Marquis Dario Seraceni
Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical.

Obituary: Marquis Dario Seraceni's ship sailed from Arx for Ischia at least two months ago, and hadn't been seen since. Wreckage of his ship with no sign of survivals was just recently spotted just short of landfall of Ischia. The marquis is presumed lost with all other hands, but the cause is still a mystery. There were no storms at all during the time of his travel, nor were the waters particularly perilous, and his ship and its large troop complement should have been more than equipped to handle any pirate activity.
Description: Dario stands at six feet and two inches tall. His curly brown hair, usually worn rather long, almost always looks windswept, as though the man has just come in from being out at sea. He keeps himself shaved, although he perpetually looks as though he may sprout a beard, with dark stubble gracing his chin and cheeks. His dark brown eyes are piercing, and can be unnerving when settled into a squinted gaze of interest. He has a long, slender scar from the bottom of his left eye down to his jawline from some long-ago mishap.
Personality: Darios business is war, and he treats war and battle with all the respect it deserves. While he has a commanding presence, it is discussing martial matters where his true leadership skills shine.
He can often appear quiet, almost pensive or brooding, and he occasionally gets lost in his thoughts. Perhaps he is remembering some long-ago battle or the loss of some comrade. Despite this, he does not normally come across as hostile or unkind, and in fact is rather even-tempered.
Background: Marquis Dario Seraceni was taught war from the very moment he could begin to comprehend its meaning. The Seraceni family members are all studious by nature, but the heirs to the House are inundated and primarily driven to learn sea warfare in order to take the lead of the fleet in times of crisis. For the heir, all other education is largely forfeit until strategy, tactics, and leadership are mastered. Often times, other members of the family will be practiced in stewardship and other vital duties to support the fledgling leader.
Should an heir not measure up to these standards, House Sareceni has a tradition of promoting another heir more competent in these arts. This is not seen as dishonorable as much as it is a necessity given the long history of primarily driving their economy through plunder, raiding, and sailing. Fortunately for Dario, he blossomed early and became adept in both war and sailing.
His father, Marquis Vincenzo Seraceni. was particularly famous in the annals of the family for his martial abilities. Through him, House Seraceni reached new levels of admiration and respect among the Velenoza. This was due, in large part, to his devout and unshakable faith in the Pantheon. It eased the perception of House Seraceni as wild, godless pirates, and allowed the family to make political gains. For this reason, Vincenzo instilled a strong religious tradition in his son from a young age. His mother Marquessa Asuna Seraceni was less pious and more practical. She was a noble of one of the more wealthy minor nobles families of House Velenosa..
Sadly, when Dario was only eighteen, both of his parents were killed in a storm that wiped out a good portion of the Seraceni fleet. They had been on their way to the capital of the Lyceum for an unscheduled (and rather mysterious) appearance before the Court.
Elevated at such a young age, Darios inexperience showed and he had a rather rough start in his new position as Marquis he depended on the loyalty of his family and their good favor among the people to grow as a leader. He took their counsel and treated them fairly, generously, and he was not afraid to bring others up that could prove themselves and giving them positions of responsibility.
Once settled in his position, Dario became a masterful fleet tactician while relying on his family for matters of economics, trade, and governance of Ischia. He served well when Pravus called its banners against the traitorous Argento family, and received recognition for his service in that war. He rewarded his family with key opportunities and he is eager to see them successful. This leaves the man perhaps a little insensitive to the great picture or greater need of events around him as he has a habit of looking to Ischia first. He has invested a lot into the loyalty of his people and respect for his naval conquests.
Still a bachelor Dario, has been pressed to marry as of late but has yet to deem a fitting match to help and assist his House. He continues to pray and keep his faith strong to carry him through these tumultuous times of war.
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