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Written By Iliana

Jan. 22, 2024, 1:36 p.m.(8/8/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

I was not there to pull you back this time. You did what you felt you must, and I am certainly not one to question your decision to make a stand. I just wish the world could have both you and Artshall at the same time.

Written By Iliana

Jan. 16, 2024, 3:15 a.m.(7/23/1021 AR)

I spoke of the last meeting, and now I speak of the last moment.

One of the city's walls exploded. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that it was only a matter of time before Arx would be lost. Defenders went flying with the rubble as nightmares rushed through the opening, the thousands of abyssal beasts forcing their way through into the city.

The world would be lost.

He did not think, he never felt a moment of hesitation as he yelled to those whose loyalties he earned from battles fought beside them "Steel Guard, to me". Even as he drew his sword and prepared to fight till his last breath to give Arx and those he loved as much of a chance to survive as possible. The guard knew this was to be their last battle and with their weapons drawn a second later it was confirmed as Steel shouted "Here we hold!".

He would die there, unbroken, unbent, and with a will of steel.

Written By Iliana

Jan. 16, 2024, 2:52 a.m.(7/23/1021 AR)

The first time was not so different. The faces have changed, and the names are different, but the words? The words spoken then feel the same today.

As the time approaches for Arx to stand ready, I am reminded of a memory that is not my own now but was so many years ago.

The endless rows of soldiers standing guard on the newly built walls of Arx, both the walls and soldiers untested in so many ways and yet ready to defend until nothing remains. The meetings of gathered leaders; winged allies, flying in slow patrol overhead. The Metallic Order, the dragons, and their Cardian commanders. The leaders of the Arvani, and even those who were once enemies but stood strong as allies. They met within the very city that we do today to discuss options and to plan for what would be one of the most difficult things any of them ever had to face. Hope and fear touched features without shame. Determination and doubt were shared with friends and loved ones. Courage and fear could be felt by all.

Even though this memory is mine from another life, I can still feel the terrible pain from this moment.

Platinum spoke, ever the leader, kindness, and compassion that seem so very distant with the passage of a thousand years. The words of the great white dragon on honor. On duty. Of oaths made and kept, no matter what the cost. In Gold, Steel and Iron, there are words of courage and a will that shall never break. In Copper and Silver, there are words of hope, and a sense of audacity given as a prized gift to all that hear them- a sense that this is a war that could be won.

It will be the last time that Steel will see those people he loved so dearly. It will be the last time that they were all together, and as the last words were said, it's the hope merged with grief that comes with the knowledge that come what may, they shall not wholly die.

So today when you speak of hope, do not hide the fear. When you stand determined, do not hide the doubt that will affect us all. And when you find the courage to take your stand remember that those before you did the same thing and you will not be forgotten either.

Written By Iliana

Jan. 5, 2024, 2:57 p.m.(7/2/1021 AR)

While plans are being made there are always those things that are unpleasant to consider but must be dealt with.

Should I not survive my chosen path, my husband, Marquis Fairen Leary, is to see to my things as he sees fit. It will give him a much needed distraction when I do not return home that I believe will be important to see that he is able to process my death in only the way he does. My only requests are as followed: If my armor is recovered that it be given to my daughter Valitina, so even in death I am able to protect her as I have always done in life. Daybreak, my shortspear, is to be left at the Seawatch Gate lodged within unmoveable, unbreakable, rubble if the Crown approves of such memorial to remind those left after I am gone that I was here. I did not bend, I did not break, and my will was of Steel.

Written By Iliana

Feb. 12, 2020, 12:58 p.m.(9.96531994047619/34.05791666666667/1012.7471099950396 AR)

Relationship Note on Talia

I am, on occasion, overwhelmed by the staggering generosity that comes from the most unexpected places.

Goodwoman Talia Baseborn is widely known for her gift with fashion, for the heirloom gowns she has worked with so many Houses of the Compact to see made. In House Leary, she'll be remembered for the bars of alaricite she gifted me with that I might finally retire Eagle's Talon, or more likely for the weapon that alaricite becomes in fair short order.

Valitina is already proposing design suggestions.

Written By Iliana

Dec. 20, 2019, 12:57 a.m.(5/27/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabella

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Here's to a grand adventure, Your Highness.

Written By Iliana

Nov. 15, 2019, 12:32 a.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Coming back to Arx is always like meeting an old friend, unexpectedly. There's joy and hugging and a lot of time spent catching up on things that have happened since you parted, both grand and minute. But there's always something off, something different, some subtle change that has turned them into someone that you don't quite recognize anymore.

And yet Arx endures.

Perhaps I'm the one who has changed.

Written By Iliana

April 14, 2019, 10:56 p.m.(12/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

The foot will heal ... with time.

I can't imagine seven years ago that would have been fun for either of us. We've changed a lot since we first met. You sanded the edges off me, and I put some new ones on you.

Written By Iliana

April 11, 2019, 8:56 p.m.(11/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Next time, I /will/ chain you to the desk. And I'll detail Emilie to start teaching you about the staff payroll. Just something for you to keep in mind.

Written By Iliana

March 23, 2019, 11:50 p.m.(10/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Caith

I saw Cousin Caith for the first time in a very long time at the ball tonight. I wish I had gotten to see her for longer, and talk to her without the rest of the crowd around. She is still as boisterous as ever!

Written By Iliana

March 23, 2019, 11:47 p.m.(10/17/1010 AR)

The Taste of Arx was an amazing event in scope. I'm incredibly impressed by the hosts and hostesses who spent their time, coin and effort to put it together ... But the ball was far too big and grand for me. I envy those who can manage these events with such grace and poise.

Written By Iliana

March 16, 2019, 6:49 p.m.(10/2/1010 AR)

I've always known it, but Thrax can certainly hold a party. Though I've proved to myself that I'm a land woman born and bred. Knots and oysters are not for me. The company and the drink were all I could have asked though!

Written By Iliana

April 21, 2018, 11:04 a.m.(8/5/1008 AR)

It was a lot easier than I expected to surprise Fairen and Tomwell.

I didn't even sneak around the house all that much when I got home. I went in and took a nap, preparing to be discovered at any moment. I didn't think of it until just now, but perhaps they did spot me, but let me have my surprise anyway, they're thoughtful like that. So, back into the city with lots of work to do. I can't wait to see the cousins, and I hear that there might be a small party in the near future. Now, I just need to find a competent seamstress. Can't be too hard, right?

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