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Whitehawk Barbeque

One last family get-together before the Baron goes off to do dangerous things. Expect delicious food and a merry time. Those curious are invited to drop by.


May 28, 2018, 8 p.m.

Hosted By



Aiden(RIP) Fredrik Rymarr(RIP) Kenna Tabitha Ephraim(RIP) Gaius Bethany Rhue Delilah Sparte



Arx - Ward of Grayson - Whitehawk Manor - Woodland Gardens

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Bethany comes into the garden not too early, and not too late; she breezes in exactly on time. She has with her a wicker basket with a cloth covering its contents, and carries it against her hip.

The Whitehawk Barbeque of '08 is meant to be a small affair, and looks the part. There is only one table set up for occupation, but it is full of delectable dishes and desserts. The main course seems to be roast chicken and grilled fish, with plenty of leafy greens and salads available for those who eat like rabbits instead of wolves. The Baron is seated, but somewhat distracted by the steady stream of messengers which seem to find their way to him. It is a nice autumn day, otherwise! If a bit cool due to winter soon arriving. The guests are shown into the garden once they wander into the Great Hall by the manor staff.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Cabbit, a nub-tailed tabby kitten arrives, following Tabitha.

Fredrik enters right after Bethany does, a faint, polite smile on his lips and dressed in a suit befitting a lovely occasion like this, adjusting his collar and ensuring everything is just so as he looks around curiously, a smile and little bow to Tabitha and Kenna as he spots them, otherwise moving toward the table and waiting for the good Baron to be finished so he can introduce himself properly.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Sparte has Tiny Tom along in her pouch to keep him company, the little stoat periodically peering out and chittering in her adorable aggitated way at the other tiny animals that may be present. Sparte is in good spirits as he is shown in to take a seat at the table, sneaking a small morsel to keep Tiny Tom appeased.

Kenna gives a finger wiggle to the Duke when he arrives, but her attention is captured by Sally who is WAY interested in the stoat. Laughing Kenna points this out to Tabitha next to her as the squirrel darts to the edge of a branch so she can get a better look at Sparte's Tiny Tom from above. "Just watch, in a moment she's going to drop right on his head."

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Meanwhile, Tabitha is standing next to Kenna, with an adolescent tabby kitteny-cat sleepily bundled up in her silk-clad arms. She giggles when Kenna points out Sally Acorn staring at the wee stoat, but then notices Fredrik and gives him a nod and a smile in greeting. She turns her attention back to Kenna when he goes to introduce himself, however, then whispers something to her cousin.

Silas looks up and brightens at a few familiar faces - most of them, really - and a new face. He shoos away the messenger in his ear and turns to properly greet his guests - even if the messengers still linger nearby. "Welcome everyone! I hope you're ready to eat hearty." He dips his head to Fredrik. "Hello m'lord. I believe this is the first time our paths crossed. I'm Baron Silas Whitehawk, owner of this manor and garden." He exchanges a glance between him and Bethany. "You've befriended my sister, it seems? A good choice."

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

A messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Kenna has joined the an outdoor kitchen with fire pits and cauldrons.

Silas has joined the a walnut wooden table stained a red-brown.

A glance aside to Bethany and a broad, even-toothed smile. "Oh, just a coincidence of timing, My Lord, I have yet to meet her or your august self. Lord Fredrik RedTyde, and a fine pleasure to meet you at last, I have heard nothing but good things from the Ladies Tabitha and Kenna, of course." He gestures to the pair in question. Then to the squirrel. Then to the stoat. An eyebrow arches, but he wisely refrains from comment. "May I say, this is a lovely place you have here, I am quite thrilled to try some of your cooking. Now, since I assume the nature of the messengers you are getting in a line over there are about the Grayhope situation, I shall leave you to it, with an earnest offer of assistance, should you need any."

"Have we?" Bethany looks back at Fredrik. "Well, I'm sure we'll get to be good friends eventually. Hello, brother mine." She gives Silas one of those perfectly arranged smiles, the kind that never quite get to her eyes. "I couldn't come without bringing something, and I passed a shop on the way here that had some things fresh from the oven. Where do I put these?"

Tabitha has joined the an outdoor kitchen with fire pits and cauldrons.

