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Written By Morrighan

May 17, 2020, 12:02 p.m.(4/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

This all happened in the first place because you wouldn't stop singing. By sounds, steelsilk might very well be an inconvenience to you. Perhaps I should keep this shirt I've been so diligently working on at your request? Hmm.

Written By Morrighan

May 17, 2020, 11:55 a.m.(4/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowenova

Perhaps I need to start signing my letters with that. Ha. I'll not deny that you are certainly the most favored of all the scouts.

Written By Morrighan

Dec. 28, 2019, 1:44 p.m.(6/16/1012 AR)

The world has always been stunning, each changing season an artful masterpiece of nature, each having their own color palette. It's almost difficult to choose a favorite. I'm rather partial to autumn, but winter is also so very pleasing to see. Now, the world is beyond beautiful, it's so much more than that. So much more. There's nothing more exquisite than the beauty of life. It's a great time to be alive.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 11, 2019, 9:15 a.m.(12/28/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

That beard was glorious, I don't care what other people say.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 10, 2019, 11:34 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

If you need your arse set on fire, I can help with that. If that doesn't make you feel more alive, I'm not sure what will.

Written By Morrighan

June 29, 2019, 12:38 p.m.(5/15/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I'll regale you all with a story, a story that I kind of mark as the beginning of my friendship with Joscelin Arterius. It begins at the Crafter's Fete that was hosted by Lady Dawn on the fifteenth day of the tenth month, 1004 A.R. (That's seven years ago.) It was two months before my twentieth birthday, and about my first whole year being in Arx after Sherrod had sent me down to help prepare the Villa the summer before. This shindig was only the second big social event I had been to, as I don't like crowds and tend to avoid them, but it was kind of an important thing, so I loitered by the entrance for a short time while I mustered up the nerve to go on in. The whiskey helped.

It was fairly busy as there were quite a few in attendance, and eventually I started to make my way over to the artisans table to join my fellow crafty compatriots. Along the way I'm pretty sure I heard Myrinda threatening to toss someone over her knee and give them an ass whooping. Think there was a finger wag in there, too. (Was that you, Silas?) I didn't quite catch Joscelin when she came in, but she found me and didn't miss a thing. She could easily tell the distress I was in, and Josie snagged my hand and said, "C'mon sharp-sweet, we'll find a place to sit."

Josie was a friendly face in a place filled with people I didn't know (mostly), in a city I was barely familiar with, and she put me at ease. Still needed a few drinks to take the edge off, but she made it manageable. So on we sat at this banquet table, which was on a raised dais, as the crafters were the guests of honor for this event. Myrinda was speaking her mind (loudly) on something I didn't quite catch, aside from it having something to do with clothes, and Josie is sitting there digging through her skirts, pulling out bottles of liquor - which was a brilliant idea I might add - and she's telling Myrinda to pipe down, snickering. "Tehom's tits," she said, "This is all my fault." Josie's always terribly creative with her swearing.

The festivities are getting under way, dinner is being plated, Dawn made her toast, and I'm adoring this beautiful jeweler for the sheer amount of booze she snuck in. Not that it was against the rules or not allowed, but I suppose she just wanted to be prepared. With the way the night was going, I was uncomfortable, I only had my flask, and I was downing my drink like I thought it was water. Josie had us covered. The night goes on, and it's really quite the event, Dawn went all out on it, there was all kinds of entertainment, music, gilded pie (not joking), and everything settles into this comfortable flow of chatter at the table. Myrinda is ruthlessly dishing out quips left and right, at Silas, at me, and Josie is just _glaring_ at her. "MYRINDA. I cannot let you out, ever, ONCE!" And Myrinda was just sitting there all smug and self-satisfied.

What brought it all on, in part, was the conversation surrounding Josie's dress that night. I made it for her, but to this day I still don't remember doing it, and I must have made it while piss drunk. It's a talent, you know. We're joking about it, and I quip that I'm an expert at most drunk anything, and it's a skill that's taken me some years to perfect. So without missing a beat, Myri just looks at me and goes, "You don't even have a few years to get that under your belt. What are you, twelve?" Ruthless, that Grayhope, I tell you. Never known a woman to have a sharper tongue than her, but I admired her for it. I can only hope I have half as much sass in about thirty more years. I got huffy, and she just looked amused. To placate me Joscelin just turns to me and says, "She's upset that I won't make an honest man of her son and ride him like a pony until I squirt out a dozen grandchildren for her. Rife with bitterness." This. This is the Joscelin Arterius that I know, and I wouldn't have her any other way.

