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Written By Lance

Dec. 1, 2018, 9:09 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

Huh. I'm actually needed to help somewhere. With armor and weapons and Knotty and all.

Here's hoping I remember my training!

Written By Lance

Dec. 1, 2018, 9:06 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

I never really have thought of myself as 'noble' per se. In that I mean, I never really saw myself managing lands and making the lives of my people particularly better. I haven't really studied things like economics or agriculture or stewardship. I'm a Knight predominately, I suppose.

But with a big infrastructure project on the horizon, I'd be a fool if I didn't try and do right by the people of Acorn Hill. So to the books I go, to learn how to... do the right thing, I suppose. And... what lumbermills... do, I reckon. Perhaps even this whole alchemy thing. In general, anyway. Enough to lead people who actually -do- know specific things.

I think I need another bottle of whiskey from the Redrains.

Written By Lance

Nov. 30, 2018, 3:38 a.m.(2/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

As a squire, my Knight taught me that justice with a face is simply revenge and as twisted as any reflection. We stand behind our symbols and codes, titles and duties to keep from being lesser and base. Truth demands deliberate purpose and is foiled by the heart's whims. Justice, rooted in truth, can be foiled by looking into a grieving mother's eyes or into those of an innocent seeming criminal.

I have yet to put any of that to any manner of test, but... that's what I remember.

Written By Lance

Nov. 25, 2018, 4:04 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Toste

I think that every Knight dreams of riding into battle with the thunder of hooves and fellows at his side. We truly need to find you a proper steed, Toste. We'll make a day of it!

Written By Lance

Nov. 25, 2018, 4:03 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Artur

After a long discussion with you, I put some things together. In case you don't know it, Artur, you are an incredible inspiration. I'm moved to be a better Knight and a better Lord. I suppose when you spend a majority of your time with Princes and Princesses, some of that wisdom and experience is bound to take hold.

Thank you, Artur.

Written By Lance

Nov. 25, 2018, 3:58 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Horse? Check. Knotty is a fine steed.

Proper Armor for a light cavalry type night? Check. Apollo did right by me for sure. Artur is in full agreement. A very good find.

Proper weapon for the part? Check. Rubicund, embellished. Beautiful.

Looking the part is half the struggle.

Written By Lance

Nov. 16, 2018, 3:26 p.m.(1/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Artur

We met discussing some somewhat frivolous dreams, but... we should truly talk. I have some information I think you should be aware of before we begin our journeys.

Written By Lance

Nov. 16, 2018, 3:24 p.m.(1/3/1010 AR)

Work on my first rubicund weapon is finally complete. It is a beautiful thing. It sort of scares me to touch it. It is inlaid with duskstones and adorned with stygian, making it truly dark, terrible and beautiful. Knotty is training well too. It's almost as if I'm a real knight. With the white dragon armor, Netherbane and a proper steed... Gods above I look truly stunning.

Written By Lance

Nov. 16, 2018, 3:22 p.m.(1/3/1010 AR)

After going to through some of the things at the Lair and hearing some of the stories about that Lodge happening, I'm starting to truly miss Acorn Hill. I feel that... things are moving faster than my patron and I realized. I rather wish I had stayed at home. This is the stuff of nightmares.

Yet, this is why I became a knight, right? To do something worth doing, rather than being a sleepy knight from a little barony nobody's ever heard of?

The more I learn, the harder I've been training. I think I actually pulled a muscle yesterday. Maybe I'm just sore. Either way, I hope I'm ready.

Written By Lance

Oct. 28, 2018, 6:22 p.m.(11/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

I met one of the most charming ladies today. I would not presume to overstep, but I do care deeply for my home. Acorn Hill might not be much in the grand scheme of the compact, but there isn't a moment that goes by that I don't miss it. It was such a fine day to walk in the gardens and talk with someone that still takes the time to think on the level of a barony.

It is also so, so strange to see a stream in the middle of the city that has fist so massive. I think next time, I need to bring some bread and honey. The honey is not for the fish, but for the company.

I wouldn't have guessed that a simple trip to the bank would change my world. Thank you Lady Lucita. Thank you for your part in making me better.

Written By Lance

Oct. 26, 2018, 4:58 a.m.(11/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

The work done on my last commission of armor is simply exquisite. I will admit to some small skepticism on getting leather rather than steel armor, but consider me one of the faithful now. I look forward to showing it off to the family, my patron and the Gold Order soon! You may want to invest in a stout switch to keep the customers at bay!

Written By Lance

Oct. 25, 2018, 3 a.m.(11/14/1009 AR)

I think every youth in Acorn Hill dreams of the capital city. We dream of the fancy clothes and the wonder, mystery and grandeur. On my journey here to the Valardin ward, I could barely breathe from time to time, the anticipation, excitement, fear and worry simply more than I could contain. It is like going into a land of legends where every character is going to be someone noteworthy and utterly epic.

Since then I have met some of these epic people. Princes and Princesses even. I think growing up in Acorn Hill, I rather feared I would shrivel up under their gaze. Yet one stands now as my patron. A prince! To my mind THE Prince. We share hopes and dreams and I begin to wonder if I just might be epic too. Sure I boast and whatnot, but it's easy when you are the pride of a barony. The big fish in a pond might not be so big in the wider river or in the expanse of the sea after all. Yet, a Prince of Redrain has chosen me. That has to account for something.

Now it occurs to me, faced with the proposition of actually being in one of those newly forming legends, that perhaps I should strive to actually survive. Pretty armor and a warhorse won't be enough, I fear. I should have paid more attention while a Squire with the Gold Order. Now starts the race for competence, I suppose. Ingratiate to those who know better, common or noble, and hope they give me the means to survive my own ego. I fear smiling at a ghost or a basilisk will do little more than provide my patron a pretty statue or a less gruesome corpse to bury.

Legends are NOT made of simpering fools that trip, land in a puddle, and drown because their armor is too heavy to stand on their own.

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