Tiny Tom spies the tree bound admirer, chittering at the squirrel and ducking back into their pouch out of sight. Then ducking back out the other side of the flap to chitter before vanishing again. Sparte grins at Kenna. "I hope not, I don't particularly want a squirrel in my lap." Sparte glances around the table, seeing a few unfamiliar faces. Taking off his helmet he slides it under his seat, scratching his hair back out of helmet shape before giving a friendly smile. "Sparte Fatchforth, nice to see and meet everyone. As appropriate."

Marquis Rymarr Deepwood marches on through the grandiose Great Hall and then onward he's escorted by a household servant. An armoured hand lingers near his left side, which never seems to stray far from the blade worn high on that side. The opposite gauntlet shifts with his movements, though not in any exaggerated manner. As the Marquis-Consort crosses out into the garden he offers a polite bow of his head in thanks to the household servant which showed him the way. Free of his escort Rymarr travels onward, as though some wayward son or some such, with a hand resting at his left side while the opposite moves to rest across the small of his back. A number of faces, some familiar and some foreign, are taken in with the Marquis' mask of stern stoicism. It is Silas first though that Rymarr approaches, armored and armed as though he were prepared for war. The Marquis steps toward the ruler of House Whitehawk, though he doesn't interject immediately so as not to interrupt his ongoing conversations. He just lurks. Lingers, really. Staring. Watching.

Kenna leans over to whisper to Tabitha before holding back another giggle as the squirrel bends the branch down closer to Sparte's head, though they're in no danger of actually touching. As others join Kenna waves to each of them, though Bethany gets a more exuberant, "Bethany!" than her greeting to Fredrik. If there wasn't a table between them there would be a GIGGLE. When Sparte comes closer Kenna dimples a smile to the man, "This is Lady Tabitha Whitehawk. Sparte is one of the guard Tabby, and a //dear// man." Rymarr's entrance is noted and he also gets a wave. A more formal hello can wait till they're closer.

Silas grins back to Fredrik. "An honor to meet you, Lord Redtyde, forgive my presumption. You have picked a great day to get to know us, though." He gestures to the tabletop in front of him - though room for dishes was scarce. "You didn't have to, sis, but... I'm not going to reject anything delicious. How have you been?" He inquires, genuinely curious now that their schedules rarely intertwine. Rymarr, when he steps closer, is difficult to miss even while wearing his stoic mask. He takes it as an opportunity to introduce the man to those he was conversing with, and offers a sweeping gesture in his direction. "This is Marquis Deepwood. I'm glad to have you join us, m'lord." Sparte's introduction is also given a firm nod. "Master Fatchforth, Officer of the Iron Guard. And his valiant stoat."

"As for the messengers..." Silas glances in their direction. "They kind of are and they kind of aren't about that situation. But I thank you for the offer of assistance - we'll need to investigate further."

There's also a wave and a bright smile from Tabitha, sent Bethany's way, though she doesn't interrupt whatever conversation that might continue between brother and sister. To Sparte she turns then, and dips into a curtsy, although it's more a slight knee bend considering she's holding a cat in her arms. "Oh, it's so good to meet you," she says in her light, courteous tones. As for the foul business that has transpired as of late? She doesn't mention it. That would be kind of a party-pooper. Ad then from the corner of her eye she notices Rhue, and gives her a few nods and a mouthed, "Over here?" Meanwhile, Cabbit yawns. Lazy cat.

Rhue makes her way in to the garden, attempting to not be noticed which is a feat rather difficult for someone who is terrible in the business of being inconspicuous. She lingers, offering a deep curtsey to Silas and looking as though she may attempt escape via rosebush.

Giving her head a small shake instead, she moves through the partygoers, greeting those whom she may know and those she does not, gaze alert and careful as she makes her way through the crowd and toward the kitchens.

"A pleasure to meet you, Marquis Deepwood, Master Fatchforth. Mister Stoat." He dips a nod to one and all, and another to Bethany, his smile very much warm and polite. "And a special pleasure to meet the Lady Bethany, of course. Thank you." He moves to take a seat near to Kenna or Tabitha, whichever is closer, really, as he glances at the food. "As I said, House Tyde stands ready to assist you, and investigations..Well, I would be able to help, I think, but it is your perogative." He peers at Rhue as he notes her presence, curiosity flittering to the surface but letting it fade almost at once as he sits. "It all looks delicious, for sure."

