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Written By Sabella

April 5, 2018, 12:36 a.m.(6/28/1008 AR)


Though, truly, I lucked into it, so perhaps Master Thayne is rubbing off on me. Master Itzal Culler and Lady Elara Kennex were spectacular throughout the night and it is only because I was ultimately sure I would not win that I was able to relax and move the odds slightly in my favor.

This is likely to be the one and only time I win glory for my House and while it does not compare to the rooms full of Reese's tournament trophies, I am still thrilled about it.

Thank you to everyone that made it such a fun and spectacular night!

Written By Sabella

April 4, 2018, 2:12 p.m.(6/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Itzal

She should, you're great!

Written By Sabella

April 4, 2018, 9:47 a.m.(6/27/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lou




Lou! LOU! I just want you to know for no particular reason that I do so love my name and think it could be used well as a first or middle name. I've always thought Sabelle would also be good or just Belle, even, might be nice.

Written By Sabella

April 4, 2018, 8:31 a.m.(6/27/1008 AR)

Sometimes it is just too much.

Written By Sabella

April 3, 2018, 8:25 a.m.(6/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Venturo

I should temper my visits and effusive praise of your Taproom for when it is ragingly popular I will no longer be able to find a seat! But I am happy to spread the word that a fine artisan like yourself has taken up in Arx. The world could use more kindness and I truly believe that comes from inspiring people like you.

Written By Sabella

April 2, 2018, 12:27 a.m.(6/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

You are too kind, dearest Reese! The things I do are small compared to what you have done and continue to do for the family! I am happy to help ease your burden whenever and however I can.

Written By Sabella

April 2, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(6/22/1008 AR)

I fear I may never sleep again.

Written By Sabella

March 30, 2018, 1:34 p.m.(6/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

I accept your challenge for you ought to recall our House words are "None Greater Than Grayson" and then in very small print under the Griffon it continues "at hugging!"

Shall we meet to settle this once and for all? Tea and cakes at high noon! Bring a second, for otherwise there might be leftovers.

Written By Sabella

March 30, 2018, 12:22 p.m.(6/16/1008 AR)

Were I ever challenged to a duel I would set the most creative of conditions. Perhaps a singing competition or a speech contest with the crowd deciding the winner.

Just kidding. Reese would be my named my champion and I'd get an apology right away. And if I didn't, I imagine I'd get one right after she won.

I worry about the issue of challenges lately, however. Have we learned nothing from war? That we should flare to such tempers and let it come to blows rather than talking things through or asking for intermediaries is troubling to me. Surely, there are times when such things are unavoidable, but it seems to me a lot could be handled diplomatically, rather than publicly trying to shame the other party. Or both.

Written By Sabella

March 29, 2018, 9:05 a.m.(6/13/1008 AR)

I have been spending SO much time with merchants and vendors lately that they seem very concerned about my well being and begged me to go home yesterday and give my voice a rest. It was so thoughtful of them to think of me as sometimes I do a lot of talking during the day and I ought to take better care of myself. I had some tea with honey this morning to make sure my throat is in tiptop shape so that I can go visit with them all again today! There are just so many things to discuss and ask about for myself and others!

Last night's Drinking and Darts competition was great fun for the most part. It was probably less fun for the person I hit with the dart. I'm still very, very sorry about that! I almost hit Luca too, but I feel like that wasn't so much my fault as the fact that he's very noticeable in a crowd and I hadn't yet said hello. I also had a wonderful conversation with my cousin Wash and Lord Niklas and now we're going sailing this afternoon! How fun! All that water! No land! Why, that just sounds thrilling!

The scholar says there's no way to indicate sarcasm in text. Oh, well, that's probably for the best.

Written By Sabella

March 27, 2018, 3:44 p.m.(6/9/1008 AR)

The whites so often race from one end of the spectrum to the other. We have drama and insults one day then jokes and stories another. I can always tell that something interesting is happening by the amount of people lingering around to read them. Well, here is another for your pile, dear reader. And know that if you are having a bad day you should stop reading and come find me and I shall try to cheer you up!

I have been very busy lately with several charitable endeavors. We have started a series of plays in the open air theater in the Lowers for the orphans there and anyone that might otherwise not be able to often times find their way to the theater. We mean to make it a quarterly series, but the first was so popular we may up the shows! I would like to thank Lord Niklas for so quickly writing so many lovely, silly short stories to entertain the children, Master Claude for the amazing set pieces and props, Prince Talwyn for providing musical accompaniment, all of the actors who took time out of their busy schedules to be so amazing, and everyone that has supported this venture.

My efforts to help the children impacted by the war were so successful I have decided to continue them. I am also branching out to start an initiative for those who were not in the path of destruction from the war, but who still suffer from hunger and want. The rebuilding efforts are certainly noble and everyone should definitely support those, but we should not forget that there are others who still struggle elsewhere. If anyone is willing to help, please let me know. And if you have great causes you need support for, I am more than willing to help!

Written By Sabella

March 24, 2018, 10:10 p.m.(6/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

Watch the hands! You're no good to me if you can't write!

Also I hope you feel better all around.

But watch the hands!

