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Written By Sabella

Sept. 16, 2018, 9:52 p.m.(8/12/1009 AR)

I would like to thank everyone that sent me a gift on Grayson Gift Day! I was overwhelmed with everyone's kindness and well wishes! It has certain been an incredibly busy week, ending in a wonderful Grayson Family dinner where there were new and familiar faces and I just was delighted by everyone and everything said. It really just is such a great feeling to have friends and family all on one place for no other reason than to share each other's company!

And I got to meet the newest addition to the family who is just darling! And makes me more excited to meet our little one and I was already pretty impatient to begin with!

I have such high hopes for the future, even with everything I hear that is happening. There are so many amazing people in this city, I just know everything will turn out well in the end.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 12, 2018, 10:03 p.m.(8/2/1009 AR)

I have two sisters that I utterly adore! Some people say that being the middle child is the worst place to be, for you are not the eldest that is treasured by your parents for being the first and you are not the youngest who is treasured by everyone for being the baby, but you are the forgotten middle child who no one expects all that much of since the eldest has already done it and the youngest will be the last to.

But they're wrong! Being the middle child is wonderful because you're always in the middle of a warm hug! Lou is the best older sister a girl can ask for--so responsible, smart, and courageous! And Reese is the best younger sister a girl can ask for--so sweet, strong, and brave! Each of us is so different from the other and we've all excelled on our own paths, yet we always manage to stay together and support each other!

It is true that no one expects much of you as a middle child, but that just means you get to do what you want!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 6, 2018, 10:45 a.m.(7/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Gianna

Well, I hope some strings were attached otherwise that must have been a very hard instrument to play!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 5, 2018, 2:09 p.m.(7/16/1009 AR)

I think it is likely quite common for evil wizards to be considered heroes. After all, we all start out striving towards a goal that we think is noble, do we not? But our noble goal may not be another's. Or the noble goal may become twisted along the way. The Gyre was brought about by someone pursuing evil with the intent to vanquish it and was instead turned by it. Perhaps the evil wizard is just protecting her people. Perhaps she is acting in self defense, yet that fact is never reported on and she is a hero to her land. Perhaps she is desperate and does not understand a situation. Perhaps she is not acting of her own accord, but knows that if she can just hang on long enough she can turn it all around!

We never really know another person's story. Especially if we don't ask! And having a label of 'evil wizard' often means people don't ask. And they still should. Knowing why a person is doing something can be important to stopping it.

But, I have moved away from something I wanted to actually talk about today, gentle readers! Lord Grady Deepwood and I, along with his protege Mistress Josephine and probably many others are going to host a fundraiser for the Lodge of Petrichor! I am asking people to put together baskets to be raffled off! You can put whatever you'd like in them be it armor or clothing or baked goods or books or whatever strikes your fancy! Though I do hope that people put things in that they would like to receive. Lord Grady is also looking for items to put up for raffle as well, so if you want to put together a basket please contact me and if you want to offer an item then contact Lord Grady! We will be offering raffle tickets in unlimited amounts so start saving up! And all proceeds will go directly to the defense of the Lodge of Petrichor from the most recent threat.

And it will also be a brilliant party!!

Written By Sabella

Sept. 2, 2018, 6:45 p.m.(7/6/1009 AR)

I can't believe I won the writing contest! Thank you so much to everyone that voted for me! I am just entirely floored!

And thank you, Lady Monique, for the opportunity to participate!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 31, 2018, 8:19 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

At this point in my pregnancy, halfway to the finish line, I have to say: I feel like a moose! And I know I'm not even half as big as I'll actually get! It's nice to be able to eat whatever I want, though! I am taking full advantage of the excuse so if anyone is looking for gift day gifts for me, food is probably a good way to go!

It's been very busy since I was named Voice. I don't think I ever realized how much the heads of Houses did! I mean, I know they were always busy with important things, but these messengers never seem to stop! Still, it's very nice to know that I am helping out my House.

Speaking of which: To raise funds for the Lodge of Petrichor I am going to do a raffle for baskets full of wonderful things! If you would like to contribute by putting together a basket, please let me know! If you would like to donate things to a basket, let me know! The more we can do to raise funds for the defense of the Lodge the better off we all will be! AND you'll get some goodies out of it if you win!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 26, 2018, 4:26 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Let it be known that last night Princess Caith Thrax proved that she was the best hugger in the world! I heartily congratulate her for confirming her status as THE BEST and also thank everyone that turned out and those who made absentee bets! We were able to donate a large amount to the Knights of Solace (in Princess Caith, the Best Hugger Ever's name!) and it was just a good time! I saw many in the crowd getting into the spirit of things and great hugs were had all around!