Oh nope nope nope, Kenna's not about to let Rhue just hide herself in a corner, well, not ALONE in a corner. "Rhue! Come over here," a drink will get taken up and pressed towards the woman even as she pats a seat beside her and Tabitha. There's a glance at Silas and Fredrik before Kenna's coaxing Sally down and scrawling a quick note of her own then sends the squirrel to bound over to Silas. (pst, she probably wants a squirrel silas)

Princess Sally Acorn, an acorn toting red squirrel arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Rymarr's attention flicks to those that Silas offers an introduction of Rymarr himself and Marquis Deepwood offers a polite dip of his chin toward each of those that he's collectively introduced to, "A kind gesture, Baron Whitehawk. You are a most generous host. I appreciate the introduction. I came over only to greet my host and also provide you with an apology and a simple advisory...", Rymarr pauses for a beat at that point, "...I apologize for wearing armor to your Whitehawk party. I have a patrol to attend to quite soon, at the Seawatch Gate, as per usual. I fully intend on absconding with some of your spare food to provide to a few of those Iron Guard who walk patrols with me, because, well, it smells wonderful". That notice provided, Marquis Deepwood's attention drifts to Lord Fredrik and a polite dip of the chin is offered in answer to the greeting, along with a faint twitch of a smile tucked away beneath his beard. A wink is cast toward the Redtyde lord before Rymarr turns abruptly away and begins to step away in search of glory and morsels. He does, however, pause briefly to lift an armored hand and clap his fingers in an exaggerated wave toward the Whitehawk lady that is Kenna.

Sparte offers a smile and a friendly nod to Tabitha and then Fredrik, atention somewhat turn towards keeping his stoat and the squirrel from getting to know each other better. "Ah, that reminds me." Sparte pulls out a note, handing it off to a messenger making their exit and pointing them back towards Silas. Because why get up when they're swarming.

Bethany gives Kenna a smile while she sets down the basket of biscuits wherever on the table she can find room. "Just Mistress Bethany," she corrects Fredrik gently, still with that pleasant expression. Marquis Deepwood! How is your wife? I haven't seen Samantha since I got back in town."

Wilhelm the Iron Messenger arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Fredrik watches Rymarr with a hint of his own amusement showing for just a moment and a helpless 'what can you do' sort of minute shrug as he lets all the noise surrounding the area surround him, noting most of it and filing it away. "I feel I should send the good baron a missive, just to add to the line," He notes dryly, peering aside to Tabitha as he asks, "And how are you, Lady Tabitha? Did you ever get to the terrace with your paints, or must our walls hang empty still?" And also there's Bethany correcting him, and he bows his head. "Mistress Bethany, of course, my apologies. But the pleasure of meeting you remains!"

Rhue has joined the an outdoor kitchen with fire pits and cauldrons.

Silas gets a squirrel messenger! Funnily enough, he doesn't seem phased at all: there was a certain Redrain prince in the city who made him get used to this. He manages to pluck up the piece of paper without distracting too much from the ongoing conversation. Rymarr evokes a chuckle from him. "You are forgiven, Marquis. I have worn armor to many a formal event - I understand the importance of always being ready at a moment's notice. Take however much food you think will fill them up without risking them puking once they need to pursue after a pickpocket." Then Sparte seemingly adds to his flock of messengers as well. "You know, whispering is a thing," Silas adds. He looks to Fredrik and shakes his head. "I need to schedule my barbecues well after murders."

"It is a pity that monsters and murderers don't take social schedules into account, it seems." As dry as a skeleton in a desert, but humor all the same.

As Fredrik approaches, Tabitha flashes a smile, "Ah, Lord Fredrik. I'm so you could make it." Then with a light sheepish laugh she saysn "I'm quite well, although I confess this is something of a bittersweet celebration." She flicks a smile over towards Silas, but then looks at Fredrik again. "And not yet, but soon, I hope! Thank you again for being so understanding about my trespassing the other morning." Hoisting the indolent feline up into her arms again, she holds him close so that his noodle-like form doesn't slip right down to the floor. "How are you?"

