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Written By Kaldur

April 25, 2020, 10:15 p.m.(3/6/1013 AR)

With ship traffic from Arx's port limited, 'ware traveling the Great Road to get around the blockade. Any who know of the whirlpool will certainly also know that trade will be heavier along land routes until the strange... weather passes.

Written By Kaldur

Feb. 2, 2020, 9:25 p.m.(9.173080357142856/10.692499999999999/1012.6810900297619 AR)

We have come a long way together, Dumpling and I. Though she is by far the better student between us. Dumpling is so exquisitely trained, that it scarcely seems like training at all. We are a unit. Even so, I can scarcely believe she had anything more to learn, but I find myself surprised by her yet again.

With all thanks to my former liege lady and lord of Deepwood for entrusting her to me years ago, I should like to commend Fianna Crovane, Duchess of Stormwall, my wife, for her gifts with animalkind and the time and effort spent training this wonderful creature, a fine companion on the long roads we travel.

Written By Kaldur

Jan. 25, 2020, 12:08 p.m.(8.57460152116402/19.177685185185183/1012.6312167934303 AR)

Relationship Note on Saya

I suggest taking the leap. If you want to know of a place to dive - and for a moment fly - I can recommend Pearlspre’s cliffs. There is nothing else like it.

Written By Kaldur

June 12, 2019, 2:51 p.m.(4/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

Let it be known, do not under estimate my dear sister. In my annoying younger brotherly duty - a domain I take quite seriously - I winged an inflated ball at her while she was diving on the terrace at Whitereef. Quite without missing a beat as she flipped through the air, she batted the ball right back into my face.

So if you see a great red welt on my face, well. As my Gumary said at the time, 'You earned it, lad.'

Written By Kaldur

June 6, 2019, 12:57 a.m.(3/25/1011 AR)

We have returned safely from a pilgrimage walking the Great Road. We have returned hale and whole and, speaking for myself, changed from walking its expanses, meeting the people along it and sowing seeds that will bloom - we hope - come Spring. We persevered through winter snow and ice, bleak and brutal weather to be traveling, finding havens at every turn. Hearths both great and humble welcomed us. Meals, songs, and prayers shared.

Seeds planted.

Before we left, folk in Arx, when they learned of the journey said, 'this is dangerous,' 'take soldiers,' 'you won't return.' It was, we didn't, and we did. Many considered it a folly of the highest order, but then many said the same of the Great Road. I've seen differently now. This land of ours is a wondrous thing, having traveled the breadth of it.

We sheltered in the lee of the Bonespire, looking out from the last mountain in the North over the Everwinter. Been cheered by the beacon of Highhill shining in the night, and wept to learn it shines no more. Broken fast with miners in Gemecitta amidst the dust of their work - they carved the bones of the Road itself, these miners. Been received at Pridehall and Cascade Springs. Stood in the shadow of the Titan of Setarco, her head wreathed by the glare of an overcast sun looking out over the city, land and sea, where we faced the Gyre and won.

From north to south, east to west, we were welcomed in every corner of the land. Take heart, people of Arvum, there is more that binds us than divides us. I have seen it with my own eyes.

I look forward to Spring.

My companions were from every strata of our Compact:
* Smith Aonghus. His hammer and his efforts are truly blessed. Dumpling never stepped lighter than with the diamondplate horseshoes he fit her with. His cheer was a boon on the journey as well.
* High Shaman Drea. The High Shaman, unsurprisingly, did what the rest could not - speak of and with the spirits as we traveled.
* Lady Ouida Harthall. We would not have traveled as smoothly through the West without her.
* Petal Ambrose. A expert on green and growing things, she was particularly keen to make sure the poppies were properly sown. I hope they bloom, but if they don't, it will not be because of any lack of attention or care on Petal Ambrose's part.
* Sparte Grayfellow. Our mission was to sow seeds along the Road, this idea was his and I am grateful for it.
* Lady Rey Laveer. A mercy in name and deed. She brought succor to our troop and also to those we met on the Road. Especially me when spirits flagged.
* Lady Lethe Tyde. A friendly physician, likewise seeing to our wellbeing while traveling.
* Cillian Weatherwood. Though our mission was a peaceful one, it was reassuring to have him at our backs.
* Baroness Ysabel Gilden. A skillful diplomat and raconteur, she made the journey lighter.