To top off the night, I was named a Voice of House Grayson! I am so completely honored and excited! I often strive for ways to help my House and now I will be able to do so directly!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 24, 2018, 12:30 p.m.(6/15/1009 AR)

With Scholar Oswyn gone I would like to introduce Scholar Hayward who is transcribing my journals! She doesn't have quite the ear for punctuation that Scholar Oswyn did, but I've instructed her to end every sentence that seems like it needs it with an exclamation point!

I see there are lots of people and messengers coming and going today! I bet that's because of Princess Caith and I finally squaring off to decide who is the best hugger! I hope everyone stops by tonight to get a hug (two really, you must compare!) and enjoy some wonderful food, drink, and conversation! Remember there will be a prize for whoever correctly bets on the winner AND comes closest to the vote count for that Princess! It is truly going to be a very fun event!


((Scholar note: Sorry, that was just her taking a breath))

Written By Sabella

Aug. 19, 2018, 7:13 p.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

The Gala was an absolutely legendary night and lived up to its theme in every sense of it! I have to thank Prince Tyrval, both of them, for being so game all evening. I had a wonderful time as Queen Alarice, but am doubly thankful now that my cousin is King and I get to put this crown in the armoire and never think of that sort of responsibility again!

Well. I might take the crown out every once and awhile.

But it was truly an amazing event. It was wonderful to see so many people from so many families attend and talk and dance and laugh with each other. To see so many people interested in the stories of the past and looking to forge new bonds to help us move into the future was inspiring! If we all remain so open and willing to work and help each other I cannot imagine a force we cannot counter. We are stronger together. We are better together.

I have great hopes for the legends of the future!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 18, 2018, 4:43 p.m.(6/3/1009 AR)

I am extremely excited for the Gala tonight! Not only will I be playing the role of an amazing woman, but the Nightingale will be singing a song that I wrote! It is my first time ever trying to write such a thing, so I am nervous as to it's reception, but also incredibly excited! So, I guess I'm nervcited? Or excitvous! A perfect combination of the two that apparently words can only aspire to!

I can't wait to see everyone there!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:09 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

**Presented here is a three frame drawing.

In the first a very terrible drawing of a stick figure coming in the door with a smile. Underneath the picture it says "Hello! What is going o--"

In the second the stick figure now has a big O mouth

In the third it is backing out of the door and one assumes closing it behind him**

Written By Sabella

Aug. 10, 2018, 12:19 p.m.(5/15/1009 AR)

Last night's ball at the Menagerie was simply amazing! There were so many glorious masks and fascinating costumes and people really used their imagination for many of them! The dragon that won the costume contest absolutely should have--she was simply stunning! It made me very glad I had chosen to not go as a dragon, which I had initially planned! As it was, Prince Niklas and I won the dancing competition and then I came in second in the costume contest! I must thank Mistress Petal for bringing my Moon gown creation to life! It was absolutely everything I'd imagined and she took my scrawled designs and made them real and I could not be more delighted! Or happier with the two pretty rings I now have.

I have been very anxious every time I have to go outside without my bandages on. I am very grateful to the people who interact with me as if I do not have a healing cut on my face and treat me as they always have. The masquerade allowed me to do so and relax and I honestly had a great time! Thank you, Duke Aiden, for hosting yet again and I look forward to next year!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 7, 2018, 8:21 a.m.(5/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

I believe you are misunderstanding my husband's clarification. He made it just in case anyone thought he was claiming to have participated (as in fought) in a duel, which he would not do what with not being a Champion. He has certainly participated in challenges and then attended the duels that came from them.

And I believe there have been several instances of non-combatant duels, such as the recent one that required the participants drink alcohol, one where the participants had to recite poetry, and the informal one between Princess Tikva and Prince Niklas which was a banjo-off!

Written By Sabella

Aug. 6, 2018, 2:21 p.m.(5/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

Renewal. Rebirth.


Written By Sabella

Aug. 3, 2018, 3:04 p.m.(4/25/1009 AR)

I have been keeping mostly to myself to heal for the past week and was hesitant to venture out, but I had duties to perform and Scholar Oswyn recommended some fresh air to keep my spirits up, so I went out yesterday a bit before the painting party and while I was very nervous the sky didn't fall and nothing terrible happened.

