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Written By Jaenelle

Aug. 30, 2020, 8:46 p.m.(12/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

I am so proud of the choices you have made and the path they have led you down.

Written By Lora

Aug. 23, 2020, 1:04 p.m.(11/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Through tragedy, we triumph.

There are many variations on that notion, on the rise from ruin and leaving the past behind save as the blood-soaked ground in which to grow a new garden. I hesitate yet to call this a triumph, but it clearly is not a tragedy.

It certainly will be glorious.

And by it I mean your armor. Of course.

Written By Miella

March 13, 2020, 7:09 a.m.(12/3/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Got to remind myself to add extra thanks for Princess Celeste pointing me towards Princess Sudara next time I can catch up with her highness.

Written By Juliette

Jan. 13, 2020, 10:53 p.m.(7/22/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

My new, and first, Patron. I shall endeavor to do you and your family proud in all my dealings. Thank you for meeting with me and giving me this opportunity.

Written By Willow

Sept. 29, 2019, 1:12 p.m.(12/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Good to hear as regards those who murdered Alrec. I do miss his swagger and watching him fight.

Written By Vanora

July 22, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Those are good lessons to remember. I recall them in the same way from my own studies in Lenosia, along with others.

Mirrormasks, when fully trained, are taught to question, even if what they question is an established norm, even if the nature of their questions leads others to anger or frustration.

Before we are taught to question though, we are taught to listen. If our questions serve no other purpose than to antagonize, if we do not seek answers from them from which we might learn, then they are pure contrarianism. That too has a place in Mirrormask teachings, but it is a different one, and best practiced by those with experience and the social savvy to know when they push another towards learning, and when they simply push.

We listen to better understand the world around us, the people around us, and ourselves.

The idea that striving to know ourselves better and thus become better is one of Tehom's teachings that benefit all, not only his Disciples. Self-reflection is not soft, it is not 'bright', it is not easy or comfortable. An honest accounting of our flaws is always a painful thing to reckon with, which is why it is so easy to slip into denial of them and complacency. It is a far, far easier thing to turn focus outward onto others, to consider /their/ flaws, and the righteous feeling that we bask in when we see a flaw in another that we do not believe we have ourselves is delicious. Delicious and as addictive as Dust.

Written By Sudara

June 23, 2019, 3:13 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

What can one say about the Iron Kraken of Setarco? Lovely, intelligent, and capable - if possessed of remarkably few limbs to merit renown as a tentacular horror. Another of my former students, whose present lustre might perhaps reflect a little second-hand glory onto one of her old tutors.

Written By Rymarr

June 13, 2019, 9:31 p.m.(4/12/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

During a discussion with Lady Celeste of House Pravus, a question was presented that drew my interest. Whether or not I was interested in the acquisition of a few goats that she was now trying to offload onto someone else. Well the joke's on her, because I gladly accepted her kind gift and now I plan on House Deepwood having the nicest lawn in the whole of the Ward of House Grayson.

Six goats in total have arrived and while I have not named them, I respect the fervor which they take in pursuit of their duty. They will earn names soon enough, I'm sure. Almost immediately their work began and I have spent much of the evening watching them, fascinated by their diligence and seemingly bottomless appetites. There is of course some mess to be removed, but when it's all said and done this grass will be well trimmed, just the way I like it.

Once their work is done, then I will probably need to have signs posted warning others from stepping on this perfect grass. I will notify the Iron Guard of violators. This grass is going to be so darn wonderful.

Thank you, Lady Celeste.

Written By Elisha

June 9, 2019, 12:23 a.m.(4/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Prince Alarice does not believe everything that Cassian Rope claims when she describes the countries visited on her expeditions, but he reads the young Explorer's reports with greater attention than he shows any other member of her guild: "In the life of the prince there is a moment that follows an evening feast, with the odor of tired horses in the rain and the sandalwood ashes fading in the braziers; a hot clarity that consumes the dispatches announcing the collapse of the last Abandoned troops and that melts the wax of the seals of obscure lordlings who beseech Alarice's protection, offering in exchange tributes of shadowsilk and Cardian tortoiseshell.

"At that moment, the prince hears the first far-off call of a lost dream whispering that this empire is merely a stepping-stone, a foothill raising us closer to the clouds, closer to a station so divine that the gentlest gods strike us down."

Must you travel, my brandywine prince? What do you seek? Did you leave some thing behind, some place, some one who cannot bear your absence? Must you sail for a country unknown, unnamed, and uncharted, beyond the dream of empire, that nevertheless feels as near to you as my head on your beating chest?

We will follow her rivers, search her valleys, and inquire about her oldest taboos. We will stand for hours, talking with veiled fathers in terracotta archways, watching while they call their children home.

(In a scrawl: History that is not shared is not history. It is a broken bottle in the grip of thieves who claim that the sight of our blood staining the snow-packed cobbles belongs only to them.)

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