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Written By Percephon

Jan. 1, 2017, 2:51 p.m.(7/17/1005 AR)

It has been a whirlwind of information the past handful of days, and so many memorable people I've gotten to meet -- or to be reunited with. While part of me brims with enthusiasm at the nearly limitless possibilities of being in this ancient city, filled with people with such different cultures, another part of me knows what is ahead of us appears like dark storm clouds on the horizon.

I must strive not to let myself get overly distracted by one or two things and people that keep gnawing at my curiosity, though I know I will be unable to resist. My focus must be sharp over the coming weeks in my research, and I look forward to the trip that is planned.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 30, 2016, 5 p.m.(7/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Such a chance encounter at the Temple to Gloria. She only offered her first name, and I have some small nagging thought that I should better recognize it. Still, it was far better to preserve the mystery I think. She's an intriguing one, with more riddles to unravel than one might think at first glance.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 28, 2016, 5:42 p.m.(7/5/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

I have read that some leaders are born, others are made. There are many stories in the history books of those who have seen House and Country through difficult times. I'm not certain which category Princess Alis falls into, but after having the honor of meeting her this afternoon, I am left with no doubt that a leader she is. Between her and her family, House Valardin is in good care during these trying times.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 28, 2016, 1:26 p.m.(7/5/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowan

I'm really not certain how many more there are to meet of the Greenmarch House, but I certainly hope Lord Rowan isn't the last of them. His passion for his beliefs has been not only an interesting study on a personal level, but the information he so willingly shared will, I hope, help us both in the end. Another outstanding member of a House that should make the Telmar's proud.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 28, 2016, 1:30 a.m.(7/3/1005 AR)

The Greenmarch Family continues to prove to be a never ending supply of surprises, and all of them pleasant. People of honor and passion, they are a happy contrast to the normally dour, buttoned up members of the northern lands I call home. They know perfectly who they are, and are comfortable in their skins, and the differences between they and I create for a refreshing dose of change.

House Telmar is fortunate to have them in the fold, and I look forward to meeting more of their members and learning more of the ones I've already had the privilege of spending time with.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 28, 2016, 12:36 a.m.(7/3/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Fiachra

The Grenmarch House has yet to disappoint in having the most interesting cast of family members. The latest one I met was Lord Fiachra Greenmarch. His easy going nature and straight forward manner is a continued breath of fresh air, and I am left in little doubt as to the honor and duty he holds in high regard when it comes to family and household.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 26, 2016, 1:58 p.m.(6/27/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

I'd heard stories of the Ancient Stones in the northern part of the city, and during my investigation I had the good forture to run into one Lady Khanne Halfshav. A more calm and collected woman with an open mind I've yet to meet. Her intriguing beliefs and desire to learn and share will lead to many stories shared between the two of us, I do hope.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 26, 2016, 1:16 a.m.(6/25/1005 AR)

It was a whirlwind of a day, to be certain. There are so many threads that seem to come from the same fabric, it's fascinating: I ran into a quite kind woman today whom offered to introduce me to someone who can surely help with my research. Hopefully the gentleman in question will agree to meet with me soon enough and be willing to share what he has.

In my eagerness to dive headlong into research, I'd nearly forgotten the whirlwind of court life in the capital. The sheer amount of nobles is nearly dizzying. While catching up with a cousin, it was a duo of Greenmarch Ladies whom I met. They, at least, were not particular on social etiquette, and in truth? The meeting was quite intriguing, and they unique. I look forward to spending more time with them, and seeing what tidbits of information they might be able to teach me.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 25, 2016, 9:53 p.m.(6/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Bethany

I had the most splendid run in with one Mistress Bethan Mercier today at the Tavern. Our paths crossed by happenstance, but a shared love of inquisitive questioning quickly lead to a few wonderful leads. She's offered to show me around a group that calls themselves the Salon.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 24, 2016, 9:47 p.m.(6/22/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

A fervent student to be certain. We met in the wee hours of the morning and shared our love of mythology. She can certainly be distracting, however. Still, our shared enjoyment of knowledge will have our paths meet again and soon, I am certain.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 24, 2016, 8:07 p.m.(6/22/1005 AR)

It's good to finally be out of the ill spell of poor health and family matters. It's allowed me opportunities the past few days to get out and about into the Academy and start understanding the large wealth of knowledge the capital has. Truly, the place is blessed with wise men and women over the years who have amassed a fine collection.

Very early morning meanderings have already had one happenstance run in turn fruitful... I'll have to spend more time within the hallowed halls to meet more of my fellow Scholars. At some point, I'll need to attend to the social etiquette of family visits to those who are within the Capital as well, I suppose.

Written By Percephon

Dec. 24, 2016, 1:35 p.m.(6/21/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

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