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DoE: A Recipe for Disaster

It is the much anticipated annual feast held by House Bombello is here! Highborn and low are all invited to attend as Marquis Galante delights with a sumptuous celebration of the gods. **** First event of the Devotee of Evil plot. Participants need not attend every scene, and those not already invited are welcome to join in. No cap on this event, so come prepared for some fast and loose GMing.


April 24, 2020, 11 a.m.

Hosted By


GM'd By



Merek Martino Mabelle(RIP) Thea Axel Hadrian Evelynn



Arx - The Bombello Estate

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

The gates to the Bombello Estate have been thrown open to admit the day's revelers. The weather, though it might be inclement, serves as no deterrent to those that wish to gather together and enjoy one of the more notable feasts hosted by the Peerage. Be they highborn or low, no one is turned away who seeks to join in on the merrymaking. Guests are directed to the great hall, which has been lavishly decorated to both awe and inspire. At the hall's opposite end, the massive hearth has been kindled with a roaring fire. It both serves to warm most of the hall - with the sheer presence of so many people doing the rest - as well as provide a convivial ambience. Tables in their multitude dominate the room, however. Some long, some round, some small, some large. Benches line the walls. It seems that, no matter who one was or who one knew, their host had provided all with as many options as was reasonable...and all this before even the first course was served!

Greeting the guests personally is the Marquis himself, Galante Bombello. On his arm, the young Dora. Together, the pair welcome all and sundry into their home. Galante is suave and charming, never without a smile that seemed both genuine, and reserved especially for the person he happened to be speaking to at the time. His wife, meanwhile, fluctuated between nervous laughter and giddiness. The higher the status of the guest, the more self-conscious Dora appeared. Elsewhere, Galante's son, Carlo stood with his own wife, the magnetic Simona. It appears as though the two are arguing, with Simona gesturing sharply while Carlo's arms remain folded resolutely across his chest, a frown marring his features. Eventually the two break away, with Simona gliding toward the nanny that watches over their daughter, and Carlo quietly fuming before running a hand through his hair, exhaling a sigh, and adopting a more welcoming expression as he winds his way towards the front of the hall to face the crowd.

Once it is clear that most, if not all of the guests have arrived, Galante and Dora make their way to a raised dais positioned against the middle of the great hall's western wall. While clasping Dora's hand within his own, the Marquis addresses the group at large.

"Honored guests," he begins. "It is House Bombello's pleasure to once again hold its annual feast. As some of you may know, we have not actually enjoyed such an event since my late wife's passing - may the gods rest her and keep her until her appointed hour's return?" Here, Galante briefly bows his head, eyes closed. "My time of mourning has passed, and it would do no service to Divitia's memory not to hold this feast again." Galante pauses, but only long enough as to be appropriate. When he next speaks, it is with good cheer. His voice is warm and engaging. "This year, we sought not only to honor Jayus as we have done in the past, but all the Pantheon. For while it is true that I am a great lover of the arts, no one god is higher than another; you cannot have a tapestry with but a single thread?" He smiles, and there is a merry glint within his eye. "You might ask: Galante, how can throwing a party honor the pantheon? Well now, I intend to show you!" Withdrawing his hand from Dora's own, he raises them above his head and claps, calling out, "Let the feast begin!" And like that, servants arrive pushing carts laden with food.

The first course is light, naturally, but also traditional: freshly baked bread, soup and savory tarts. A sculpture is revealed to in fact be a fountain, as from one of the maiden nymphs hoisting a ewer begins to flow white wine. Yet there is also light ale and dark beer for those who prefer it. While guests are being served, Galante resumes speaking.

