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Written By Pasquale

May 31, 2018, 1:11 p.m.(11/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

A question of philosophical interest in the whites? It’s a rare day. I’ll play.

Outcomes, of course, are paramount. By itself, minus action and resolve to see it through, intent means nothing.

Yet that’s an over-simplification, and often an excuse for personal indulgence or dishonorable conduct. A castle built on a poorly-laid foundation will inevitably crumble, and intention is part of that foundation. How one does a thing, and why, shapes what the thing becomes, and what one is at the end of it.

Written By Pasquale

May 20, 2018, 6:09 p.m.(10/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Chiara

One of the commoner sworn to the Malesperos. A native of Nilanza, a land I am just beginning to know. She seems smart and spry and entirely capable, and I look forward to what I may learn of those I rule through her.

Written By Pasquale

May 18, 2018, 10:20 p.m.(10/8/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Carissa

Another of my new kin-by-oaths. We've both lost much, if in very different ways. There is much grit beneath her pleasantries, I think. By Limerance, we shall build something great from what we've been handed.

Written By Pasquale

May 12, 2018, 1:39 p.m.(9/23/1008 AR)

I have been appointed Voice of Malespero, and will henceforth represent my new house with all the authority and responsibilities that position entails. I have found my Marquessa Lianne, in the short time I’ve known her, to be a woman of exceptional grace, wisdom, foresight in her dealings. So I shall presume she had a good reason to do this, even if I can't immediately divine it.

This seems as good a time as any to commit my own thoughts on matters of fidelity and oaths to the white reflections. Don’t worry, Vellichor, I have none on marriage that are worth sharing. I’m unwed, and ignorant of the pleasures and pressures of such vows.

I swore my fealty to the Malesperos mere months ago, in the House of Vows on the isle of Nilanza. The stop built to honor Limerance on the Pilgrim's Path. I'm not given to superstition, but I confess I felt the weight of the place on the words I gave there. It was an oath that gave me purpose and opportunity at a time when I lacked both, but I am still feeling out the full meaning of it. I share no ties of blood with those who’re now my family. My lord father and lady mother, and the majority of my kin worth recalling, were lost in the war against the Pirate King. My new vows were ones of service and fealty, as any loyal member of a noble house would give, but also adoption and kinship.

What do family owe to each other? Particularly those who aren't bonded by history or attachments formed in childhood. And who don't have the baggage of hundreds of little quarrels and slights that come with such, for that matter. Can, perhaps, what's forged in the bonds of loyalty and service from the likes of this be stronger for the strangeness and variety of its parts? Such is my hope, at least.

I am what I was before, for better or worse, but also what my Marquessa and sister-in-oaths, and the land and peoples of Nilanza, are reassembling me into. I know not quite what I shall see in the mirror at the end of this. But it is a future I’d not have had otherwise, and I thank Limerance for that. I shall endeavor to rise to the occasion.

Written By Pasquale

April 28, 2018, 12:18 a.m.(8/19/1008 AR)

To Vellichor, and others with far too much time on their hands.

I attended the Lenosian Shadow Carnival tonight. It was grand and decadent and filled with many webs in the process of being woven, like all the best Lycene parties.

I won a little coin, met a few interesting people (including some of whom I'm now related to), and left in possession of all my appendages. Including my head, so I'm well ahead of some. Fine night, all told.

Written By Pasquale

April 16, 2018, 11:20 p.m.(7/24/1008 AR)

By the grace of wisdom of Marquessa Lianne, I have been appointed Minister of Warfare for House Malespero. I shall endeavor to serve with strength of will and wit, and build our forces into something to be reckoned with.

Written By Pasquale

April 15, 2018, 1:12 a.m.(7/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

My new Marquessa. My new family, by oath if not blood (the former, to my mind, a far stronger thing than the latter). She has given me a chance that I doubt I'd have come by any other way. I intend to make good on it. We shall do great things, my word on it.

Written By Pasquale

April 14, 2018, 11:50 p.m.(7/20/1008 AR)

To Vellichor. And the archives at large, I suppose, though I pity anyone bored enough that reading my white reflections is deemed a way to fill their time.

It's summer. I'm in the grand and glorious city of Arx for the first time in years. I'm alive today. Not bad, all around. New friends, new family, new contacts, dodgy wine recommendations. And work. A mountain of ledgers of work. I find myself with no shortage of challenges as House Malespero establishes itself and I attempt to build up our forces into something worth reckoning with.

Challege is opportunity worth pursuing.

I find myself optimistic. An odd feeling. I'm enjoying the novelty of it. We'll see how it lasts.

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