Written By Kaldur

May 31, 2019, 6:50 p.m.(3/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rey

It isn't clear always, or even usually, to me why one road is more 'right' than another. It's simply up to me to choose as well as I can when the time comes and make the best of those choices.

Lady Rey and I are ending our betrothal.

I could cite the poetics of sea and moon, ebb and flow, wax and wane, and have, but it feels hollow. There is scant comfort in pretty words. I already miss her. I am sad for the people of Pearlspire who will not grow to love her has I have. On the pilgrimage, I couldn't shake the sense that we are meant for different paths. She will remain Laveer and steer her House through troubled times, bright beacon she is, Lady of the Lighthouse.

We part ways now, but it's true that the moon calls the sea and her presence in my life has changed it and always will.

Written By Kaldur

April 20, 2019, 10:34 p.m.(12/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I found Luca difficult to know. Elusive. But I admired him. And I missed him after we had a falling out. Or, rather, after I fell out with him. I think he may not have noticed. What he taught me in the sparring ring has saved my life on many occasions. And while I still don't think the prank was funny, I am sad that he'll never pull another one. Or take in another cat. Or crash a Grayson dinner wearing only Elvesbane and a slapdash but smartly matching bathrobe. He was one of a kind and I don't think we'll see his like again until he's napped along every spoke of the Wheel and, finding himself peckish, wanders back to Arvum for a bite to eat.

Written By Kaldur

Jan. 12, 2019, 7:23 p.m.(5/7/1010 AR)

And now, what I truly came to the Scholars for. Some of you have expressed concern over my ill-health. Which you all know of because my father, the Count, thought to share with everyone. I suppose we can all take comfort in a father's capacity to embarrass his children. Some things never change and we can thank the gods for family and friends. So, I thank you, father. Friends. My spell of illness is not, however, because of the stress of terrible news reaching us from every corner of the Compact, though that conclusion is an understandable one.

No. It is because I received a Vision of Ruin.

I was praying at the Shrine of Mangata when I was struck by a Vision of Ruin. Capital 'V' and capital 'R.' While I can state definitively that it was not Mangata who visited this Vision upon me, it is no less faithfully delivered.

I do not know what to make of what I Saw, but if the Road has taught me anything, it is that I am not alone and together one or more of you can help me make sense of it.

Written By Kaldur

Jan. 12, 2019, 7:21 p.m.(5/7/1010 AR)

I don't tend to write into the White Journals often. I'm not actually here to share my thoughts about the Great Road with the Scholars today - I have something more important to write about - but since I am here and while I have the stomach for it, and because I am who I am - the voice and mind connecting all this effort - I will share a perspective on the Great Road that all of you do not have. Mine.

I'm certainly not here to weep over events (I have) or crow over the Great Road (I have not) or defend it - I think it needs no rhetorical defense - but to put my voice and thoughts down as the one uniquely at the center of it.

There is a sense out there that this road happened suddenly. I can assure you that it did not. It was the work of countless days and nights stretching back before I even began formally seeking support. There are plenty of cockamamie ideas that have passed through this noggin of mine and I assure you, as many as I have, only some stick. Only some ring through me like the vibrations of a perfectly struck note. The Great Road was one such idea. It is a resonance that feels nearly divine, though I can claim no great Vision visited upon me by Jayus or any other deity. It was the idea of one man who saw something that could be and set out to do it.

I am a young man, but I have learned in my short years to listen and pay attention to these ideas when they cannot be shaken. Usually they are important in some way.

Countless meetings, countless missives, countless pages, barrels of ink, calluses grown, eyes ruined, voices talked rough, arguments, agreements. There is nothing sudden or haphazard about any of this - that events have spiralled wildly and bloodily out of control all at once has little to do with the care and caution brought to the effort and is, in fact, in spite of that care and caution. Could things have been done differently, or better? I hope to all the gods, yes. Otherwise we are truly doomed because there is nothing left to do - we are all the best we can be - and this is sadly it. However, I will not stand by for anyone suggesting that the effort was rushed. It was not.

