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Written By Aislin

May 21, 2017, 5:17 p.m.(7/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Aleksei Morgan. Former sellsword knight and champion, now Archlector of the First Choice and Paladin of Freedom. How times change...

When I think back on our first meeting -- as he sought me out to speak about the Lost Gods, what seems like forever ago -- it strikes me as odd to realize there was ever a time before I trusted him so deeply. I've worked with him on what feels like dozens of inquiries into forgotten lore relevant to his temple, and he with me on my investigations that led us to the ritual of the paladins.

But if I think back on those earliest meetings, I realize that he's still the same person at heart as he was then -- he's only grown into it. And the Compact, thus far, seems the better for it.

Written By Sudara

April 30, 2017, 8:48 p.m.(5/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

A rather unusual young Crownsworn: leather-clad, apparently of knightly training, yet of priestly vocation. Forthright, with unfashionable interests (even to the extent of finding my own academic researches intriguing), and willing to be publicly supportive of Prodigals. I must say that I rather approve. Not, I admit, that the approval of a widowed bookworm is likely to be relevant to many in the broader Compact.

Written By Magden

April 24, 2017, 1:54 p.m.(5/3/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Boy from the Tower, where have you gone?

Written By Calista

April 23, 2017, 9:52 p.m.(5/1/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

We met again by chance, or was it truly a coincidence? Curious thing. The mark of The wolf suits you well.

Written By Muiryn

April 17, 2017, 3:09 p.m.(4/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Cocksure show pony, and there has to be a better use for his mouth than that constant bloody talking. Still, I'll give it to him, might actually get me thinking otherwise on the Faith.

It's a big, and unlikely 'might'.

No fun in telling him that, mind.

Written By Rymarr

April 9, 2017, 9:42 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Is it possible to be proud of someone that you can honestly say that you barely know? I feel something for Brother Aleksei of the Faith, whether it is pride or not I do not know. He has come far from what I first encountered him as and that is good. He will serve the Faith well, I think. Once upon a time, while I still operated within the oath of the King's Own, I reached out to Sir Aleksei and sought to grant him an invitation into the ranks.

He informed me that the Legate of Concepts himself had been attempting to guide him into service to the Faith. Of course he had.

So the pressure remained. The King's Own oh so direly wished to have his presence within their ranks. Enough so that I once entertained the notion of standing on my horse's back to stand outside his window, in order to be there to greet Sir Aleksei when he first awoke, in order to ask if he had heard the call to serve His Imperial Majesty, King Alaric Grayson IV. To swear off familial connections, pursuits of power, and so much more. To swear loyalty to only the Crown.

He chose the less extreme of options it would seem and joined the Faith.

Father Orazio and I work well together, we've always known this.

Written By Saedrus

April 1, 2017, 6:12 a.m.(3/11/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

There now, that was not so painful was it?

One lesson complete. I can only hope progress is made with the next one and perhaps with less vocal complaints next time. I feel as though this is rather like training a puppy not to chew during teething. All the same, I am certain he will impress.

Written By Eirene

March 29, 2017, 4:01 p.m.(3/6/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

So I presume that what Brother Aleksei wrote about the Wheel was in reference to me and my last White Journal.

Point of Clarification: I don't want to break the wheel that is the world. I want to break the cycle of humanity being screwed over by supernatural forces every 500 years or so.

Different thing - I want to save the world from having to do this OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Written By Cassius

March 26, 2017, 10:42 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Congratulations, Brother Aleksei.

I am honored to have had the chance to watch this transformation, and to call this man friend.

Duke Cassius Pravus, KoS

Written By Armel

March 26, 2017, 8:56 a.m.(2/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I will admit, there was a small, unworthy part of me that dearly wanted to just hop over the handrail and punch Aleksei in the face after he swore at Father Orazio. But for all of that? He fought well at the docks. Took a hit and kept right on going, watched my back and Mathias' without question or hesitation. Whatever other faults he may possess? He has my respect for that. Actions speak so much louder than words.

Written By Luca

March 26, 2017, 8:48 a.m.(2/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

As odd as it is to think on, he'll make a fantastic godsworn. It was a miracle I didn't fall over laughing at that "fuck you" to Zio though.

Written By Orazio

March 25, 2017, 5:13 p.m.(2/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

For all that I might tease him (for he is so VERY tease-worthy, in the way the young often are), it fills my heart with pleasure and with pride to see him step into the Faith, and commit himself to the service of the gods. I know it frightens him. But to stand and face one's fears because one feels that something must be done? That is the courage that the gods themselves love.

Welcome home, Brother Aleksei.

Written By Aureth

March 24, 2017, 11:19 p.m.(2/25/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

The Faith has no idea how lucky they are to have him. That said -- I'm pretty sure the gods know.

It's going to be a whole new world, Aleksei.

But don't worry. You've got this.

Written By Zaina

March 16, 2017, 8:58 p.m.(2/8/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

It was a little funny. Admit it.

Written By Gisele

March 15, 2017, 6:40 p.m.(2/6/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Aleksei probably very much would like to be considered a simple and uncomplicated person. I think he's someone who gets pulled in a lot of different ways, inside of himself. He's proud but uncomfortable if others speak proudly about him. He's strong and stubborn but gets fragile when he thinks someone he cares for might be upset with him. He wants his way but he goes out of his way to find other people's happiness. Every minute of his life seems to be spent choosing between these strongly felt impulses, all warring with each other.

It's probably why he is going to be so good in his new role. More than anyone he knows choice. And maybe he doesn't always choose the way I would, or the way I want him to. But I'm still happy to be his friend and I think Skald is lucky to have him as his priest.

Written By Rymarr

March 14, 2017, 4:46 p.m.(2/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Sir Aleksei Morgan. Talented swordsman, avoids blows as succinctly as responsibilities, and a friend who will go to great lengths to ensure your needs are met. He's not my own personal acquaintance, but he will harass you in order to ensure that his friend's needs are met, that much I've learned. While normally I would not concern myself with letting him down, under these particular circumstances I believe such a sentiment is warranted.

At least he cares enough to get involved. That's worth something, I imagine.

It would seem that the plan that the Legate and I hatched worked marvelously. Go us.

Written By Freja

March 12, 2017, 10:39 p.m.(1/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

We have more in common than I honestly ever thought we would. Consider the lesson well learned: Puns. Never. I daresay, that lesson will never leave you!

Written By Ailys

Feb. 27, 2017, 3:11 p.m.(1/2/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

A competent knight, I hope to watch you more often. Though you kicked my brothers arse, you did so without much insult, your grace and honor shone well in the arena.

Written By Holden

Feb. 20, 2017, 4:33 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei


Written By Driskell

Feb. 20, 2017, 2:09 p.m.(12/16/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

The man has possibility, but it seems he's still a whiny child suckling the teat of his paramour. He seems to have a very strange idea as to what Thraxans are like, and far too sensitive to maintain a discussion about anything which might trigger those sensitivities. I don't like him, I've decided. Landcrabs must be handing out knighthoods to any Tom, Dick or Aleksei.

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