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Written By Quenia

July 6, 2018, 6:13 a.m.(2/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

On the note of the dinner, I must say that my cousin is the most /awesome/ singer to ever grace Arvum. No, I don't care if anyone else claims to have that title, they're just wrong. Lady Lucita's voice and song writing are second to none, and her songs have spread far and wide throughout Arvum. And, I'm happy to have had her grace our dinner last evening and at the request of so many, sing a song near the end. The looks of peace and happiness on the faces of my guests as she played and sang are something I will always treasure.

Thank you, cousin, for your quiet graciousness and your beautiful performance.

Written By Quenia

July 6, 2018, 6:02 a.m.(2/21/1009 AR)

It has been some time since I had an Igniseri dinner that was completely open to the public. Usually dinners are tailor made, meant to invite new people and introduce new connections to the family. It was just the balm I needed. We had good food, great company, and a large sense of humor. I am glad for all of the guests that arrived and look forward to the next time I hold an open dinner.

There was also probably copious amounts of drinking and much innuendo, but what would a Lycene dinner be without those things.

Written By Quenia

June 20, 2018, 1:31 p.m.(1/18/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

I was speaking specifically to the cause of Aurelian. Who I was suppose to marry, but then . . . well, you've read the judgment, I'm sure. But, I do not feel the need to further explain when you see fit to twist things around to selfishness.

Written By Quenia

June 20, 2018, 8:15 a.m.(1/17/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Is it ever acceptable to lie? I'd say, in some cases, yes. Especially if your life and the lives of the people surrounding you may be on the line, or the lives of others in general.

I learned that lesson the hard way. I told him I was dealing with family issues, that were unavoidable, to delay the wedding until the investigation ended. I suppose you could argue that it was true, it was. But, I still had doubts at that time, and having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he could have done the things others said he'd done. I wasn't sure, and I felt all the poorly for it. Each single day after that was excruciating. But, then, he lied to me first. And, his lie was was so, so much worse than the one I had to tell. His omission too, when I told him that others had betrayed me in the past, and that I was wary of a relationship. But, I let one foster and grow, and he'd betrayed me as others have.

So, yes. In some cases. I think it is acceptable. But, it doesn't make you feel any better for having done it, or any less a liar, even if it saved lives.

Written By Quenia

June 19, 2018, 10:33 a.m.(1/16/1009 AR)

I attempted to attend the Valardin Snow Games last night. I figured watching a bit of fun, since I wasn't fealty, would be a good way to get my mind off of things. I had a splendid time talking to Marquessa Simone Greenmarch and Marquis Marius Greenmarch, but it wasn't before long that I was overcome with emotion and had to leave. Not because of either of them, but because I was recalling my time at Lucita's wedding and when I started a snowball fight with Princess Valencia and Aurelian.

I couldn't stay. I admit, with no shame, that I alternate between a varying number of emotions - which might sometimes end in tears.

I know, in time, I will start to feel better, but I would that it'd come sooner than later.

Think if I partake in a bit more reckless abandon that it wold speed that along?

Written By Quenia

June 18, 2018, 3:45 p.m.(1/14/1009 AR)

I can truly recommend drunken sailing to anyone who needs to get over their woes. Lots of rum. Lots of great stories. Lots of fun to be had. Many, many thanks to Princess-Consort Alarissa and Princess Coraline for helping me to forget my troubles, if only for a few days.

Written By Quenia

June 17, 2018, 8:46 a.m.(1/11/1009 AR)

The betrayal is a hurt that will take a long time to recover from, I think. I want to take the time to thank everyone who has privately reached out to me. Your support means a great deal. Thank you.

Written By Quenia

June 16, 2018, 8:15 a.m.(1/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aurelian

I poured my heart and soul out to you over the period of our courtship. Told you that I'd been betrayed in the past by those I was seeking to potentially marry. Gave you my innermost secrets as a matter of trust that you would one day support me as my husband, and welcomed you into my family with open arms. I would have been happy to have you as my husband. But, then you committed the one sin that I told you I was afraid of most. Being betrayed.

I did not believe it, when they came to tell me that you were suspected as a traitor, and suggested that I should postpone the wedding. I railed against them. Told them that they had to be wrong. Wondered at why they waited so long to ask me to wait, until two weeks before our wedding. I was furious, to say the least. They asked for time, and I gave it to them. They kept me informed, and each time they came back to me, it was with more and more irrefutable evidence. It broke me, but I could not appear broken for the world. To look weak. I could not tip you off, in case it proved to be true. Oh, how I hoped that it wasn't. But, in the end -- it was.

It hurts more than you can ever imagine, when you said that you would never do anything to hurt me.

Written By Quenia

June 16, 2018, 8:05 a.m.(1/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orathy

Do you wish to say that to my face? The person who was to be his intended bride and was going to take this traitor into her household, and make him her Marquis? Trust him with family and a future with children?