"Freely we have come together today, and by choice I held this feast. By choice you all have graced me with your presence. It is through our exercise of choice that the world is influenced by us, and us by one another. Through Mangata, we imbibe, and enjoy, a multitude of life sustaining draughts...though that is not all. Both she and Petrichor provide unto us a bounty that Peer and commoner require. Gild and Limerance encourage us to share in that bounty, and affirm our bonds with one another. The Sentinel expects us to be just in our dealings, and how unjust would it be to bar certain individuals from attending a feast where all are supposed to be welcome? How just would it be to serve one person more food than another simply due to their station?" Galante nods, and quips, "A little weighty, I know?" After indulging in a wry chuckle, he concludes, "Gloria stands beside the Sentinel, looking for honorable behavior amidst all the revelry. Mangata may provide a thousand and one varieties of wine, but she is hardly responsible for how you behave upon drinking them! Vellichor bids us to learn from our experiences, and record them one and all, and there is much to experience during a feast. The Queen of Endings, Mother of New Beginnings...well, every party has its beginning, as well as its end. But before we reach that inevitable end, we must experience change. Changing courses, changing entertainments, perhaps even changing seats. When all is said and done, there is one god that bids us to reflect upon it all, as well we should. Lastly, though by no means least, Jayus grants us inspiration, dreams. Food sustains us, but it can also be a matter of art - both in taste as well as appearance. It is my great wish that those of you who have joined me today enjoy not just a great party and fine food, but recall always the glory of the gods, and the ties we as a Compact share."

Merek takes time to wear his best silver-black while he begins to wrap on the lace gloves beneath the wrists, then he peace binds Starsong which he places upon the hip, looking presentable. He listens to the conversation, and offers little to it. He then finds a place to settle in while he listens to folk.

Tucked behind the table, the Lord Martino Malvici and Lady Thea Malvici sit beside. The Malvici Lord's fingertips gather around the glass of white wine as he shifts it to tuck beneath his nose. Inhaling it slightly, allowing the scent to wash upon his features. "Mmm." His head nods along with Galante's voice before his sharp green eyes flicker across to Simona. "Oh well said Marquis." Raising his glass, Martino acknowledges the speech made before sipping on his wine.

Clad in her finest attire, Mabelle makes her way into the garden, surveying the people, the couple that seems to be arguing in the corner of her eye. She is easily distracted by a tray of sweets and goes to find the table which will be served first. Strategy is key.

Thea eyes her brother and well--she rolls them. Taking her own glass, she takes a sip because alcohol is alcohol right now as she's surrounded by people. Bowing her head to the voice of Galante, she smiles a little as she acknowledges his speech. The youngest Malvici is quiet for now. Just for now.

Having arrived earlier with the rest of the guests, Axel kept mostly to himself, perhaps waiting for the expected initial announcement. He is caught absentmindedly studying the mansion, scanning the structure with his eyes, as the Marquis begins his speech. Axel diverts all his attention to the host of the event, while walking through the garden to merge with the rest of the crowd surrounding Galante. He glances about as the carts off food begin rolling in; the alcohol imbued fountain getting a somewhat cautionary glance, but it doesn't capture his attention for long, as he goes back to listening to the speech.

Having been in conversation with a pair of nobles in attendance, the conclusion of the speech spoken by Marquis Galente results in Hadrian quietly excusing himself from the conversation. Over the crowd his attention drifts until settling upon one of many faces in the crowd. One hand hovers before himself, fingers steepled to clutch the stem of his glass. The bowl is held away from his body and most definitely not held within the palm of his hand as some tend to do. Duke Hadrian moves through the crowds, offering charcoal-whitened smiles for some or polite compliments for others. Leisurely strolls and weaving dances that results in a bit of chuckling as paths cross, all culminate in Hadrian's drawing closer to Lord Carlo Bombello's place in the room that he may offer a quietly spoken greeting and moment of conversation.

Handing off her cloak and gloves to a retainer once she's within the warm comfort of the main hall of the estate, Alessia surveys the room in search of familiar faces. She gaze drifts past her cousin, though doesn't linger as he moves off for quiet conversation. Instead she approaches Thea with a raised brow. "Malvici. I didn't know you'd be here." She smiles faintly. "Don't worry, I'll be careful not to get too close. Though I'm feeling far more energetic."

Galante and Dora do not immediately take a seat, and instead begin a tour of the great hall in order to converse more directly with their guests, which just so happen to be Axel, Mabelle and Merek. Simona, meanwhile, approaches Martino and Thea, daughter in tow.

"Glad you could join us, Lord Martino," Simona greets with a smile. Wrapped in luxury brocade and Artshall velvet, and dripping in jewels, she remains the vision of a princess. "Felicity, say hello to Lord Martino and his sister, Lady Thea. You remember Lady Alessia, of course?" The young girl, no more than five, steps forward to shyly offer the trio a bashful hello.

Elsewhere, Carlo and Hadrian strike up a softly spoken conversation. Carlo's dark eyes continuously scan the room, and he is careful not to ignore any passersby with a kindly spoken word or two.