Quite the contrary, actually, some amazing things happened! The painting party at the Menagerie was very, very well attended and the children seemed to have a tremendous amount of fun! All of the citizens of Arx that turned out were wonderful--they regaled them with stories, helped them paint rocks (and sometimes each other), shared food and company and it was all around a fantastic time! We received several donations for the Faith to aid in helping all the orphanages in the Lowers and Lady Rosalie Redtyde actually adopted one of the orphans at the party, a special, lucky little girl named Kes! Who I hear is going to be the best dressed little girl in all of Arx if Lady Rosalie has anything to say about it!

It was so--it was such an act of love and kindness and restored my faith in the world. It truly did. Seeing everyone so entertained and happy and people giving their time just to be there. It was truly wonderful.

My thanks to everyone that showed up and engaged! Your rocks have all been delivered to the Shrine of Jayus to add to the wall there! Make sure you visit to see if you can pick yours out!

Written By Sabella

July 30, 2018, 10:29 a.m.(4/16/1009 AR)

Apologies to those that I have said I would meet with or attend their parties. I shall not be venturing out for a while.

Written By Sabella

July 27, 2018, 10:22 a.m.(4/10/1009 AR)

I have been very fortunate to have been kept very busy this week! My birthday was amazing, as I'm sure I have posted before! Princess Tikva gave me an amazing tiara that makes it look like I have stars in my hair and Prince Niklas is getting annoyed I don't even want to take it off to sleep! I then attended the Explorer's water gauntlet, which turned out to be a terrible mistake! Please don't get the wrong idea, gentle reader, for the event itself was very well put together and people were certainly having a lot of fun climbing and falling from the rigging, but my inability to be on a ship without being ill coupled with this all day sickness was not the best choice I ever made and I spent most of the time below decks until we were on blessed land again. Still, the company was quite good and Princess Alarissa was a gracious, understanding hostess who made sure I was as comfortable as I possibly could be while vomiting profusely into a bucket!

Then I attended the opening of Duke Harlan and Lady Olivia's Orangery and I was completely astounded at how many different types of flowers and plants Lady Olivia has managed to cultivate! The whole thing was very impressive and the people at the part were absolutely delightful! We played a card game provided by Master Saedrus, who had done the lovely illustrations all himself, which got everyone chatting and getting to know one another and it was truly a wonderful night!

And then last night was the first night of the Tournament of Swords and it was absolutely glorious! There were many games, lots of winners, and I think everyone will be telling the tale of that second song the Nightingale sung for weeks to come! I remain impressed by those who competed in the swimming competition--not one person turned to ice, which speaks to their great fortitude!

Tonight is the last night of the Tournament of Swords and there is to be jousting and a melee and an archery contest! So I do hope that everyone shows up! Come to play or come to watch and mingle! It is sure to be a night to remember!

Written By Sabella

July 25, 2018, 3:13 p.m.(4/6/1009 AR)

I'd like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes! Especially Mistress Lottie who sent me the most delicious strawberry cake I've ever had! I was even able to keep it down! And Princess Tikva, who wrote the most wonderful things about me. I know how very busy she is every day and that she took the time to sit down and be so generous with her thoughts was worth more than all the tiaras in the world!

But she also gave me a tiara which is EXQUISITE!!!!! I'll be wearing it for the rest of my life if anyone wants to see it.

And most especially to my husband, who let me read that journal entry before he handed it off to the scholars. It was a lovely way to wake up this morning. Every morning is made more wonderful because I wake up beside him, but that he finds ways to make me feel so special daily makes me the very luckiest person in the entire world! I love you more than the stars, Niklas Grayson, and I now wear some in my hair so you know that's a lot!

Very sincerely, thank you everyone who wished me well. I have a feeling 24 is going to be the greatest year of my life!

Written By Sabella

July 22, 2018, 9:12 p.m.(4/1/1009 AR)

My husband is the most wonderful, brilliant, and talented man ever! He surprised me with a painting of me that he did and then put up in one of the halls I pass every day. I was so stunned the first time I saw it! He made me look so beautiful and lifelike and I had no idea he was hiding this amazing painting ability! He is truly extraordinary and I am exceedingly lucky to have fallen in love with someone who has the capacity for such love and creativity to shine through.

That he's also incredibly handsome is also very helpful!

Written By Sabella

July 20, 2018, 11:04 a.m.(3/22/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

I think that means OUT is the new IN!

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