's Metallic songs to keep spirits up. When I quickly ran out of those, I just made up various songs and stories about the lesser known Wooden Order, the "wood be" heroes history has forgot. Beautiful, deadly Holly was a favorite for all the fun methods she devised to poison allies and enemies both, Oak was steadfast and strong but terribly, terribly boring, mad Ash got a few laughs for being so singularly and fanatically devoted to killing demons and maudlin Willow cried rivers over all the various wrongs done to him by the other Woodens, real or imagined. The scouts seemed to find Pine the incorrigible thief, braggart and liar amusing as well and were fond of fair Maple for being so hopelessly sweet and trusting in contrast.

By the end of the expedition there was little appetite left for silliness, unfortunately, so I didn't finish their stories. Maybe next time.

Written By Amari

Dec. 17, 2018, 9:17 a.m.(3/10/1010 AR)

I'm so proud of Barf, the dog of indeterminate breed that I rescued from Reaver's Bog at the battle of the Black Keep. At Eddard's dog show, he didn't shake a paw, or roll over or play dead or even want to walk at one point, but he braved the seesaw. He looked at me as if it were some foul sorcery, but he did it all the same.

After the much more impressively trained dogs had won their prizes, Countess Mia bestowed upon him the title of "Most Determined". I'll have that inscribed on the collar he won. Hopefully, it will be the first of many accolades for Barf the bog dog.

Written By Amari

Dec. 12, 2018, 5:01 p.m.(2/28/1010 AR)

I had another adventure, and there was some more screaming involved... a lot of screaming, actually.

So to summarize; don't scream while being covered in bugs, scream at your discretion when wading through a wave of rats in the dark, and scream all you want when you're riding into battle. I think it really helped rally the huntsmen and put fear into our enemies who did eventually break and flee in utter disarray.

Aside from the satisfaction of a victory won, I also came home with a new dog we rescued from the camp. I've named him Barf. I'm not sure the breed he's meant to be, but he's very big, eats quite a lot and has a tremendously loud and deep bark. I think he's rather endearing in his own very ugly way.

Written By Amari

Dec. 8, 2018, 2 p.m.(2/20/1010 AR)

Never scream while you're being swarmed by bugs, they'll get in your mouth.

Screaming's fine when it's just a stream of rats flowing around your ankles in the darkness.

Knowing when and where to scream is important. I'll update this list as I have more adventures.

Written By Amari

Nov. 26, 2018, 10:12 a.m.(1/23/1010 AR)

The Feast of Dissension was fun, I thought. All of the guests gave their best and argued compellingly and nobody won by more than a single point. They were all very close contests.

I'm glad I didn't serve the lamprey stew though. Perhaps I'll save that dish for another occasion.

Written By Amari

Nov. 22, 2018, 11:47 a.m.(1/15/1010 AR)

I'm really enjoying my new furry boots (even Veronica approves). I need fear not any snowbanks that dare drift in my path. I shall boldly tramp over them in style from now on. Sadly, they'll not help much in snowball fights which apparently I'm very bad at. My usual strategy of looking entirely harmless didn't work. I was pelted and when I fell down, someone (who I shall not name for his own safety), dumped snow on my head. Apologies to my teammates for the poor showing, and thank you to Sir Floppington for finding my lost glove in the snow. Maybe Scout Rowenova will pass that thanks along.

The loss did inspire me to have warmer and finer winter clothing made, and it was fun, so it wasn't all for naught. If Lady Delilah organizes another match, I'll be properly attired. I plan also to ask cousin Jaerith to teach me the brutal art of snow warfare and perhaps Baron Norwood will demonstrate how to properly dodge thrown projectiles. He's quite spry.

Finally, a note of gratitude to Princess Alarissa for her hosting of fashion night. I couldn't think of anyone more qualified, and her gorgeous dawnstone jewelry and delicate sheer seasilks proved as much. I saw some truly wondrous items besides, like Lady Lisebet and Gianna Whisper's stygian insect rings from the Velvet Box. Gianna's dragonfly even had moving wings! Talk of Melody's attire in particular is sure to spread throughout the city and beyond. It won't all be wild exaggeration either; I saw her and it was a truly legendary ensemble. She was very kind and generous to gift me a part of it. I'll surely treasure it. The artisans here in the city have talent beyond imagination.