Sir Celeritous Karl Shellsworth III arrives, delivering a message to Silas before departing.

Silas then accepts a piece of parchment from... a familiar turtle which very slowly happens by.

Excuse me, tortoise.

"Whispering can be overheard by a keen ear Silas." Kenna is not at ALL repentant as Sally darts her way back to Kenna for the obligatory acorn treat. Food and drink are taken up and pressed upon Rhue, "Don't go anywhere Rhue-" That said quickly before Kenna makes her way to Rhymarr.... to whisper this time, concern creasing her features.

Ephraim watches on the outskirts of the party for a while, gazing upon all the familiar faces he hadn't seen in a long time. With a sigh, he makes his way over greet his sister Lady Tabitha.

Sparte gives Silas a good natured grin before glancing around at others at the table. The comment that the gathering is bittersweet gets a thoughtful look directed back to Silas from Sparte, followed by a reassuring smile.

"True, but we're all friends here. I hope." Silas tsks, but accepts Kenna's wisdom. "Anyway, besides providing everyone with all three meals of the day in one helping, I intended to use this opportunity to announce I'll be departing the continent in the near future and all House Whitehawk responsibilities will be managed by my cousin Kenna until I return." The Baron looks to Kenna. NO PRESSURE. He also catches Rhue in the corner of his eye and offers a smile, apparently pleased that she popped up.

"Oh, the trespassing of a Lady of good standing to paint? I think we can avoid getting the Iron Guard involved, hmm?" He winks at Tabitha, considering that a good chunk of the people here are Iron Guard members anyway. "Oh, I am well. Meeting people, trying to get more involved. Met Princess Lou earlier, was asked to help with an investigation, although I might shift focus, with this recent event." He then goes quiet, listening to the Baron's words and smiling politely, having nothing much to add there.

The tortoise's dutiful march results in Rymarr looking to Sir Celeritous and for a moment the Marquis of House Deepwood seems conflicted, "This... huh..." Rymarr shakes his head before he clears his throat and moves on to approach a touch closer to Bethany, though he still keeps a reasonable distance between himself and her, "Mistress Bethany, it's a delight to see you again. The Marquessa, Samantha, is doing exceptional as always. Thank you for asking. If you'd like, I'll gladly extend your regards to her?" Lady Kenna's approach and subsequent whisper hers a faint dip of Rymarr's chin and he purposefully bends himself forward somewhat in order to accept her quietly spoken words to closer to his own ear. He frowns at the question and abruptly his expression takes on the stern cast again. The Marquis' armor shoulders shrug heavily before he offers a response in lowered tones.

"My ladies." Says Rhue as she steps in to the kitchens, dipping in to a deep curtsey for Tabitha and Kenna. "Is there anything that I can get you? Also, I've a handful of mint leaves in my pouch to help with indigestion." She smiles sheepishly. "Forgive me, I cannot stop thinking as one constantly concerned for the health of our house." She pauses, taking the food pressed upon her and smiling gently at a retreating Kenna. "Although, the leaves of mint will be helpful and I promise, it shall not taste as bitter as the willow bark tea that I feed you during times of sickness." She teases gently. "It would seem that everything is quite well, though. I could smell the foods from inside of the baroness's room of course." She smiles and opens her pouch, pulling out several leaves and placing them in the center of the table.

Bethany goes a little pale when the murder is brought up, and there's a flicker of something nervous in her eyes, but it's not there for long; she's soon arranged her expression back to something pleasant, with a healthy flush to her cheeks. "Please do." She takes Rymarr's hands briefly, just a touch and a squeeze, gratitude, maybe. Then Silas is talking, and her eyebrows climb. "How is this the first I'm hearing of this?"

Rymarr checked composure at difficulty 10, rolling 23 higher.

A light laugh comes at Fredrik's jest, and it seems as though it's a genuine one. Tabitha has one of those earnest faces that makes it hard for her to contain a falsehood behind her expression. Then she nods more seriously at the matter of the investigation, "Ah, that would be very helpful, I'm sure." Then there's silence as Fredrik goes back to listening and observing, which gives her the opportunity to turn to Rhue with a grin. "You really do think of everything, Rhue!" And then? Tabitha notices her brother, her eyes widening. "Ephraim!" Either she hasn't seen him for a while, or she didn't expect him to turn up for whatever reason. Who can say?