We nearly lost Ida when that happened, almost choked to death on what she was eating - or maybe drinking- but thankfully she made it, and is still with us to this day. I'm a little less irritable, Josie's filling my flask, and I tell her that riding a man like a pony doesn't make him honest. She just continues on, explaining it to me so casually that I was partially shocked while at the same time just so damn amused. I'll not publicly note just _what_ she told me, but I daresay my inexperienced self back then was outright scandalized. There was hardly a thing she didn't say that didn't surprise me by just how blunt and explicit it was. Even seven years later, she can still stun me from time to time.

The best part of the night, is what I remember best, because it was so damn hilarious, and I think I might have embarrassed her, just a little. So there's quipping back and forth about making men honest, grandbabies, and not having that white-haired harridan for a mother-in-law or grand-dam to her children, to which Myrinda said Josie could only be so lucky. It was throughout the banter that Josie misunderstood a comment I made, and right when she was taking a bite of pork, I whispered to her, clarifying what I had meant. Josie inhaled with laughter, choked on her food, Ida's choking again from a quip Josie had made just prior to that. Everyone's choking. The latter is in between laughing and choking, and I'm sitting there, slouching, sipping away on my whiskey. I reach around to swat her on the back and absently remark, "I thought you could handle meat, Jos."

Now she's barking in laughter, the piece of pork that got lodged in her throat is sent flying across the room. "-gods damn you and your sharp little tongue, Morrighan!" She outright _cackled_. "You're _awful_!". Now Silas is half choking, I think at this point the only people who aren't are me and Myrinda. Ida's choking on her wine again, but aside from all the near death experiences people had, it was a good time. Lots of laughter, and it's definitely one of my favorite memories I have of Joscelin. I think it was at that point that I knew she was going to be someone special, as we bonded quickly, and an important presence in my life. And she was. Still is. Always will be. Forever my best friend and sister. Forever family. (Forever the foulest mouthed jeweler I've ever met, and I love her for it.)

Written By Morrighan

June 27, 2019, 9:08 a.m.(5/11/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Oh, Josie.

I know well that when you are given a call, it must be answered, and there's no stopping it. In life there is always change, sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes it's what we need, regardless of either. This is the sort I never really anticipated, in my mind I thought you'd be here forever. I have to admit it took the breath from me harder than any punch to the gut I've had. Now I'm at a loss. My heart breaks a little that you've left, that another part of my family is no longer close, and I've no idea where you're going. I can't help but worry if you and the children will be okay, or if you'll come across any trouble, or when you'll be back. I'm overjoyed for you, for the path you've now found for yourself, but I mourn your absence. I feel blessed that our paths were able to converge for as long as they did, and in that time you very much became a sister to me. Until the time comes your path brings you back around, I'll be waiting to welcome you and the children home. Safe travels, Josie. I'll miss you.

Now I need a drink.

Written By Morrighan

April 20, 2019, 12:19 a.m.(12/15/1010 AR)

Well, here's to another year, another birthday. Time to celebrate with more whiskey.

Written By Morrighan

April 15, 2019, 12:22 p.m.(12/6/1010 AR)

The mentioning of birthdays made me realize mine is only nine days away. I didn't even realize, it's likely it would have come and gone without my notice otherwise. Too much on my mind these days, it seems.

Written By Morrighan

April 3, 2019, 11:07 p.m.(11/11/1010 AR)

Sometimes it's hard to believe it's only been seven years since I came to Arx, seven years since that summer when Prince Sherrod sent me to help prepare the Villa for his arrival. It's more difficult to believe how much I've changed and grown since then. Once a servant girl and seamstress, it feels like it was another life ago, now a House Sword and knight. Over the years I haven't had much time for seamstress work, though I've taken the odd job or two here and there, but it isn't often I feel that creative spark. Inspiration. The need to create my art. To make something beautiful. I took a request for a few pieces months ago, and it took months for that little spark to happen. I've forgotten how good it felt, to design, to see everything come together, better than I had hoped or expected. The satisfaction felt is something I can't adequately put to words, even more so when the client is so enthused and excited with the results. I'm not sure how long the inspiration will last, but perhaps in the next week or two Bear Threads might have something for sale.

