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Written By Arik

Sept. 22, 2019, 9:40 p.m.(11/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

When dealing with your healer, people of the Compact, remember these rules. They are not the boss of you. If you die because you're stubborn that's your own damn business. Demand they are not allowed to tend to you while wearing knives, so you can speak your mind without threat of violence.

Written By Willow

April 17, 2019, 9:17 a.m.(12/9/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

The sheer volume of things that have changed in my life since last we met was almost mindboggling when we got the chance to talk again yesterday. I still love you dearly though. You are one of my best friends

Written By Ysbail

Feb. 4, 2019, 4:54 a.m.(7/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

You never cease to amaze me sometimes. Thank you for the work you do for the household.

Written By Ysbail

Jan. 12, 2019, 6:58 a.m.(5/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

You've done so much for our house, I only hope I'm able to live up to the faith you've put in me.

Written By Geraint

Dec. 21, 2018, 11:39 a.m.(1/15/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

(This journal was released posthumously after the death of then Marquis Geraint Blackwood by the Scholars of Vellichor)

While I shall not rule out revising this in the coming years, this stands as my final will and testament to House Blackwood and the Compact, and may none gainsay it. I do hearby name my longstanding Voice Eilonwy, a commoner of distinction, as a Blackwood, with the full rank and privileges as a member of noble blood. Further, she shall be my heir, for her distinguished service in leading this house, and shall become Marquessa of the Storm March upon my passing. Let it be done."

Written By Arik

Nov. 25, 2018, 11:49 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

My former protege now turned Marquessa. She has an appropriately practical outlook on her situation and the prospects before her. For any Lords seeking a northern match might I suggest the Marquessa Blackwood. No calling could be greater than the taming of prodigal lands to reap the benefits of the Compact. Nor do I find many Peers as pragmatic as Marquessa Blackwood in pursuing their noble duties. Perhaps the one thing that can be said of the neo-noble is should they recognize the obligation they must live to fulfill they make rather dogged traditionalists.

I do like tradition.

Written By Ysbail

Oct. 25, 2018, 11:49 a.m.(11/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I support Marquessa Eilonwy Blackwood completely. She is the right person for my father to have chosen. Her ennoblement was not a surprise to me, and if it was to my siblings it's only because they can't be bothered to listen when the rest of us are talking about important things. They were told.

No amount of poking or prodding at me will get a different answer to that question, no amount of tricky questions, or assuring me that I can tell you how I "really" feel, none of it will change the answer that you receive, because it is the truth. She has taken nothing from me.

Written By Reigna

Oct. 2, 2018, 8:04 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I think you summed up the issue rather precisely with a pair of sentences in your last journal.

"I don't begrudge other Houses their outrage but Blackwood is a young House, only a generation old. Our ways are not yet wholly the ways of the compact. "

That is precisely it. House Blackwood is a House of the Compact. Its ways need to be the ways of the Compact. We are bound to one another by oaths and tradition. Once we stop honoring the traditions that founded us, where does it end? We have given our sacred word to uphold the tenants of the Faith and the laws that bound five kingdoms into one.

I have to hope that you have it in you to pull House Blackwood further into the culture of the Compact, that you learn to embrace our traditions as your own. We do not all need to be precisely the same, but we must all be on the same page about what makes us Compact and what makes others not.

When people rail against those strictures, when the lines of right and wrong are blurred it weakens the overarching structure. If a noble does not feel like honoring their duties to their family and instead fritters away their family's coffers on luxuries while their people starve that is obviously worse than a noble refusing to take themselves seriously and act with the dignity of their station, right? When you chip away at the small things it adds up. We hold ourselves a certain way because we need to remember what separates us. We need to remember our choices are not for ourselves. If we make concessions here or there, those concessions will only grow until the most simple truths are no longer simple.

It is about principle and honor and respect.

I know you only a little. And what I do know is that you are an intelligent, brave healer who puts the needs of others above her own. That is fantastic and that strength, conviction and selflessness will serve you incredibly well. I do wish you the best in your future. Never think I wish you or anyone ill. But mine is not a solitary point of view. You are going to be watched, and judged, and likely underestimated. Your successes are likely going to be brushed off as chance, and your failures will be held up under intense scrutiny and will receive more than one smug look of condescension. Your path is going to be a difficult one. If you wish my advice? Marry. Marry soon. And pick someone who was born to it, raised to the life of a noble and knows the way that it works. Lean on them and their expertise until you get your feet under you.

Good luck.

Written By Arik

June 20, 2018, 3:09 a.m.(1/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

Eilonwy Thunderoak a prodigal voice of House Blackwood. She is young but brutal honesty can take a person far. We will see what my newest protege can accomplish. In the oldest of prodigal tradition what one strives for is a mark of character and civility, traits held high by the Compact.

Written By Kaldur

March 30, 2018, 6:32 p.m.(6/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

Young lady of the Stone Grove. I hope to visit the grove again.

Written By Reigna

March 18, 2018, 4:20 a.m.(5/18/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the efforts and work of Mistress Eilonwy. She and I had not met before this crisis, and yet she worked with me gladly making me feel welcome. She was a pleasure to work with, and her skills were demonstrably greater than in just healing. She turned the tide of the fighting. She's a fantastic healer. Without her, I do not think I would necessarily have made it home. Thank you. For everything.

Written By Clara

Sept. 9, 2017, 4:24 a.m.(3/7/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I don't prefer to bond with people by being kidnapped together but I don't think that I will ever share that sort of bond with many people. Sadly, Eilonwy was one of those people. She is a good tent companion and she understands that whiskey and food do a world of good. She's sweet. It was nice of her to go get me medicine, whiskey, and food the times that she has.

Written By Katarina

Sept. 6, 2017, 5:05 p.m.(2/27/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

Prodigal or not, the words you write hold immeasurable potential to inspire another who looks upon it. You never know who reads your journals.

Written By Merek

Aug. 9, 2017, 1:41 a.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

I met this woman on a scouting patrol where we went into the Forest. We fought together, and she seems to have some views that we share to an extent. I hope to speak more with her sometime.

Written By Aodhan

May 28, 2017, 8:05 p.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Eilonwy

A very kind and friendly soul. After mere moments of meeting this kindred spirit, we became very fast friends. I do so much enjoy her company, and it is a blessing that my new friend serves with the Blackwoods. I cannot wait to see the future that she will certainly set for herself.

(P.S she is one of the very few who actually like my hugs)

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