Kenna listens to Rymarr, but sadly is half distracted by Silas makes his announcement. A tight smile breaks on her lips, "I'll try not to burn everything down in the meantime. I make no promises about not spoiling Cyril rotten if Farrah lets me though. If you don't come back though, all bets are off." So, yeah, Silas is kinda leaving Whitehawk in good hands? Ish? Reaching out she gently presses a hand on Rymarr's shoulder with a more serious tone. Her bit said she goes back to her cousins, Ephriam's presence getting a wide and very real smile from the woman. "Ephriam!" Tabitha gets first hug, but Kenna's claiming #2.

Sparte considers that, giving Silas a thoughtful look. "When you say departing the continent... How long do you anticipate being gone? Perhaps I could make you a copy of my maps, to help you find the way home when you're done."

Rymarr considers Bethany as she takes his armored hands and he offers a solemn nod of his head, his expression typically neutral. A smile graces his features, if only for a fleeting moment, before it begins to fade and Rymarr adds, "There are few things I'm consistently certain of in this dream, but one of them is that my wife will always be excited to see you. You should be sure to write to her and arrange a visit at some point". Then Rymarr's attention returns to Kenna and he straightens up to his full height ever so slightly. The announcement made by Silas results in a glance, though quickly Rymarr's scrutinizing stare soon returns to Kenna as he offers a firm nod, "Should you need the aid of House Deepwood in the absence of your liege," he says to Kenna, "don't hesitate to provide me with notice." Then Rymarr's attention bounds back to Silas and he offers a raised brow toward the Baron of House Whitehawk, "Planning to go work on dropping all of your water weight and your skin's complexion, I suppose?"

Ephraim smiles, saying nothing he until he has given the obligatory hugs to the two ladies. "It's been a while since I've seen either of you, but I want to get more involved in the family now. How are the two of you?"

Silas offers Bethany a sympathetic smile. "Honestly, it was planned over a year ago, but the scheme kept changing and I couldn't be certain of any details until recently. In fact, the group I'll be is almost entirely different than the initial planned party. But it is important." He looks back to Kenna and grins. "I know Rhue and Tabitha will look after you, and I know you will look after House Whitehawk." Sparte then grabs his attention again. "Weeks at least, perhaps months. Do you have any maps of the Southern Wastes?" He chuffs a laugh to Rymarr and nods. "I suspect I will be thoroughly sunburnt and red when I get back."

For his part, Fredrik mostly sits and listens for now, keen and dark eyes moving from person to person as he sips at a drink, his expression studiously polite and with that faint smile on his face.

Rhue sobers when Silas gives his announcement, her body stilling for long moments as she takes the news in. She struggles to keep her expression one that is placid, but she seems to have some difficulty in doing so. She steps away from her place in the kitchens and closer to Silas as she says, "Baron Whitehawk, you shall be dearly missed. I assure you that I will assist Lady Kenna in all that she may need, and see to the health of your household while you are away. Perhaps I can make something to assist you, somehow. When is it that you will be leaving? I shall pray for the guidance of the spirits each and every day for you and your party, that your way be watched over by them and that they assist you during tumultuous times."

Bethany raises her eyebrows. "When are you going? I'll mix you up something to put on a sunburn." It's a helpless sort of offer/demand, probably silly in the face of things.

Kenna bows in Rymarr's direction, being way more serious about accepting Rymarr's offer than she typically is about... anything. "Knowing that Deepwood offers such support is heartening, if there is need Deepwood will be among the first I consult with." She can't stay serious for long then, because there is a COUSIN to hug and a Rhue to encourage to eat her food. "It's about time you show for face a little more Ephraim. With Gaius in and out so often we could use some of your good sense." The encouraging of Rhue to eat is more passive and probably not super useful since the woman has gone to offer up her support to the Baron.

