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Written By Lucita

Sept. 21, 2019, 10:09 p.m.(11/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

A shame you were not there when I sang the Whisper Song. I think you might have enjoyed it. Maybe will just send you a copy.

Written By Bliss

Sept. 19, 2019, 9:41 p.m.(11/13/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

"Fire is destruction, and a fire unchecked can grow beyond boundaries very quickly. Use it carefully."

I am getting so tired of holding back.

Written By Shard

Sept. 2, 2019, 6:29 a.m.(10/5/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I agree with you, but I would say this is also a direct response to what some people have /done/. I don't think it was an accident that it happened in the Oathlands. This was fucking inevitable, if not necessarily in this way, with these players, because people are people and they want to survive, they want to hold on to what's theirs, and often, they want revenge. This happens again and again, and every time, the Compact seems surprised when the Abandoned join up with someone else who promises to protect them from it.

What happens now? I don't thinking sending armies to kill people under her protection is going to end at all well for any of us.

Written By Shard

Aug. 11, 2019, 8:47 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I disagree about as strongly as I can with the idea that the Compact somehow owns civilization on Arvum. That said, no, I don't think it would have been possible without the Compact either; or, at least, some form of humanity banding together in order to fight our real enemies.

I didn't think you, specifically, believed we did it alone, but it felt like something publicly worth emphasizing anyway.

Written By Shard

Aug. 10, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(8/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

When it comes to our greatest enemies, the Compact has not, and has never, defeated them alone, as much as people like to pretend otherwise. Not the Gyre, not the battles against the Horned One, not the Silent War, not the War of Stolen Names, and certainly not the Reckoning. The first statues in the Hall of Heroes are only the tiniest representation of the people and peoples that had a hand in ensuring that we could still be here, alive and arguing in journals. And, in some cases, still do have a hand in it, somewhere.

Written By Solange

July 14, 2019, 10:32 p.m.(6/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

May I offer the sin of indecisiveness as well, Radiant? I have known people in my life who have managed to be boring, predictable, and indecisive. It's rather interesting.

Written By Gwenna

June 28, 2019, 4:19 p.m.(5/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Radiant Bliss Whisper is someone I have known for a few years now, if at first mostly in passing, but I hope she considers us friends, as I certainly think of her as one of mine. When I was just getting to know her, I thought saying that she was every bit as enchanting and lovely in person as one might have been lead to believe by her reputation, was to give her little credit. Bold and passionate, certainly, I've come to know her as warm, charitable, and compassionate as well. We seem to be able to agree to disagree on things and not have that change our personal feelings. At least thus far.

The things I have seen her achieve are ones that will surely become tales told for many lifetimes after we are all gone. The reception she arranged for Lorenzo and I remains one of the most wonderful times I have had in my life. That she invited me to assist in the Northlands Whisper House endeavor is an honor and experience that I won't ever forget, either.

I am grateful for her trust and honesty, for I suspect they are things one may need to earn with her.

Written By Cristoph

May 26, 2019, 6:34 p.m.(3/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

There's never a boring week, I can say that much. And while I don't enjoy receiving missive after missive after missive after missive after missive about relatives of mine, I did have the opportunity to exchange words with some very pleasant people. So perhaps in that, there's a silver lining to all of this unfortunate business.

In particular, Radiant Bliss Whisper was extremely graceful and patient throughout the entire matter, for which I'm endlessly grateful.

Written By Reigna

May 26, 2019, 3:15 p.m.(3/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

If you have need of disposing of those dried dead mice, I can see if Fidelity might enjoy them as training treats? He enjoys freshly dead mice, but those are a little harder to keep on hand. One of my children reached into my pocket and went from surprise, to excitement to horror in rapid succession. Then I had to explain why momma was keeping dead mice in her pocket. It was a somewhat awkward conversation that resulted in some serious side eye from my child to my hunting partner.

Then again, if the mouse was dried, I might have enough time to distract the child before recognition of what it was sinks in.


Written By Elgana

May 26, 2019, 10:15 a.m.(3/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I misspell one word, and I keep paying for it after three years! Mica! I meant to write 'mica powder' not 'mice powder'!