Written By Morrighan

April 1, 2019, 11:47 p.m.(11/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fortunato

I say, I think that's the handsomest hat I've ever made.

Written By Morrighan

March 29, 2019, 5 p.m.(10/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Stamped his foot did he? I'm cackling.


Written By Morrighan

Jan. 12, 2019, 9:42 p.m.(5/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

No. No no no no no. Gods damn it Mydas, you can't.

You can't-

Written By Morrighan

Dec. 15, 2018, 8:30 a.m.(3/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Malcolm

What did you think was going to happen?

Written By Morrighan

Dec. 8, 2018, 1:13 p.m.(2/20/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Little Ianthe is going to be -so- spoiled. I can't wait to meet her.

Written By Morrighan

Dec. 8, 2018, 1:13 p.m.(2/20/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Little Ianthe is going to be -so- spoiled. I can't wait to meet her.

Written By Morrighan

Nov. 16, 2018, 11:38 a.m.(1/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Initially I wasn't going to say anything, but the lack of class and overall tastelessness of your remarks doesn't settle well with me. I have to admit, your skill at putting your foot in your mouth is astounding. For a Whisper, I would expect better behavior from you, but that's expecting a lot, given past incidents where you speak without thinking. Who in the abyss do you think you are to complain about the way the people of the Compact choose to remember those who have fallen? Do you know the story of every single individual that died, how they died? Were you there? Do you know of every single accomplishment they've made or what efforts they put in while serving the Compact? I highly doubt it. Some believe that in giving their life so that others might live makes them a hero nonetheless in death.

As Duke Vercyn has said, those who may be viewed as heroes, they don't go around boasting or grandstanding to garner attention for themselves. They don't go around and shout at the top of their lungs what they've done and demand that people oooh and aah over them or slather them with praise for how spectacular and amazing they are. It is duty, to do what must be done, regardless of the danger. It is selflessness and sacrifice. It isn't about glory. What wars have you fought in? What have you done besides complain and berate others, going into a harangue because they have said or done something that you don't personally agree with? It doesn't matter if YOU believe so and so isn't deserving of being committed to memory as a hero. Mind your own matters and let people honor the fallen and grieve how they will, it is no concern of yours.

You do yourself a disservice by speaking ill of the dead. Who cares whether you liked them or not? It doesn't exclude them from being remembered fondly by those that knew them. There were some that fell that I didn't particularly hold warm feelings for, but I can honor and respect them for the sacrifices they made, for facing the abyss, for knowingly going into danger, at good or bad odds, knowing they might not make it out alive. Doesn't matter what I may have thought of them personally, they're still deserving of respect and recognition for their bravery. It is because of their efforts, and everyone else involved, that we have been successful so far.

You might have missed heroism while playing at it on the Champions stage, glamoured up like a doll, basking in the applause and attention of the crowd to further inflate your ego and misplaced sense of self-importance.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 26, 2018, 5:45 p.m.(11/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Thena

I admit a curiosity to see just how big of a middle finger he can make it. He won't disappoint.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:26 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

Since there have been several generous offers of silver to the purchasing of thrall debts in Oliver's name, I'd like to note to the public that donations are to be sent to Master Aleksei Morgan. We've arranged for him to see it through, since he volunteered to manage the process, and there is no other more experienced and suited to the task at hand than he.

I want to thank each and every person who has reached out, who have given comfort and support to Josie, who have rallied and risen to stand beside her, to help seek and mete out justice for Oliver. It never ceases to be awe inspiring when the people of the Compact stand united, so thank you. All of you.

Written By Morrighan

Oct. 23, 2018, 11:20 p.m.(11/12/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

My heart aches for you. This shouldn't have happened. Never did I ever want any more loss or grief or sorrow to touch your life, but it has. Evil reared its ugly head and left its mark, but it was a mistake. A most grievous mistake. By blood or no, you are my kin. My family. My sister. Oliver was a part of that family. There is no forgiveness for those who harm one of my own. I promise you I will do everything I can, with everything I have, to help find the culprit responsible. There will be justice. I swear it.

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