Merek looks between the people in the place, looking content to listen and watch. He doesn't drink, instead he looks like he will be waiting to see what people look to be up to.

"Oh Lady Simona... an utter pleasure to see you once more." Martino's feet and left hand pushes him up to stand before Simona as his right hand rolls forth to gather her own, "Might I? Fair Lady Bombello? And hello there, as well, Lady Felicity." Martino's eyes crease to the young child as his head bows in greeting to her.

Thea winks at Alessia,"Mazetti. I show up at the least expected of places." When Simona shows up, she greets her as well,"Hello. It's good to see you again,"her gold-flecked green eyes dropping to the young girl before her. Thea smiles a little,"Hi. It's nice to meet you Lady Felicity." It's at that point that Finn, her large northern dog that never leaves her side, comes out and looks at the child too, wagging his tail. "This is Finn. You can pet him if you'd like,"looking up to Simona,"If it's alright with your mother of course."

Mabelle skims Simone's outfit from afar with both approving and admiring gaze, wiggling her fingers from afar to Thea and Alessia. When Galante and Dora approach, she rises from her seat to offer a flowing curtsy, "Your Highnesses, what a lovely feast, the abundance is striking"

Turning to Simona when she approaches, Alessia's eyes take in her garb with admiration. "You look positively stunning." She takes a glass of wine from a passing tray, lifting it to Mabelle from a distance in greeting. "As do you, Felicity." She gives the young girl a winning smile.

Alongside Carlo, Hadrian's own attention drifts out over the gathered crowds. He remains in quiet conversation with the Voice of House Bombello for a time, but eventually he offers a solemn nod of his head. A quiet farewell is given and again Hadrian steps away to leave Lord Carlo to greet guests and the like without the need to entertain a constant presence. He moves through the crowds once more, hands clasped at his back and his chin held ever so slightly higher. Though as he begins to pass by Alessia, he pauses and offers her a small smile before he leans lower to the side that Alessia stands in order to mutter from one half of his mouth at her.

The Culler offers the silk couple a deep respectful nod along with a "Your Highness, utmost praise to you for hosting such an extravagant event, and all to honor the Pantheon.", before straightening back out and looking over both of them a little more carefully, now that they're up close. His gaze is piercing, even palpable, but his expression is a complete opposite - soft and amiable, inviting for a conversation. Having looked enough, his gaze jumps off of them as quickly as it got there, now looking over the rest of the hall, it's guests and servants.

"I shan't say no," Simona titters, fluttering her lashes at Martino while wearing an amused smile as Martino takes her hand. "It has been far too long since I have enjoyed your company. Pray tell me how you have been. You cannot know how sorry I was to have missed your wedding!" Simona settles in at their table, Felicity climbing into a chair beside her. The girl seems quite enamored by Thea and Alessia, and though she does not pet the large dog, she watches him most curiously.

"Thank you, thank you," Galante says to Axel, smiling brightly. The feast was indeed extravagant. Once begun, it only grew in detail. It was not the mere abundance of food, either, but the manner in which it was presented. Food shaped into fantastical creatures, or delivered by acrobats. Though conversations were held as normal, all around was entertainment such as few were likely to have experienced before. Just as a troupe of performers were striking up a tune, in the near-distance, the Bombello's own hunting hounds could be heard barking and howling.

"Might I ask your name?" Dora asks Axel while her husband focuses on another. When not glued to his side, the young woman looked hopelessly lost.

When Hadrian leans closer, Alessia nods at his quiet words, remaining attentive. She chuckles, amused by something said. "Nice one." She commends him, before taking a sip from her glass. She studies Simona curiously for a moment when she mentions the infamous wedding, though elects not to interject.

Martino's right hand lifts Simona's fingertips to his chin as he faintly touches his lips upon knuckle. "Oh truly so, well, know good Lady Simona that you shall have accomodation in Arx should you come up from the estate here." Martino's voice is hush as he murmurs and updates Simona on some Malvici matters, "... and, well, there is the Port. But otherwise Kaia, my darling wife, is doing well. No child planned." Leaning slightly closer to Simona before glancing to Thea to check she was doing her sisterly duties, that is, distracting child. "And, well, you have met my sister. She does very well with children so I am sure happy to look after your dear child all meal."

