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Written By Dianna

Dec. 18, 2019, 8:15 p.m.(5/25/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

I happened upon a goodly knight - and I am sure he is good and true, the more time I spend with him, the more I share him with family and friends.

He wonders at my kindness - and yet, accepts like a man thirsty for drink, having been lost in the desert sands or stuck adrift at sea, alone, with water everywhere and none to drink. Who knows which it is, for him, as I surely do not; I know only that he needs kindness, friendship - and that my position as Godsworn and as a former Mazetti with silver still my own to do with as I may affords me the ability to give generously - even if it may put but a touch of a damper on a lifestyle I have accustomed myself to.

Still, I am blessed with abundant love - from the gods, themselves; from nobles of all ranks; from commoners; from my Brothers and Sisters in the Faith - and I overflow with love. Sharing with such a knight in need of succor, in need of friendship, in need of introductions is so very easy for one such as I, with so very much love received. He is in at wonder at me for my sharing, and I am, in turn, in wonder that such sharing is not something he is accustomed to.

My dearest love has always been the Mazetti family: Mother and Father; my heart of hearts - my twin; and the joy I have shared (and pains suffered with, worked through) with cousins close to me. I was struck instantly at the knowledge that this knight, so recently returned to Arx, so obviously worn by life and violent battle, should return seeking the reason for his brother's end. My heart broke to see such a strong and resilient man, for I know, without a doubt, that, even with the gods' love, I should be shattered should I lose but one member of my family again. Uncle's death was hard enough, but I was away and so it is still a dream to me, an oddity I cannot rightly accept; and still, I expect him to appear at some point, wandering down the streets with a grin upon his lips and mirth in his eyes as he teases me. We were so close; we are all so close, the Mazetti - and more, so much more than in terms of oaths and fealty. We /love/, as I have seen never before in any other family or House - not that it is not there elsewhere, but I have never /seen/ it so. I am sure it is merely my perception - or lack thereof, more rightly.

Nonetheless, this Knight Errant touched my heart and I was drawn to help him how I may and might.

I will spend too much on clothing for him that he may appear to be the man I see him to be in my heart. I cannot take away his scars - but I will do as I may to help heal them, and any wounds he has, as well. Or to help him find those who /can/ heal them - including what wounds him regarding his brother's loss.

He seems to care little for my Lycene sensibilities; I thank the gods for his being Lycene and thus, accustomed to my habit of dress and preference of fashion. I thank the gods he is intelligent, with a sense of humor and of good spirits, for it would be so much more difficult were he any less than he is. Of course, that he is from Southport makes him closer to my heart; the only closer I could feel to him would be if he were Ostrian - in which case, I should send him directly to Duchess Cambria, though she would likely already know of him, considering his history on ships.

As it stands, I'm quite sure I shall introduce him to all I know, including the Mazetti family, and shall attempt to help him meet with whomever else he wishes to meet.

No, I do not know the fullness of my dedication to assisting him. I do as I must, as I feel is due him. He vows to protect me, when next I venture into dangerous lands, so how much easier is this exchange - that was never meant to be an exchange?

So much has changed, since I heard the gods' voices. So much, so much - and there is little doubt in me when I must act on their behalf.

This is the best part of my new life, truly: For clarity of purpose, of direction has never been so easy:

Love, and give reason to be loved.

Trust, and give reason to be trusted.

Have faith, and give reason for others to have faith - in me and in the gods.

Yes, my beloved friends and family (who may read this eventually, or not; it matters not), I believe most entirely in the gods - though 'belief' hardly states my confidence in my knowledge of them. I know that they exist, as surely as I know that I exist, that you exist, that the quill writing these words exists.

For, once one has spoken to gods and has interacted with them as I have, 'belief' becomes a ludicrously inept word.

I am grateful for a good many things, and leave these words to any who may read them. I am grateful for your eyes and for your mind and for your heart - as grateful as I am for mine.

May you be blessed, may you find truth, may you love and be loved. May you be brave and bold and humble and gentle. May you step into darkness with the knowledge that you will come out, again, unscathed - or with scars that make you whole in ways you never thought possible. But may you ever return to light, to love, to blessed peace.

Particularly you, my dear, new friend who so inspires me.

Written By Gwenna

Aug. 6, 2018, 12:15 p.m.(5/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

Sir Aerandir Elensar, I am heartened to hear some word of you! You have been missed. While I am certainly not glad for whatever it seems to have been that lead to your departure from public eyes, I am happy that you are back with us. I will be sure some cakes and soup are sent and hope to attempt a visit as well.

Written By Orathy

Jan. 14, 2018, 4:05 p.m.(12/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

**A scholar dictates**

I ain't knowing why Cyrus be thinking your journal be worth something eh. But there it were, being shoved under me nose.
Your purpose son? Aye, reckon it is to die, but before you die, you best work your ass off and make someone above you more wealthy. Reckon that be the lot of it.

Between being born and dying, you get to make choices of how you live, granted the choices we be allotted ain't many if you be of common blood. But aye son, hold a woman close, or two or three. Get fit, have fun doing it. Drink, gamble, piss away silver. Aye, but if you want to be leaving a legacy behind, reckon you be needing to take up a wife and leave something behind in way of a git. Nay, even then, after your kid have kids and them kids have kids, no one going to be remembering you or what you be doing. You be having to come to terms with it. The more you get caught up with finding purpose the less you be able to enjoy the world around ya. Aye, the world is shit and it might not have much to offer fellas like us, those born without a fancy name. But there be some joy to it. A bottle of whiskey, a kiss to a pretty lass, being able to best a fancy silkie in the fighting ring...

We ain't get to be choosing where we be born or to whom or what life style we get. The Wheel shat us out at the low end of the world and it be a damn struggle to get anywhere better than where we started. Reckon I have grey in me beard and I just be getting a comfortable bed to sleep on not a few years back. And that bed, was worth the fucking struggle. Gods it be softer than a ladies pampered arse.

At the end, we only get to be choosing how we die. Fight a war for some noble prick if you want. Fight to protect those who ain't be skilled to protect themselves, like many in the lowers. Fuck for fun. Fuck for love. Dance. Get drunk. Be an care-free arsehole. Still, if you be wanting to be some famous bastard that gets a statue at the end, ain't sure how to help. Reality is, all them nobles are fighting to get their image cut in stone, and there be a whole fucking city of 'em.

Reckon you be figuring it out soon enough.

Written By Calypso

Jan. 14, 2018, 11:33 a.m.(12/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

“Neither by chance, nor by fate.”

Forge a path for yourself confidently and let none take it from you.

Written By Tomwell

Jan. 10, 2018, 11:38 p.m.(12/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

The beginning of my song was so promising, it would be a shame to let it get lost.

There once was a knight with a quill
and gardening oft was his will...

I think it has promise as a drinking song. I'll have to sort out the rest.

Written By Derovai

Jan. 9, 2018, 12:25 a.m.(12/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aerandir

Smarter than he looks, underneath all that armor -- and not all of it literal.

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