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Written By Ilmia

March 16, 2019, 11:29 p.m.(10/3/1010 AR)

I need to make sure I have a proper wardrobe for Autumn and Winter. This is a bit of a reminder to myself.

Written By Athaur

March 16, 2019, 11:27 p.m.(10/3/1010 AR)

Getting tired of the various judgements placed upon me because I was not born under the Compact.

My family has lead my people for as long as many of your ancient families. But because we were not recognized by your Compact until recently that means My blood is somehow less?

Yes, I bent the knee. My people have not be members of the Compact since it's beginning. We do not have the grace of being born into it's arms. We did not gain our position by birth. Every single one of us chose it. We choose to be members of the Compact. We have made a conscious choice to join our hands with you and stand as one. For this we are treated as lesser? This is seen as 'moral decay'?

Written By Gretchen

March 16, 2019, 10:53 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

That was a great party. Congratulations to whomever got married, my compliments to the Whispers for the planning. I heartily enjoyed myself.

Written By Kenna

March 16, 2019, 8:39 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

No. No. No. No.

I do not think I will ever get the image of that man's head being bitten off out of my mind.

That said, I am becoming more and more attached to this sword Marquis Rymarr Deepwood gave me. It has saved my life twice.

Written By Evaristo

March 16, 2019, 8:24 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

What a fantastic week. The best singer in Arvum is training me, I've become Mockingbird of the Bard's College, haggling has been going my way lately, a fantastic new set of clothes from Costumer's Closet and jewelry from Josie's shop really works perfectly together AND I can finally wear my coat again cause it's not too hot outside. The Thraxian event at their ward was amazing and I really do need to get that liquour cabinet now, cause I'm starting to have this great collection.

And the top of the list? A gift. A bandolier with bags, and a dagger from Ida Ferron to go with it, attached to the straps. It's a perfect gift from a perfect person.

Written By Kaya

March 16, 2019, 7:30 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

The cards, you've played them all and you risk, losing it all.
When I walk away with the winning hand will you realize everything
happened according to your plan? You liked to control
and put me down but here you are, about to lose it all.
Was it all worth it in the end? I am not sure I care anymore.
I have grown tired of playing the same game. We’ve sat at
this table many times before, and you’ve played the winning
hand. But this time you stand to lose it all and when I leave you
in the ashes of our past, will you realize this was all your design?
For you liked causing jealousy, anger, and pain,
but now the tables have turned. You shall sit on the ashes alone,
as I rise above them and move on.

Written By Delilah

March 16, 2019, 7:09 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

Tonight I fell asleep in a library. One of rich, unexpected breadth of contents. I knew then my soul had found its haven.

Written By Iliana

March 16, 2019, 6:49 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

I've always known it, but Thrax can certainly hold a party. Though I've proved to myself that I'm a land woman born and bred. Knots and oysters are not for me. The company and the drink were all I could have asked though!

Written By Valencia

March 16, 2019, 5:26 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

More death. What I hate about death is that it sparks memories of past times.

Happier times. Horrible times. Loves. Losses. Hopes born. Dreams that died. Deepest joy and terrible hurts. They all rise in your head. It makes current sorrows that much more bitter and hard to take.

I want to believe that it is not all sorrow and loss in this life. That good things do and will happen. That love and hope always finds a way. That we can overcome all that is awful if we just keep trying. That giving up and laying down to loss and heartbreak is not an option.

It's just a little hard right now to believe that this is so right now.

Keep faith if you can.


Written By Seymour

March 16, 2019, 5:05 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

Duke Asger was a good friend and an astute businessman. The compact is made poorer by his loss.

Written By Caspian

March 16, 2019, 5:01 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

Scholar Jonathan Grimkin can go throw himself off of sovereign bridge in protest for all I care. Thralldom is an evil insitution and a blight on the soul of The Compact. It is slavery, and we have ignored that fact for too long.

Written By Selene

March 16, 2019, 1:24 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

Princess Saoirse has conjured a miracle. She deserves only the highest praise for her accomplishments.

Written By Saro

March 16, 2019, 12:14 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

Arrived in Arx just a few days ago and it's nice to be here; nicer than I expected, really. Somehow I've been fortunate enough to meet a number of worthwhile people, some of them of rank and standing, some of them simply interesting. One of them a princess! And of House Grayson, no less. I don't know what I've done for Fortune to suddenly smile on me so, but I'm assuming it's only setting me up for a really crushing disaster later on. That would be just like it. Lady Luck and I haven't ever exactly been fast friends, and far be it from me to trust her enough now to believe she's not going to follow up her smiling with a good stab in the back when I least expect it.

But in any case, from what I can gather it doesn't seem that Arx is simply awash in luthiers, and the people I've met have taken an interest in my craft, so perhaps there really is some hope for me here after all. That would be a first, wouldn't it?

Written By Martino

March 16, 2019, 9:32 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

Oh the drawing of autumn upon us as made me rue not bringing more cloaks and coats with me to the City. I perhaps was not planning, at the start, to stay for so long in the City when I first packed and game - but the fine friends, and more, that I have found do more than keep me here. They have me not wish to leave.

Written By Lisebet

March 16, 2019, 9:20 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

It has been a wonderful first couple weeks after getting married. We might not have made it out to as many social gatherings as perhaps we ought to have, but it has been and will continue to be a period of adjustment for us. I expect there will be times like these, indeed. It is nice to have so much going on, it distracts me from other things.

Which reminds me, there are friends I have not seen in far too long. I should do something about that.

Written By Ajax

March 16, 2019, 7:44 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaya

Stop telling people we're related, or you're cleaning the barracks with the smallest brush I can find.

Written By Ajax

March 16, 2019, 7:40 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

You know, it's a waiting game now that the Compact has turned away the envoys, then the quiet. I always hated the quiet as a boy. Reminds of the night Tydehall was sacked, it was quiet then too. I suppose in battle i am always restless before the coming conflict that unease in my stomach that churns, and churns, reminding me of back when I was just a boy. Powerless to stop anyone from getting cut down on that damn night. Having to be saved, that always gets me even though I acknowledge it shouldn't.

I wonder when shit starts being served, how long will I last? I'm not a young man by any actual stretch anymore. I am well aware of the fact of my days being a simple sellsword are numbered. A man only gets so many fights in him and going past my limits always carries a consequence that toils heavier now then when I was a lad. Well, we will see.

Written By Kaya

March 16, 2019, 6:04 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

There are times when I am looking in the mirror and all I see are the broken pieces. I don’t recognize the person looking back at me. Self-doubt rings in my ears as I wash my face hoping the next time I can recognize myself. I am enough I tell myself as I put on the face I show the world.

Written By Kaya

March 16, 2019, 6:02 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

Do you ever feel like darkness consumes you and the more you struggle the deeper you sink till you start too loose yourself. It gets so suffocating you want to give in, losing hope that you will see the light again. So you close your eyes and try to quiet your mind. You focus on whatever pieces of light you can still hold onto as the sinking feeling of darkness closing in comes to claim your mind?

Written By Kaya

March 16, 2019, 6:01 a.m.(10/1/1010 AR)

Little boy, I see you sitting there in the darkness. It's ok, take my hand. You don't have to understand. Let me guide you to where the light is. Don't be scared, I won't let you fall. Take my hand and we will go there. Far away from the monsters. They can't touch you, where we are going. So hold my hand and don't let go.

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