Thea distantly lifts her glass to Mabelle, greeting the Laurent before she sips her wine. Her eyes lift to Simona as she mentions the wedding and glances at Martino. She twitches a bit and mumbles,"No wedding will ever live up that one. Ever." But when Martino mentions her looking after children, Thea blinks. And blinks some more. She says nothing but assumes her brother is already drunk. "Have a roll brother. You seem hungry." Finn meanwhile whines over at Felicity, wanting attention.

A sly grin suddenly slashes across Hadrian's sharp features, he offers Alessia a casual dip of his chin as though he were some wizened uncle having just imparted a bit of humorous anecdotal knowledge. Suddenly Hadrian's eyes squint. He then glances about himself, takes in a deep breath, and exhales it upon a delighted sigh, "Gotta love being in Arx. The epicenter of all things fashionable and wonderful in all of the Compact. Here in Arx. Right where we are. In Arx". Hadrian then begins to move off from Alessia's side, the fingers of one hand still holding to the stem of his glass. The other rises up to wave down a servant or two or three, "Would you be so kind as to find Sir Anton and Lord Pelinor? Advise them that I'd like to speak with them about a proposal for a future hunting trip. No, no, they needn't worry about kissing my ring or any such stupidity. Their talents would be appreciated and I'd love an opportunity to speak to them about the prospect. In fact, they may find what they'd be tasked with hunting most riveting."

Dora's question yanks Axel out of his thoughts, and it seems he was rather deep in them, as his eyebrows raise slightly in show of surprise. "Ah, pardon me. Axel Culler at your service, my Lady." he responds in a calming, albeit somewhat husky voice, which prompts him to clear his voice. By that time, the surprise on his face is long gone, replaced by warm smile. "Not one for such large events, I imagine?" he asks quietly, glancing around the packed hall once more as if to emphasize his point.

"Thea, I didn't know you were so keen on having your own brood." Alessia says with feigned surprise, her words teasing. "Though honestly, I have gotten a maternal vibe from you on occasion. Especially where my health is concerned." She finishes the drink in her glass. She raises a brow when Hadrian speaks of hunting trips.

Apparently undetected, Mabelle decides to wander further around the garden in the directions of those barking hounds.

Dora asides quietly to Axel, "No." She casts a nervous glance towards the direction of the Malvici, and dares take a step closer to the Culler. "I just...would prefer something less chaotic. I don't understand how they organize it- I mean," she flushes, and corrects herself. "My husband's staff, our staff, that is." Fingers curling, Dora takes a deep breath, then holds her head high while mouthing a silent: I can do this.

Elsewhere, Simona lives and breathes the very things that seem a foreign language to the new Marquessa-Consort. At home among her fellow Peers, wine in hand, she continues her conversation with Martino, Thea, and Alessia. "That's right! I have been meaning to write you about the port, and I would just love to do something akin to the carnivale. It is always such a joy to attend, but not everyone can be fortunate enough to travel to Southport." And on the two chat amiably, with little Felicity giving Thea and Alessia big sad eyes the same way Finn gave her big sad eyes, though eventually the child plucked up the courage to pet him.

The servant hailed by Duke Hadrian nods respectfully, then sets off to fetch the men in question, even as Galante himself approaches Hadrian's side. "My lord," he greets cheerfully, but soon finds himself distracted. "Don't go anywhere just yet, Lady Mabelle, you're going to love this.. Ah, look, they're bringing it in now!"

The cake is massive, but that is not the only thing impressive about it. While large enough to house a small person, it is also in the shape of a castle, with a moat.

"One day I'd like to,"Thea admits to Alessia. Should she really be surprised? Damnit Alessia! Speaking of health, she looks at Alessia,"How are you feeling? I always have my satchel with me, so---"but she too looks at Hadrian when he mentions hunting. Her eyes look over at Martino as she asks,"Did you go on a hunting trip once? And piss everyone off?" She drains the contents of her glass and looks at Simona,"The port has an amazing new tavern as well.." Advertisment! Ohoh! Yay pets! Finn is so excited at this, he licks the young girls hand as his tail wags happily.

Lifting his chin, Martino's sharp green eyes follow the arrival of the cake as he sips upon his wine, "Well that is quite the spectacle there. with the cake Simona." Lingering to enjoy the fine white, Martino leans forward to rest it upon the dining table once more before following Thea's advice and tearing a bit of the bread, "Oh why certainly, Lady Simona... say..." Martino's eyes turn towards her, his back to Thea and child, as he murmurs to offer, "Perhaps I aught to bring him soon, stay here overnight or something, to help pick the best spot for the carnivale's pitch." Behind his back, Martino hears Thea and laughs slight, leaning his back into the chair, "Oh never, dear sister. I cheers and clapped for the good archers."