Written By Kedehern

May 25, 2019, 12:03 p.m.(3/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I can assure you, Madam Whisper, that the Duke does indeed provide a generous stipend for his family, as you surmised. Any so-called poverty on the part of one of the Laurents is entirely their own making.

Written By Peri

April 29, 2019, 11:37 a.m.(1/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Write. I have not always enjoyed what you've written, but I have generally found you insightful. So, write.

Future researchers will find much to learn from you. I wish a long life for you and that researchers have a chance to speak with you in person.

I am a prickly person, but I do read you and consider what you say even when I am pricked.

Written By Mayir

March 23, 2019, 12:06 p.m.(10/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Radiant Bliss! How apt!

You will lead Whisper House well, my friend.

Do not let it be said that Bliss will not make her mark.

Written By Sophie

Feb. 4, 2019, 12:34 a.m.(7/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Some people, when you meet them you find yourself engulfed by them and you want nothing more to be in their very presence.

And then... they make you look so deeply at yourself and your own soul that it helps you to become the person you were meant to be.

You may still want to drown in them, but you can't - because you realize that you have to take action to make the world a better place. You have purpose.

These people are truly invaluable.

Written By Bliss

Feb. 3, 2019, 10:17 p.m.(7/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

When I had my twenty-fifth birthday, I found myself utterly a ruin. I spent the night of it alone, with only the company of a bard I haven't seen since who happened to walk in, drinking bad wine and looking out the window, waiting for the bells to ring. It felt like everything was disappointment - I felt I had had stumbled on my goals, fallen face-first, and that I had a hell of a hole to claw myself out of.

I think I can say that I have done that - everything that was lack of confidence then has turned into something supporting me now. I know what I need to be doing, and while it's likely too much, that sort of challenge is invigorating and enthralling. I feel as if I am free from something that has been weighing down on me as long as I can remember now. The thoughts are still there, but they no longer cut. The anger is still there, but it's a small flicker that I can call on whenever I want. It's no longer all-consuming.

Am I satisfied? No, for there is ever so much more to do and experience.

Am I happy?

I think, for the first time, in a very long time, I can say yes. So happy birthday to me, and let's tackle this second quarter century with everything we have. World's just getting interesting - hardly the time to back away now.

Written By Thena

Feb. 3, 2019, 12:25 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

We have a nice little rabbit enclosure in Solace Square, if your bunny could use some company.

Written By Sophie

Jan. 21, 2019, 9:32 a.m.(6/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Whomever said to you "May you live in interesting times." Can you please ask them to spread it out more?
All at once is a little much, don't you think?

We are all stretched to our limits. I'm not sure how much more we can handle.

Written By Niklas

Jan. 17, 2019, 9:54 a.m.(5/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

The proper noble response to such criticism as "you absolute idiots" is to ignore the rabble saying it.

But perhaps the instructors at Whisper House have a better suggestion.

Written By Arik

Dec. 31, 2018, 1 p.m.(4/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

If only Everard had done the traitorous and criminal deeds while declaring he did them not as a Lord of Telmar or Sword of Telmarch then we wouldn't have watching the ongoing travesty of a commoner laying claim to the House Sword and continually assaulting a Ducal House's honor. Right?

Mayhap I should preface all of my white journals with the warning the words therein are not that of the Sword of Whitehold but simply Arik? I imagine my Uncle and Sister and all the readers would respect that distinction which I insist upon. Those with duties, position, and responsibility must always bear such in public.

Despite my disapproval of your selective nature, Softest Whisper Bliss, I have changed my mind on this matter. I wish with all my heart you receive the House Sword of Telmarch simply so you can realize how empty and hollow such a blade is removed from the family whose honor it represents. When you draw it what will you draw it for? What great purpose will the blade serve in your hand? No matter the purpose you put it towards it will no longer be what it is. It will become some empty trophy of personal pride.

Written By Ysbail

Dec. 27, 2018, 2:55 a.m.(4/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

Oh no, you will find I quite agree that she is indeed an exemplary example of a Twilight Crawler. Just - not a wonder one sees every day.

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