To Ephraim, Tabitha gives a somewhat concerned smile, "I've been well. But what about you? It's been such a long time since we last saw each other. I worried for you, you know." To Silas and Rue she turns afterwards, giving a gentle nod and smile. "You'll not be able to get rid of us, Rhue. It's always so good to talk to you." Then there's a nod to Fredrik, and a whisper, but she respects his space and leaves her words simple and few.

Sparte rubs at his jaw thoughtfully as he considers Silas's inquiry, which gives Tiny Tom the opening they need to dash clear of their pouch. The stoat is free! Off they dash under the table, before dashing from there off into the garden. "Ah, biscuits... I should go, ah, you know. Be back soon." Sparte gets up, going off to try to follow Tiny Tom and keep them in minimal trouble.

Princess Sally Acorn is absoultly going to follow the stoat. From above. Go go small rodents!

Ephraim has not entirely escaped his notice, but Silas knows he has a sister to see. Sparte's reaction to his question has him arching one brow, but he nods when the man stands to chase after his stoat. "Catch you later, Sparte. Be careful - I don't have maps to this garden," he warns in jest. He looks back to Rhue, then to Bethany. "Actually, anything the two of you can provide to treat immense heat would likely be appreciated by everyone going on this trip, but I realize it's a very short notice. I'm leaving in a few days." He regards his group of cousins, as a whole. "I have parting gifts for the lot of you, but don't worry - I fully intend to come back."

"A few days." Bethany looks a little bit crestfallen. "I don't... I can try to make a little. I'll see what teas I have in my stock to send you off with." Her mouth sets in a line when Silas assures everyone that he intends to return.

Ephraim's smile shrinks at Tabitha's reply. "I'm sorry for my absence. I developed a love of exploration, of adventure, and I followed that passion." Ephraim grows a small smile, and looks into the background for a moment, daydreaming. But he snaps back within a few moments and grows serious again. "I want to return and be a proper brother. Now, that isn't to say that I might not go on the occasional trip." He grins.

"Travel at night," Rymarr answers with a stoic nod back toward Silas. Then Rymarr's attention drifts back to Bethany and Kenna. Each is regarded with a heavy stare, but gradually Rymarr excuses himself from their direct company with a polite bow. An armored hand rises up to grip near his throat. Fingers dip beneath his gorget and tug it downward before Rymarr begins to move again. He pauses however to remark just loud enough that he may address the gathering in general, "It's been nice seeing all of you. House Whitehawk, and their guests. Especially the former. My patrol begins soon and thus I must depart. Thank you all." Then Rymarr is moving again with heavy footfalls. He's bound for the selection of foods and to liberate a modest amount, so that he may abscond with it to the Seawatch Gate and hungry bellies there.

Bethany busies herself loading Rymarr down with food. Probably just to give herself something to do other than fret.

Rhue still has her plate in hand, holding it close to her as she listens. She smiles to Bethany, curtseying to her. "I shall very much like to speak with you about teas and various other things." She says to the woman. As Sparte heads deeper in to the gardens, she says loud enough to be heard, "Should you become lost, I shall find you and assist you back to the beginning of the garden." Smiling, she takes a bite of food and says to Silas, "Of course we will come up with something, of that I have no doubt. Not only a preventative, but something for burns, as well. I've got a supply of things that I can draw from, I think."

She turns her attention then to Kenna and Tabitha. "We shall all be fine and I know that Baron Whitehawk shall return with stories of adventure for us all." She says this firmly, as though there is absolutely no other alternative. As Rymarr fills various plates, Rhue sets down her own, grabbing several more mint leaves from her pouch and tying them together with a piece of twine. "Here, sir." She says. "For your men, of course. It will ease their stomachs in case they have need of extra exertion after their meals."

Tabitha looks genuinely touched at Ephraim's promise, a little smile dimpling her face, "I'd like that. I'm just so glad you're back." Placing her kitteny-cat down on the floor, whereupon he jumps up onto one of the nicely-warmed boulders by the fire, and promply curls up for another sleep, Tabitha reaches out a hand and gives Ephraim's upper arm a couple of gentle pats, should he allow it. Then her eyebrows shoot up and she pulls her face into a sheepish wince. "Have you met everyone here? I mean I can't imagine you have."