I greatly appreciate Princess Tikva's staunch oppostion and even moreso, her support, however grudgingly it was offered. Because - for all of you who decry the effort now as avoidable, not one of you reached out to me. Princess Tikva's words and warnings helped. It is difficult to imagine how, but this could have gone much worse and it would have without her. The point of the Compact is that our whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The point of the Great Road is to connect us. For any who saw the trouble coming and didn't speak up or didn't do anything about it, well, next time, take the risk, whatever that might mean. Lives depend on it. We are all, for good and ill, in this together.

To any who used this to sow chaos and make profit, I curse you with every fiber of my being and hope you reap a bitter harvest that gives you no peace until you return to the Wheel.

To any who lost dear ones, you have my condolences.

To those lost who I never knew, I am sorry we never learned your stories.

A road is both an invitation and a promise. It is an invitation to step out into the world and a promise that there is something at the end worth seeing.

And I promise you all, the end is worth seeing.

Written By Kaldur

Dec. 15, 2018, 2:14 p.m.(3/6/1010 AR)

It was a simple idea in the beginning, this Great Road project. Dull even. Though, admittedly, I found the drawings fascinating - the way the engineers show the different dirts and gravels, cut away in layers like a not-very-delicious-but-beautiful cake.

There is a long way to go still and things to put in order before Spring comes and work begins. A night doesn't pass that I sleep through. I wake from dark dreams of raids and things stirred in remote reaches. And awake in the darkness, my mind seizes on all the things left to be done. Material to move. Ground to prepare. Overtures to make. Defense to arrange. Meetings to conduct. Missives to write.

It is not without trepidation that I look ahead. Folk have registered concerns, grave and real concerns. But I am awed by the ingenuity and effort and ability of the Compact acting together individually (strange as that sentiment is) to address needs in every corner of Arvum. A humbling experience, truly.

In the darkness, with my mind chattering away at the myriad ways things can unravel into disaster, two things are clear to me. One, I am afraid. And two, cliff-diving is as good a preparation I could have had for this entire venture.

Written By Kaldur

Dec. 6, 2018, 2:02 a.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

I'd like to thank Lady Kalani Seliki for showing the banner at the Assembly of Peers. I was unable to attend yesterday evening, so I was glad of her ability to be present. Thank you, Cousin!

Also in attendance, my protégé and her most excellent work worn by those Assembled Peers. It is, in general, strange having a protégé, but distinctly humbling to have one whose deeds and work are so highly regarded that esteem for her reflects onto me. I find that I am vaguely uncomfortable with this as I did nothing to support the reputation she has earned, but I am resolved to be worthy of it by supporting her efforts and endeavors in any way possible.

Name it, Guildmaster Joscelin, and if it is within my power, I will see it done. And if it is not within my power, there are still ways.

[SCHOLAR'S NOTE: Lord Kaldur pauses for a long moment]

And now that I've spoken those words, I don't regret them, but I may. I have not taken into account the Guildmaster's sense of humor.

I stand by my words.

Written By Kaldur

Dec. 6, 2018, 1 a.m.(2/14/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

Sparte, I had come to record some thoughts on the Assembly and will do those separately, but your reflections on silence as it relates to kindness gave me pause to think.

There are times when words can offer no help or no healing. Times when words however well-intentioned are an intrusion. That's why, I think, that the phrase is that you'll 'be there' for someone. My mother used to hate it when she got sick. She hated being fussed over and handled with kid gloves. The biggest kindness we could do her whenever she took ill was to look in on her periodically and let her recover as she chose: in solitude.

So... I guess, to the heart of the question, kindness isn't even the old saw of 'doing unto others as you'd have done to you,' or, rather it is, but even more so... learning what someone else wants done for them and doing that, even - or especially - when it runs counter to what you'd want done. And, of course, it's not as simple as that. Nothing ever is. Now... what was I here for? Oh! New page, please, good Scholar.