Like a deer caught in the.. lanterns Mabelle stops on her heels and turns back into the hall just as a massive cake arrives. Her crystalline eyes are wide open when she notices a cake which is her size. Literally, "Such impressive craftsmanship, who is your baker? I must meet them at once and have him allow me to send an apprentice over here", she comments to Dora and Galante.

Struck by the appearance of the large cake, Alessia finds herself drifting towards it. "Wow." She studies it with glittering eyes. "No one's going to spring forth from it, I should hope." She chuckles lightly. "Now I know what to get you for your next birthday Mabelle." She grins.

"My lord," Hadrian echoes back at Galente with a smile that slides smoothly into place, "the Duchess sends her regards and apologies for being unable to attend. You and your House are in her thoughts and prayers", Hadrian offers as an assurance. Then the cake is being wheeled out and the Duke's hands come together with a soft clap, clearly impressed. He does not comment on the cake however, instead allowing for his actions to display his delight. Still his eyes travel over the crowds, taking in the various faces and presences while Hadrian comments aside again to Galente, "A most impressive feast, my lord. How has Lord Carlo been?", he asks conversationally.

Unlike the bashful Marquessa-Consort near him, Axel seems to fit in exceptionally well, despite not having the social stature usually prescribed to people who do well in courts and the like. "As odd as it may sound, there's no need to force yourself around me. I'd much rather you be at ease." he says after a short chuckle, as he sees her struggle, "Though, it seems like less chaotic isn't in the cards for you today, eh?" he murmurs as his gaze moves to meet the massive cake, the likes of which he's obviously never seen. But as impressive as it is, surprise does not cross Axel's face this time.

As the cake is delivered unto its appointed resting place, the crowd takes on a collective quiet. This was a defining moment of feasts! Some sort of surprise always went hand-in-hand with large cakes or pies, and the Bombellos had no intention of disappointing their guests without the appropriate delights. Yet...the seconds stretch on, into an awkwardly long moment. Galante glances discreetly to a nearby servant, who offers the most minute of shrugs. Someone coughs.

Simona can be heard to say, not kindly, "I told you not to hire the drunk."

Carlo makes his way to his father's side, who mutters to his son, "The little knight is supposed to jump out."

Things were growing awkward, quickly.

Dora absently clutches at Axel's shoulder. "Oh gods," she says. "What if he's stuck?" Her gaze all but implores that Axel help. "I told him this was a terrible idea. Who puts people in cake?" The minute turns into minutes, and still no tiny knight bursts forth from the gate of icing.

Leaning back in his chair, Martino's fingertips cradle around his topped up glass of white wine once more. His shoulders leaning back, wine against chest and fine velvet jacket as he glanced from Simona across to Thea before nudging his head towards the cake. Murmurs hush with Thea, "You might have to do some sort of breathing help on a tiny drunk man. I'd say this is a new experience but. Well."

Mabelle claps her hands delightedly and she sidesteps to Alessia, "Is there a person in there? I wanted to do that for my next party", she murmurs to her, but as the time stretch and no one jumps out and everyone is getting a little pale she lowers her voice to her Mazetti friend and mumbles to her in discretion, "If he's dead in there, I'm not eating it".

As an aside, Hadrian adds absently for Galente's benefit, "My lord, if you've a need for a replacement little knight? I could give you the name and credentials of the one I frequently use for my Donkey Knights drag... wait, is your little knight a drunkard called Garth? Do we use the same small drunkard?" The prospect seems to bring out a bewildered tone from Hadrian, albeit amused bewilderment.

"There really is a man in there,"Thea exclaims! "And mouth thing? On a who--?" She looks at the cake with new wide eyes,"Well for gods sakes, Why isn't isn't anyone LOOKING?" Thea is a bit perplexed at this point but adds,"Just don't go you know, slicing it, just in case you stab whoever is supposed to be in there,"with that, she's already starting to reach for her dagger. Since no one else is.

"If he's dozing inside the cake, I'd recommend he be cut out before he suffocates." Alessia suggests, amusing slowly fading with time. She turns to Mabelle, with a raised brow before murmuring something in response.