Written By Sabella

March 23, 2018, 11:16 p.m.(6/2/1008 AR)

The Grayson party was a great success! There was talking, eating, drinking, and dancing! I was so glad Princess Tikva and Master Itzal both played and sang and that people felt cheerful enough to dance. People need to remember to that it's still okay to laugh and be happy and be hopeful, even while still grieving. Life goes on and it's okay to live it.

Written By Sabella

March 20, 2018, 6:11 p.m.(5/23/1008 AR)

There seem to be a great many people here both reading and writing journals today! How wonderful! It is so important that we all make sure these interesting times are recorded and that we support each other in doing so!

Today was a wonderful day! I pitched a new project to my protege and he agreed it was a worthy undertaking! I do not want to spoil too much of it, but it will require he write a number of new, short plays to be produced for a very important audience. I have every faith that he will do an amazing job! I also received a tour of Kennex Kay and an offer of swimming lessons should I ever want to learn, which I would not. What if there were an great shaking of the earth and a crack opened up and pulled me down into the ocean?! Or worse, if sharks swam up from it?! I have heard tell of fish that can tear flesh from bones in mere seconds! What if there were some of them in there!? I'm sure there probably are not, as it is a pool for recreation, but one can never know these days what will happen, so it seems safer to keep my feet quite firmly on the ground.

I am so excited for this new project! It helps to keep my mind off of the sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in with this war. I worry daily about my sisters and all my loved ones who are still not home. Know that I am doing my best here at home to keep people upbeat and hopeful. I love you all!

Written By Sabella

March 17, 2018, 12:43 p.m.(5/17/1008 AR)

It is hard to focus on anything considering I am constantly fearful for the lives of the ones that I love who are facing the horrors of war as this is written. It is hard to keep smiling, though I am trying, because someone needs to try to keep those who remain here cheered. As much as possible, which sometimes seems...I hope it is not taken in a terrible way, that I do not understands the risks and the hardship, I do, but for those of us in the city there is nothing but anxiety and worry and fear and it is not helpful. Especially when so many left behind are expecting new babies in the future. The strain is too much. So, I will try to lighten what I can and keep the subject from being too heavily on things we cannot know or change.

It is hard to ignore the information coming in. I want to know everything as it happens, but the anxiety of it! Waiting for the next release. I could not stay at the Vigil to bear it. Best to find out all in one go as the light dawns the full extent of what has happened. And it's not over yet.

I worry constantly for my sisters. For Aiden and Harlan and Luca and Michael and Theron and my friends and family all of whom are too numerous to fully list here. You are in my thoughts and prayers every minute of the day and night. Even if I am not speaking on the war, I am thinking of you.

Please come home.

Written By Sabella

March 15, 2018, 8:43 a.m.(5/13/1008 AR)

Seeing the best in everything should not be viewed as a failing. Doing the right thing should never be put off because it is inconvenient!

Written By Sabella

March 14, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(5/11/1008 AR)

Things have been very busy lately! Not only are there several newcomers to Arx that I have been trying to help settle, but my curious inquiry about whether or not dragons actually exist has lead to an incredible amount of fascinating conversations with people I both know very well (and did not know they knew of such things!) and people I barely know offering up their thoughts, facts, and opinions. Though facts and opinions often seem to sound the same. As such, I am assured by many people that dragons do in fact exist! A fact which I find incredible! I am also told that while I opine that I should want to meet one, that they are ill-tempered creatures and I should not say such things.

However, I wonder if the reason they are thought as such is because whenever they run into one of us it must be an adventurer who is packed full of sharp things and looks threatening. Perhaps we seem as threatening to them as they do to us? That should make a sorry first impression to a dragon that thought we were just myths or had perhaps been told tales where we were dangerous to them. I quite wonder if under the right circumstances if a dragon wouldn't be perfectly fine. If they do in fact exist as I am assured, it seems it would definitely be in our best interest to find and cultivate some kind of relationship with them, considering there are stories about them being used for warfare.

Not that I'll ever know since I rarely leave the city. And I am sure there are several people that will read this and shake their heads at my nonsense and silly ideas and I admit that I am uninformed on such things, but I am trying to learn! And I would much rather be optimistic about these things than just assume all dragons are terrible things. Surely, just like us there are those who are good and there are those who are evil and there are those who just are.

But I am neither a scholar nor a theologist nor an adventurer, so it is unlikely even if they do exist that I should ever see one.

It would be a lovely thing, though, if I could!

Written By Sabella

March 12, 2018, 10:23 p.m.(5/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

I hate that stupid bird.

Written By Sabella

March 11, 2018, 10:18 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

This is getting ridiculous.

Written By Sabella

March 10, 2018, 3:24 p.m.(5/3/1008 AR)

I worked VERY hard on an apology, perhaps the best apology I have ever composed, but I am told it would not be well received. So, I delivered it to an unsuspecting party in front of the Gilded Page and got two very satisfying reactions from it. Surely most people would love to know that someone worked so hard on perfecting the language surrounding so sincere a thing that might be delivered simply, but instead was done in a glorious manner? In prose so heartfelt and wrought with meaning to inspire forgiveness in even the coldest hearts or most wounded of pride?

I suppose it has been made abundantly clear that I don't know my audience here. Fine! I submit. Though I cannot promise it will be terse. There has to be at least one mention of weeping bitter tears of disappointment for anyone to take it seriously.

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