Prince Noah Velenosa
And what exactly can that do for me?

Description: Standing a few inches above six foot, this man possesses lean muscles of a runner. His hair is a mixture of shades of blondes that almost bleed to browns in a golden color. It is kept short on the sides and longer on the top as it threatens to fall into his blue-gray eyes. There seems to always be some form of boredom to those eyes, as if he's always just slightly disappointed in where he is and when he is there. He has the classic features that mark him as a Grayson through and through. His jawline is firm and squared off and he's more apt to smirk than smile.
Personality: Noah has been raised to think he's better than everyone for being a Grayson. He does. He does what he wants and how he wants with little thought to other's feelings but his own. This is not to say that he cannot have a change of heart upon meeting people more. He's prone to smirk and be full of himself, at least in public. Some say if his lips are moving, he's lying. Who he is in private and those close to him? No one is quite certain.
Background: Growing up in Bastion, Noah was always held in high regard. He was a Prince of Grayson. If he wanted it growing up, he got it. First born son to his parents. There was nothing he could not get out of if he wanted out of it. He was charming as a child and then spoiled as a teenager and into adulthood. If he wanted an outfit, he got the best. If he wanted attention, he got it anyway needed. He left a trail of broken hearts without once looking backwards or being apologetic about it.
Noah got sent from Bastion to Arx after a bad decision. A young noblewoman caught his interest. He was a prince, so he caught his interest. He figured why not? The reason he shouldn't have? She was already very public in courting of his best friend. Noah said all the pretty things and in the end the courtship ended and Noah's father thought it best he go to Arx where his younger sister was. The fall of Bastion (and his family there) is still a very sensitive subject to Noah.
When he arrived to Arx he immediately (his first day) was challenged to a duel. This gathered the annoyance of an Oathlander Prince, who became Noah's nemesis for a moment. So when that prince was trying to flirt with a single High Lady Regent --- Noah stepped in. Only history did not repeat. Not at all. What started as a display of one-up-manship between the two moved to a courtship. Then moved to a contract. Then moved to a marriage and children. In the perhaps most sweeping change to his life is when the High Lady Regent became High Lady of her own and Noah Grayson found himself as Archduke Consort Noah Velenosa of the Lyceum. The High Lady already had two dead husbands before him, every year there is a vote if this will be the last.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Aella | What kind of prince trips a countess after she purposely trod on his foot? He even caught me after tripping me so I wouldn't fall. Completely unacceptable behavior. Which is why I imagine we'll be good friends. |
Aethan | I've never run into anyone who has the pet name of Chaos or calls their spouse Poison. I guess it's a very Velenosa kind of thing to do? |
Agostino | Interesting. May have an unhealthy obsession with small blades. |
Alarissa | I have cousins, a great many cousins and he is one of them. He's a half decent one. Sometimes though, he makes me wonder. No doubt he will make for a never dull husband to my cousin by marriage. |
Anisha | Prince Noah Grayson is a self-declared jerk with few cares in the world. Of course, whenever you deal with someone who proclaims not to care, the trick is to find what - if anything - they do care for. Prince Noah may be a jerk. But he has not shown me that side, directly. Should I take it as praise and flattery, then, that he gives me his respect? |
Arman | Perhaps one day we will exchange words where he doesn't appear furious with me. |
Artur | The Archduke Consort seems easy enough to talk to, what little we actually talked. I've heard a few whispers of him in the short while I've been back in the city, though I can confirm nor deny none of them. Maybe I'll catch him out for a drink sometime and learn more about the man. |
Auda | My thoughts on the Archduke are a little.. hazy. |
Bianca | His particular talent is knowing how to get under one's skin. That unfortunate trait is balanced by a keen insight and a shrewd mind. I am not certain why the Gods placed Noah in my path but I am sure it will lead to growth for us both. Mostly sure. |
Calarian | It tends to be easy to spot the Graysons, for all that we take on other names when we marry out. Staggering arrogance sometimes backed by quality and ability, along with the gravitas that makes failure and success nothing short of great. |
Caprice | Good looks forgive a lot of things, but it's not shocking that so many find him grating. I'd probably be in that camp too if he wasn't so fun to dress. |
Caspian | The man seems always ready to either find trouble, or cause some, but always in the best way! |