4 Crimson Blades Private, 1 Crimson Blades Sergeant leave, following Fredrik.

Rymarr is overheard praising Silas for: Rarely do I enjoy social gatherings that involve food. You load up your plate, you consume it quickly so that you may get back to duty. It is a simple affair made complicated by conversation. When Baron Whitehawk hosts a gathering though, it's not terrible.

Rymarr is overheard praising Kenna for: Don't let your liege down. I don't think you will, but you know, don't do it if you're considering doing it.

Tabitha is overheard praising Silas for: Lovely cousin Silas!

Patsy leaves, following Rymarr.

Kenna is overheard praising Rymarr for: A beacon of resolve and support for Whitehawk

Tabitha is overheard praising Kenna for: Lovely cousin Kenna!

Tabitha is overheard praising Bethany for: Lovely cousin Bethany!

Tabitha is overheard praising Ephraim for: Lovely brother!

Tabitha is overheard praising Sparte for: Lovely to meet you!

Tabitha is overheard praising Rhue for: Lovely Rhue!

"Of course we will be." Kenna says firmly to Rhue's comment. Her gaze sweeps across the gathering, "Excuse me?" That to Rhue, Tabitha, and Ephraim before the woman makes her way over to Bethany's side. She doesn't link arms with the other woman but she does reach out to try to touch her shoulder while whispering.

Silas offers Rymarr an informal bow, even if it's awkward while being seated. He still attempts! "Thank you for dropping by, Marquis. Don't patrol too hard." An odd thing for the boss to say, especially when the guardsmen would be presumably gorging themselves on delectable food, but he trusts they know he doesn't -really- mean it. "Be well until our paths cross again." He indulges in some food, now, finally. "We will meet like this again once I get back, and I'll tell you all about it." He smirks and looks up to Tabitha and Ephraim. "And I look forward to seeing the two of you getting reacquainted... and catching up with you, Bethany." He then moves to collect the gifts he brought with him from a pouch at his belt...

Ephraim watches in confusion as Tabitha extends her hand, but relaxes when he realizes her intention to pat his arm. "I recognize a few faces, but yes, there are many I'm not particularly familiar with."

Kenna wields a beautiful white trillium hairpin with glass pearls.

Ephraim is overheard praising Tabitha for: Lovely sister Tabitha!

Ephraim is overheard praising Kenna for: Lovely cousin Kenna!

Kenna is overheard praising Silas for: He's leaving me in charge, bwhahaha!

Silas is overheard praising Ephraim for: He has returned better than ever!

Ephraim is overheard praising Silas for: Good luck on your trip!

Silas is overheard praising Bethany for: She brings the best treats!

Silas is overheard praising Kenna for: Will NOT burn down the house, I'm sure!

Sparte is overheard praising Silas for: To boldly go where no Whitehawk has gone before

Silas is overheard praising Tabitha for: Will hopefully put out the fire if that prediction proves false!

Rhue is overheard praising Silas for: I could not have found myself in a better position than to be a ember of your house. So steadfast and forthright and allowing me to flourish.

Silas is overheard praising Rhue for: Whitehawk flourishes with her grace!

Sparte eventually rounds up Tiny Tom and coaxes them back into their pouch, returning to the area where everyone is gathered. He retakes his seat, glancing around with a nervous smile.

Sparte is overheard praising Kenna for: SQUIRREL! *stares*

Kenna is overheard praising Sparte for: STOAT *CHEERS*

Sparte is overheard praising Kenna for: A lovely woman with a very distracting squirrel

Bethany turns the hairpin Silas gave her over in her hands. "Oh, this is lovely." She looks to Kenna when something is whispered to her, and for a moment a shadow falls across her steely blue eyes, and the color in them fades. She murmurs a reply.

Nodding rapidly at Ephraim, Tabitha goes to speak, "Ah, this is Goodwoman Rhue--" She turns helplessly then to Kenna with an unsure quirk of one eyebrow, "Ah, I'm no good at introductions. Kenna?" So much emotional energy in the air! But then she gets the gift from Silas and makes an 'awwww', though with a crease of her brow. Sort of happy, sort of sad. Like, thanks for the gift, but please don't die! With that, she goes over to a table quickly (somewhere) and produces her own present. "For you," she says, moving back to Silas, and handing him the knife. Then that hairpin is studied with big eyes, and promptly placed into her hair.