Written By Amari

Nov. 4, 2018, 7:27 p.m.(12/7/1009 AR)

I think I may need a twin that works while I'm sleeping so I never fall behind. Day Amari would be diligent, cheerful and hard working while Night Amari would be sharp, mysterious and deadly...

Actually, I should probably just find a competent assistant. Marigold refuses to do menial tasks.

Written By Amari

Oct. 27, 2018, 10:10 p.m.(11/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Veronica

I'm very happy you have returned from afar. I know catching bandits is very important work, and there's no shortage, but I like having you closer by. Welcome back!

Written By Amari

Oct. 23, 2018, 12:24 a.m.(11/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

Your new, appropriately ostentatious cup ought to have a gilded beard.

Written By Amari

Oct. 19, 2018, 12:16 a.m.(10/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

I love you, Shae.

Written By Amari

Oct. 18, 2018, 10:36 a.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

It seems we have some very strong contenders for best beard of beards, including the King's beard (that's rumored to hold meetings on its own). I can personally vouch for Baron Norwood's and second Duke Cristoph's nomination, but unfortunately I've yet to see Lord Riagnon's so can't comment on how it may be shaping up. Lord Arik's isn't to be dismissed lightly either, Lord Brogan's is quite fine and I think everyone knows my opinion of Duke Vercyn's.

When the time comes, hopefully Lord Geralt will be free to defend the title he so narrowly won over my cousin Shae at the next competition. Given current circumstances however, I don't imagine this will be any time soon so all the clean shaven out there still have time to grow their face hairs out to properly epic lengths.

Written By Amari

Oct. 17, 2018, 2:31 p.m.(10/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

Wouldn't it be fun to be Princess Jaenelle, the Lycene Rose of Ledgers, Queen of Accounts and Slayer of Dread Potholes though? I mean, you likely wouldn't want to try and use such titles officially, but in casual correspondence and at social functions with family and friends it might be slightly amusing, for a little while.

Written By Amari

Oct. 17, 2018, 2:12 p.m.(10/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Brogan

But the Duke oils it with the blood of his enemies! That's how he keeps it so sleek and smooth and magnificent.

What does your daily beard grooming regime entail? And if not Duke Vercyn then who has the best beard of beards (currently residing in the city)? If you contest my claim, you must have another in mind. Your own? (It is a good one. I'm not trying to disparage your tremendous beard but you have stiff competition).

If only there were some way to settle this that would involve you taking off your shirt, Lord Brogan.

Written By Amari

Oct. 16, 2018, 7:17 p.m.(10/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Archeron

I'll be sending you horrible socks until you reconsider and address me by my new title(s).

Written By Amari

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:24 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

I don't care what anyone says, Duke Vercyn has the best beard. It's magnificent.

Written By Amari

Oct. 16, 2018, 1:16 a.m.(10/15/1009 AR)

So there's Queens of Silver and Empresses of Coin, but I'm simply Minister of Finance? This really won't do at all.

I'll need a new title that while more impressive, still has a humble and staid character that represents well the sober responsibilities of the position. Something that assures others that they're dealing with a capable and experienced official with a suitably keen mind for economics and the discretion and honor required for fair and equitable trade.

Perhaps, something like: Her Most Excellent, Queen Amari, the Peerless Grand Princess of Coin and Supreme Silver Sovereign, Blessed First Treasurer and Holy Golden Arbiter of Trade.

Also, and this was the reason I stopped here initially, I wanted to record the fact that Baron Norwood is the best. If you happen to read this, thank you again for the cake. It really cheered me up.

Written By Amari

Oct. 14, 2018, 8:33 a.m.(10/11/1009 AR)

I was desperately in need of a good laugh today.

Written By Amari

Oct. 8, 2018, 11:13 a.m.(9/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

If neither of us are to be married soon, I think what we should do is ennoble some puppies and kittens instead (especially if suitors are going to be sending you some by the basket soon). Then House Wagglebum of Barkwood and House Meowpurr of Clawshore would of course intermarry and have really elaborate wedding receptions and wear the finest in tiny fashions and it would be adorable.

It probably wouldn't cause bloodshed or heartache or anything.

No? No, it's fine. Countess River Wagglebum assures me this is a remarkably good idea and is not just a very strange way to cope with grief and guilt and other bad feelings.

Written By Amari

Oct. 7, 2018, 9:52 a.m.(9/25/1009 AR)

I've never been married, I'm not presently married and I'm not intended to marry anyone now - just to quell any strange rumors and possible confusion.

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