Axel doesn't stop the Marquessa clutching onto him, though the sudden physical contact does startle him a little. He eyes the cake with a hint of bewilderment, before glancing over at the people conspiring to cut the knight, "We'd need something blunt, I wouldn't recommend doing that with any kind of knife." he calls out loud enough for them to hear. Afterwards, he moves his gaze back to Dora. "I don't think he'd be able to get stuck. They didn't bake him into the cake, did they?" he mutters a question, while the same soft smile appears on his face, trying to lighten up the mood for the overly worried Dora.

As the cake is at last opened. Servants, motivated by Thea's cry and inspired by Axel's suggestion, work to free the encased knight. As great gobs of white cake are torn away, falling to the floor, what is revealed is not a small knight at all, but a great many dog collars and leashes. These hit the floor in a loud clatter. The servants, confused but still believing a person to be stuck inside, pull yet more out and toss them aside. At the same time, from behind a curtain leaps a mini-minotaur wielding a trident, shouting, "RAAAAARRRRR!" as he charges the cake.

He slips upon a tangle of leash and icing, falling to his bottom with a loud, "Oof!"

Confusion mounts. The sheer social horror of their hosts is palpable, with Galante and Carlo looking aghast. Dora is utterly perplexed, and Simona laughs bitterly.

"M'lords," the minotaur says as he gets to his feet. "I was told to jump out when the cake was opened, so I jumped out. Did you call me, my Lord?" He waves the trident about. "Begging your pardon, but as you can see, I'm working right now, 'Fraid I can't do Donkey Knights until next week. And who says Reginald is a drunk!?" The bull head peers back towards the cake. "Where is Reggie?"

And just when one might think it could not get worse, a servant bursts through the hall's double doors in a great panic, shouting, "Lord Pelinor and Sir Anton have been MURDERED!"

Things really got out of hand.

Finely crafted eyebrows of Martino's lift up in utter shock of cake being torn apart, of mini-minotaur charging and falling over. "Are they... always like this Simona?" Martino's voice is a hush question as he leans for a moment just too-close to Simona before he hears the call and great panic by the door. Sharp greens, turning towards it as he listens on at the servant. Noting what he can for later.

Mabelle observes the situation in the hall in horror. She murmurs to Alessia, "I like dogs and I like cake, but not like that". But the news of the murdered men makes any amusement flee from her face.

The reveal ends up being all the more confusing, and the appearance of the minotaur doesn't make it any better. Despite all that, Axel is still smiling, perhaps even a little wider than before. As the two deaths get announced, the smile is drained from his face, which takes up on an appropriately shocked expression, but his eyes spark up, glinting with a hint of curious amusement as he continues to look over the panic that ensues.

Hadrian's eyebrows dance a little higher, his lips part, and his harlequin eyes dance about for a moment before he huffs out a breath, "Huh, well, this escalated qui--". Don't speak so quickly, Hadrian. The call that a pair have been murdered. A pair he only recently sought to speak with, results in Hadrian's head snapping about in the direction of the shout and then as an aside to Marquis Galente the Duke-Consort of Ostria remarks, "I was going to ask to speak to you soon, Marquis Galente. It seems that has became a little more a certainty than a request. At your leisure, of course. You've a great deal on your hands now". Hadrian pauses for a moment to consider the mini-taur and the Duke's teeth press together for a split second, but soon that pensive expression is whisked away as though it were a veil blown away by the wind. A new expression slides easily into place, one that is more quietly confident, bordering on neutral. Then Hadrian begins to look, watching the crowds and those within it. He watches not the herd of people, but the individuals within it. A practiced eye watching the reactions of each present. After a moment of silence Hadrian sucks at a tooth before he begins to move away again in search of his own retinue. He pauses however to add at Galente, "House Mazetti stands ready to offer our vassal their support, should you wish it. We will not impede on your affairs, but our offer of aid remains open. As always."

Thea hikes her eyebrows. And is just-What the actul fu--I mean hells! She looks around and asks,"This isn't--this isn't normal right,"Thea asks. But then the minotaur announces the murder and Thea's eyes widen. She straightens, clearing her throat. Right. Business Thea. In a gown.

Head whipping to Hadrian when the murders are announced, Alessia's eyes widen and she turns toward the double doors, perplexed.

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