Cassiopeia | I never thought Crownlanders were such emotional people. This man has proven me wrong. The rage and anger he openly displays, would rival any. |
Celine | Some things are better left unsaid, Archduke. You may have a reputation, but you really don't need to work so hard to live up to it. |
Cesare | The Archduke-Consort takes to heart his family motto "none greater than Grayson." He is unashamedly himself, and makes no effort to alter or soften his sharp edges for the comfort of anyone. Also he likes daggers. A lot. |
Cirroch | Unsure of how annoying he can really be, quite willing to be part of the fun or challenges directly |
Dacian | He has a taste for the rare and finer things in life. I cannot fault him that. |
Elizabetha | Dear (perhaps dear isn't the apt term) brother! How I have missed you, in all your sharp-tongued, scathe-witted, pig-headed glory above the rest! Truly, dearest one, I've needed you in this city with me. |
Erik | A man of not many words. Maybe I met him in the wrong company, for his correspondence was impeccable and gave a different impression. |
Evaristo | Impressive come back! Prince Noah Grayson is not a man I shall forget. |
Evelynn | I still don't know how he's angered so many. He seems to have a curious mind, which I appreciate. |
Everett | The Prince Noah Grayson stopped by our kiosk at the Farmers' Market, right about or shortly after closing time. It was truly a pleasure and an honor to be graced with his presence, and I truly regret that the pies all sold out not moments before His Highness arrived. Perhaps I can make another batch, and have some delivered? Baking is a joy to me, and sharing the proceeds is doubly so! |
Gabriella | A lover, not a fighter. He can handle himself great in a conversation and I need to surround myself with people like him if I'm to achieve my objectives. |
Gaspard | Prince Noah reminds me of Emlyn in more than a few ways, both don't seem to take things too seriously and are rather fond of alcohol. I could learn how to let go of my inhibitions from people like them. |
Gehenna | The Prince of Grayson is well aware of his station, quite as he should be. He is almost Valardin in his approach. |
Grady | No one can be THAT much of a Grayson without putting on at least something of an act, can they? |
Gwenys | Ballsy, asking the Archduchess of Velenosa out on a date. |
Ian | Definitely a Grayson. |
Ilira | Lucky find for her, lucky catch for him. |
Isabeau | It seems some things never change. Ruffling feathers where he goes. I even had some ass-cerbic remarks ready. Just in case they would be my feathers! |
Ivy | At first glance he seems so... disaffected. I would normally peg him as a jaded, licentious Prince and move along. But there's some redeeming quality in him. Just a smidge. I don't think he would like knowing that someone saw it. |
Jaenelle | There is certainly no denying where this man comes from. He won't let you forget, after all, this Prince of Grayson. I am not quite sure where his charm comes from, though perhaps one day someone may share his secrets. |
Jennyva | He certainly acts as if everything is beneath him. He said nothing can excite him, ever. Is that a boast or a challenge? |
Kaia | Ah, Noah Grayson. Noah Grayson. He is annoying. So very annoying. Even since we were kids. Annoying! But, not all of him is bad; even I have to admit to that. He has his good moments. Rare as they may be. He is certainly a challenge; and, therefore, often finds himself in the middle of many //challenges//. When will he learn? |
Katarina | There is some sort of joke about names that I am not getting. I will figure it out. Someday. |
Keely | I do not see why he has such a reputation for being unpleasant. He is perfectly kind to me, if a bit angsty at present. I hope things settle down for him soon. |
Lark | That strange staring all the Lycene ladies seem to love so much. |
Lenard | This particular prince seems to think 'None Greater than Grayson' is a law of the universe rather than an aspiration to always be worthy of being the house from which the kings are drawn. His presence among their number diminishes them. |
Lisebet | The archduke is a little too fond of daggers, but he does seem to have a good sense of humour. Mostly. |
Lou | Really. How many daggers does one actually need? One day, I'm going to take Jaenelle up on her permission to go through Noah's closets and liberate some. |
Lucita | Thoroughly enjoyable company and interesting person with whom to banter, even when in difficult circumstances. |
Lys | For a Grayson, he's not bad. He's strange. I kind of like it. |
Mabelle | He's not a vile as I thought he was. |
Macario | Possibly cut from the same cloth, though with a far different history, background, and interests. Still! |
Mattheu | Someone called him an Archduckie-Consort. He doesn't look like a duck, though could be as fierce as one. |
Medeia | If it is impolite to call a Grayson prince insufferable, then I am impolite. But honest. |
Monique | I don't like him. But I like him. And yet, I also really don't like him. What is this weird feeling... |
Nazmir | An interesting sort. Not at all shy, that's for sure. Not what one expect of someone married into Velenosa. Could be a good drinking companion. Maybe. |