I know far more about what happened in that investigation than you do. Far more than any future wife would ever want to see. I wanted nothing more than for the man who calls himself Aurelian to be innocent. He wasn't.

So, please, do not talk about those things you know nothing about. You only show how ignorant you are. And, how cruel.

Written By Quenia

June 10, 2018, 7:49 a.m.(12/17/1008 AR)

I have decided that I needed a bit more of a purpose, and as such I have joined the Mirrorguard of the Lyceum. Now, here's to hoping I don't get myself killed, as there was ample warning when I decided to join it could be quite deadly. Though, I will be primarily helping them with research, propaganda, and matters of diplomacy.

Written By Quenia

June 10, 2018, 6:05 a.m.(12/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Zebulon

I am so incredibly proud of my protege, Sir Zebulon Whitewake. He fought well in his bout yesterday with Master Sparte. There was a moment when I thought he nearly had Sparte, but then Sparte came in with a surprise move. Zeb got a bit beaten up, but his good nature prevailed.

I do hope he's alright, however. He ended up falling from the stands not long after the bout and being rushed off to the mercies. I plan to check on him later. Perhaps bring him some wine.

Written By Quenia

May 29, 2018, 11:28 a.m.(11/14/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Signe

I would say it depends on the dream, and how much it stuck with you. And, whether or not it's relevant to anything. Dreams are tricky bastards, that sometimes make you curse them as much as you love to have them.

Written By Quenia

May 17, 2018, 8:49 a.m.(10/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Zebulon

I am immensely proud of my protege, Zebulon, for winning his bout last night. Would that I could have been there to cheer you on, but duty prevailed. I hope to make it to your next match, so I might see what a fine champion you'll be with my own eyes. Of course, I never doubted you'd do well. Not once.

Written By Quenia

May 7, 2018, 3:10 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

With all the talk about marriages and oaths, I am beginning to think I need to take additional time to contemplate my up and coming nuptials more, and so the wedding has been postponed for a time, but not cancelled.

I will be praying to Limerance for guidance in the meantime.

Written By Quenia

May 3, 2018, 8:22 a.m.(9/2/1008 AR)

I find myself reclining into old habits, staying hidden away in the house to focus on paperwork rather than being social. I need to work on this more. I shall endeavor to go someplace social at least three times a week. Though, at least, tonight I can rejoice that I will be having a house full of people once more as I host yet another Igniseri family dinner.

Now to come up with a proper dinner menu. Suggestions, anyone?

Written By Quenia

May 2, 2018, 9:42 a.m.(9/1/1008 AR)

Had a pleasant evening last evening with Prince Aurelian. We went to the Black Fox for a few drinks. It was a nice escape from the drudgery of paperwork that comes with running a house. We ran into Princess Agatha - who is very pleasant - and Duchess Grazia. I had the opportunity, finally, to personally congratulate her on her courtship to Prince Aiden. I think they both will make a lovely couple, and it will be nice to have Prince Aiden as an extended member of the family - given that Igniseris fostered at both House Rubino and House Zaffria.

I still have much to do in order to get prepared for this wedding. I'm still waiting on Emily and Luis to tell me what kind of wine they think their relationship is like, so that the vintners can suggest which of the new ones will be best for the wedding. Otherwise, there might just be one new wine debuted that night!!

Written By Quenia

April 29, 2018, 11:19 a.m.(8/22/1008 AR)

My wedding date is coming up closer than I can ever imagine, and I haven't yet planned anything. What does one even DO for a wedding? Argh!

Written By Quenia

April 17, 2018, 8:13 a.m.(7/25/1008 AR)

I have discovered that sometimes research can be hard, and difficult. No matter what skill you have at doing it. And, sometimes, it takes you down a path you weren't even looking for. And, it can be just as rewarding as what you were trying to find. I'm not sure when the new section of books turned up in Vellichor's stacks, but I am very glad for the new knowledge it has provided in my studies.

Written By Quenia

April 17, 2018, 7:53 a.m.(7/25/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

It was very lovely to visit with Lucita yesterday. I surprised her in Saik Tower to see how she was doing. I've missed her presence around Domus Igniseri, more than I ever thought. I shall deign to go see her more and more. I've even truck a bargain with her to help her with House Saik, when the time comes. I wish to see her to flourish and prosper, and her new family too. She'll find her feet, in her new role, I'm sure of it.

Written By Quenia

April 16, 2018, 11:04 a.m.(7/23/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Grazia

Oh! What happy times. I offer you House Igniseri's most heartfelt congratulations. I'm certain were Vincere and Pietro be here, they'd offer theirs as well, as they had the closer relationship to House Rubino. Prince Aiden is a fine man, and I hope you'll both be happy.

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