Written By Kaldur

Dec. 2, 2018, 1:04 p.m.(2/7/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I am enormously pleased to accept into my patronage the Guildmaster of the Crafter's Guild, Joscelin Arterius. She is an artisan beyond compare and I hope to provide ample support for the Guildmaster in all her endeavors. I look forward to what we pursue together.

Written By Kaldur

Nov. 14, 2018, 3:11 p.m.(12/27/1009 AR)

Patrols yet run in the Gray. Frays entered. Enemies defeated. Allies lost. We are holding. We hold. But there is fighting still to be done. We have had victories, but today as patrols took us near the Grove - new made as I understand it by Petrichor's own presence - I cannot feel its peace. I taste mud and ash, as before.

And yet the saplings reach for the sky, the Wheel turns, and we with it.

Just... now it feels like we're under it.

Written By Kaldur

Nov. 4, 2018, 9:07 p.m.(12/8/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Harper

The eclipse was something to see. Eerie and unsettling. I didn't see anything in a mirror, though the only reflective surfaces I saw for the duration were puddles of still rainwater in the camps surrounding the Lodge. A mercy, it seems.

I got to know Iron Guard Harper better and found her very interesting indeed. A good woman, and one I am proud to serve beside.

Written By Kaldur

Oct. 20, 2018, 10:13 p.m.(11/3/1009 AR)

I have drawn a conclusion: I think about half of the Compact, in some way, works for Minister Rook.

My patrol has been in the City Center for the last several weeks. Dumpling and I have spent quite a lot of time watching and watching over the ebb and flow of goods and services. I have noted the comings and goings, the rise and fall of prices, jostling, haggling. It's as if I'm watching the life of Arvum flow - but instead of blood, it's silver.

The veins that blood flows on are roads. I'm resolved more than ever to make this Great Roads project a success. If you haven't heard of it - and you'd like to - please write a messenger. The project would benefit from contributors from literally every walk of life. Roads literally and figuratively stitch the Compact together.

Written By Kaldur

Sept. 30, 2018, 10:27 p.m.(9/13/1009 AR)

Something really unusual happened. Maybe this is is common place for others, but Sir Matthew Stoatington - a stoat - arrived at the Deepwood-and-Grayson raffle, an event I found both wondrous and unsettling.

He had an eyeglass, Sir Matthew did. Remarkable in its own right.


Written By Kaldur

Sept. 28, 2018, 7:28 p.m.(9/8/1009 AR)

I'm writing to thank the other Summer Splashfest hosts, His Majesty, King Alaric and my cousin, Lady Kalani, and, of course, the guests who made the whole affair fun and memorable.

Of note: Sir Jeffeth, champion of the log-rolling contest; Calandra Whisper, winner of the diving splash contest with her singing swan dive; Grandmaster Caspian, winner of the swim race.

Grandmaster Caspian, also, notably placed in each of the three events - indubitably Grandmaster of the Terrace Pools.

And additional and continued thanks to His Majesty for allowing us into the Palace for this gathering. A truly bright spot as we prepare for the coming conflict.

Thank you to everyone and see you next year!

Written By Kaldur

Sept. 19, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(8/18/1009 AR)

I am unexpectedly leaving Arx, to Pearlspire on business, but will return soon. Hopefully. No, you don't need to put that. Or that. [Scholar's Note: he makes frustrated noises]

Written By Kaldur

Aug. 10, 2018, 5:47 p.m.(5/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

It is a shame, Duke Aiden, that you were not able to enjoy your own event. My cousin and I enjoyed the dancing - though we were the first out - and the costume contest. Such generosity of spirit and creativity begets its like. Such creatures have only prowled the imagination before last night, a truly stunning event and for a good cause.

It may surprise no one that my cousin Kalani and I were the otters, our masks made at The Tanned Hide. I don't know if Oliver or an apprentice made them, but they were exactly what we were looking for.

I'm still curious to know who was who since I wasn't there for the unmasking!

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