Neilda | Regular old nice. A little underwhelming. I didn't think he was even a prince until Prince Pravus had mentioned as much! |
Nina | I have heard Prince Noah can be a mischievious sort, but it's clear he's attentive and dutiful for matters important to his family. That... or he is clearly interested in treasure and adventure! |
Odin | A master of the house! Man knows his poisons. |
Ophne | Skilled in the art of plate wars, much to my vexation. I think he enjoys baiting me, but I didn't rise to it. Well, I may have. /A little/. |
Orland | The epitome of why the enemies of the Compact want to tear it down. |
Oskar | Cavalier, headstrong, sure of himself beyond any reasonable metric. Some say he is a personification of the Grayson's worst attitudes. But does the wind care for the bleatings of sheep? |
Pasquale | He is not afraid to voice his opinions. |
Piccola | He is what a commoner would expect of a noble. From what I have read, he is disliked by the Peerage generally. But I have never cared to be liked or disliked; these things do not matter to me. Therefore, it is possible that he and I are more alike than different, even if our reputations, for the moment, may be different. |
Porter | I really think that he should have written a discretionary warning on his letters. I didn't expect our first meeting to go like this! But yes, friendship! |
Quenia | He hides behind an exterior of indifference, but deep down below he's capable of quite a lot. I've had a chance to witness this for myself out in the field. He'll probably never admit to it, however. |
Raimon | Met at the Black Fox: Sturdy, Protective, doesn't mind a bit of Trouble! |
Raja | Who walks into someone's private property and then tells them to lower themselves? I hope he falls in a hole. |
Raymesin | Seems to go out of his way to be annoying to family. I can understand that temptation. |
Reese | My second cousin and a Grayson Prince. He carries himself like a Grayson prince, seems self controled and intelligent. I am curious to learn more about him. |
Remus | This one loves his titles. -Really- loves them. If he could materialize them, he'd wear them like jewelry. But his personality could sour milk and make babies howl and dogs cry. |
Renata | I cannot tell if the Archduke-Regent says things to get a reaction or out of a true desire to know the answers. I wonder too if he even knows the answer to that. |
Renata | It is not everyday in which the first meeting of an Archduke-Consort is to witness them in their deadly accurate abilities with a snow ball, only for their intended target to catch it as if they were playing catch |
Ripley | Gosh he's just like me! |
Rosalind | Um---I think he has the bends since he keep pointing out the fact I said I was bendy when I mentioned my climbing and things. I don't know. But Aella seemed to like him alright.... |
Ryhalt | Seems as if he's taking this soon-to-be Archduke-Consort seriously. It should be interesting to see how he helps Velenosa. |
Sabella | His charm is subtle, but it is there. However, to say anything else may trick someone into thinking he is warm and funny. That would be terrible. |
Savio | None greater! Well, some greater. Quite a few greater. He stuck around to get hassled though, and most Princes would not. |
Seren | His Highness had a question he needed answering. I gave him my answer, but I'm not sure if it helped. He's an odd man, but... that doesn't have to be a bad thing. |
Sira | He didn't offer his name, or know what he was talking about at all, but he's easy on the eyes and seems to have coin to spend. What more is needed? |
Sorrel | He seems proud of his lack of etiquette, and I suppose it does give him a bit of rakish charm. I look forward to all of the Champions duels he is sure to inspire. A man has to have a hobby, right? |
Terese | A perceptive Prince. I appreciated him changing the topic when it was getting uncomfortable to speak about. |
Thea | I think he has a hearing impediment. He's pretty hard of hearing....A pretty face can only get you so far, and I think he'll be wrinkled in a week. |
Thesbe | He's direct, straightforward, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He also seems to have a good head on his shoulders for being ambitious. I'm still not sure how this Patron and Protege relationship is going to work out, but hopefully it'll benefit the both of us. Till then wish us both luck. |
Valdemar | I was surprised to hear how many views we have in common. Not at all what I was expecting. |
Vitalis | I am surprsied to say I liked His Grace. Dare I say Softest Cesare is a genius? |
Vittorio | He's amusing. To a point where he's not. |
Viviana | He's just ... weird. |
Wash | One can take a Grayson out of the Gray Forest, but he's still a Grayson. |
Zakhar | pompass... |
Zoey | An eager student, it would seem. If he is as easily bored as he claims to be, his talents and interests are likely many and varied. |
Zyxthylum | It isn't often a man is willing to tell you a hard truth. Some believe this is just crass, I think it shows a lack of filter another man has to sift through to have a conversation. |