"This is beautiful, and I thank you for such a lovely gift." Rhue says, smiling brightly as she slides the pin in to her hair. She moves back to her plate and settles in, eating quickly.

Tabitha adds, "Thank you so much, Silas!"

"It's //perfect// Silas." Genuine gratitude there and Kenna is going to very promptly insert the hairpins into her hair, because that's where they go. It gives her free arms to actually hug Bethany if the other woman allows the touch.

Ephraim tries to follow Tabitha's rapid introductions but, like her, is distracted by the gift bags. He smiles at Silas as he examines the steel bracelet, "Thanks, Silas. It's fantastic."

The hairpins given to the ladies weren't made of the most precious metals, but they were pretty - adorned with the Hawkhold flower of choice - and functional in less conventional ways. Ephraim and Sparte get festive pouches - less capable of stabbing, but still visually appealing! Silas then receives gifts... a potato plushie and a knife. "Ha. I'll take both of these with me." Not everything should be cut with a sword. His smile grows a hint warmer. "Please know and remember that I love you all. Without you, there would be no House Whitehawk." Just him, and his lonely self. "And Sparte - you and Rymarr look after Ainsley, you hear?"

Bethany isn't good at heartfelt hugs, it's true, but she hugs Kenna back, maybe a little awkwardly. "I hope so."

Sparte glances over to Rymarr at that last, then looks back to Silas. This time the smile isn't as reassuring. Which is why he promptly fills his face with a bite of food.

Bethany might not be good at hugs, but Kenna's an EXPERT. Average of the two = excellent hug. Lingering near Bethany Kenna gives an encouraging smile. "I know so." Firm belief in her tone. Turning back Kenna finally catches the look from Tabitha, "Guardsman Sparte, my cousin Ephraim Mercier, Ephraim, Sparte." Her gaze flicks about the gathered family. "We're a rather prolific bunch if you mix all of us former Merciers together." And they're not even all here!

Ephraim gets a steel bracelet with chain-link design from a festive favor bag.

Bethany lets her hair tumble down in a spill of warm gold so that she can do it up again with the new hairpin. She tucks strands in, rolls them back, twists -- the whole thing is complicated, but she's done it enough times for it to be second nature, mirror or no mirror. Finally, she slides the hairpin into the knot, twisting it as she goes.

Silas checked perception + empathy at difficulty 15, rolling 9 higher.

Ephraim nods to Kenna and extends his hand to Sparte for a handshake.

For a while, Tabitha simply looks dazed and thoughtful. This is all very emotional. Her heart may burst! Silas' announcement, on top of everything else, brings a bit of a tear to the corner of her eye. "We love you too, so you be careful and come back safe!" Later on she's probably going to bawl like a child on Kenna's shoulder, if given half the chance.

Sparte quickly wipes his hand when Ephraim's hand is extended towards him, reaching over to take it as he hurriedly chews and swallows the food in his mouth. "A pleasure to meet you, Ephraim. I hope to see more of you." Sparte pats the favor bag with his free hand. "I have a matching bracelet in here, from what I saw. I think that means we're already best pals. Good thing he didn't give us matching dresses."

Silas eyes Sparte a bit longer than is warranted, but he lets the man gorge himself. Less wasted food. "Well, hopefully you won't have to." Tabitha's emotion threatens to wash over him and make him sniffle, which he takes as a cue to move to wrap up some other business before he must depart from the land. He stands, after procuring a drumstick for himself from the table. "I need to go meet with a few individuals before we set sail. I'll leave this feast for you to take care of. I'll return to the manor for a bit before I go - so you'll see me again." He bows his head. "Be well, everyone."

"And you," Rhue says, standing and curtseying once again. "May the spirits guide your journey. I will work on a pack of things for you that will be light and yet useful." She says gently. She looks as though she, too, might cry, but she blinks hard and pinches herself to keep from doing so.

"You did that very well Bethany," there is absoultly a hint of envy in Kenna's voice for the woman's easy way of putting that hairpin in. "Come sit with us?" Kenna gestures to where Ephraim and the others are. "We //will// see you again Silas. Or else." Whatever that means.

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