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Written By Leona

Aug. 29, 2017, 12:22 a.m.(2/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

Well now. Don't you have all kinds of sand and grit and heart, in all the right ways. Less ego than sense, and that's a damn fine thing. Tyde is lucky to have you.

Written By Leona

Aug. 28, 2017, 11:38 p.m.(2/10/1007 AR)

It was a beautiful ceremony by the edge of the water. Some of my family was there - Jaenelle of course, and Donella. More Thrax than I expected, but two that I hoped would come of course didn't. I'll have to talk to them later, I expect. In any case, the ceremony was what I expected - a reaffirmation of the goodness of the Goddess who gives us calm seas, fair winds and gentle rain, and thanks given to her for the gifts she gives us. Time for personal reflection and prayer was offered as well there by the edge of the sea. I encouraged - and watched - as a former abandoned stepped forward, albeit fearfully, and made her first prayer and offering to Mangata.

And then a vassal of my family decided she needed to step forward and take umbrage for an honest prayer to the Goddess. She called into question whether this ceremony was a true one. She decided it was a mockery of the House of Thrax, an insult given. Oh, it was impolitic to be sure, but what was said was truthful. And not even that unkind, in that there were no recriminations, and there was also a moment to spare where it was said that not all of Thrax shared in these crimes.

And then I found myself at a ceremony of the Faith, forced to wonder if I was going to have to step in to stop religious persecution of an abandoned who has bent the knee and was attempting to pray to Mangata, by a noblewoman who claims to be a diplomat.

I am glad that I did not. I am even more glad that the Goddess herself stepped in and sent a visible sign of approval for what the formerly abandoned woman prayed. That She sent blessing to us all, including the woman who cried insult, in what I pray is gladness for the ritual we held. I hope that it helps. I am reminded that we are where we are because She needs help. And I will do what I can, as I promised Her, to give aid in this difficult and dangerous time.

Written By Leona

Aug. 22, 2017, 11:32 a.m.(1/25/1007 AR)

From time to time I am asked about my mentor. So many want to know what he taught me, how he taught me. Others want stories of amazing heroism, and I could tell those all day long. But there are better stories. And there is one lesson he taught me that I cannot stress enough.

The measure of a person is not in the moment of glory. The moment of success. The true measure comes in that moment of failure. When mistakes, poor choices, terrible tactics, misinformation - when it all comes to a head to produce a horrifying failure - when people are dead because of choices you made: What do you do? And therein lies the heart of what makes a man great or coarse. Do you own your mistakes? Do you seek redemption? Do you admit you were wrong, as publicly as the effects of the mistakes you made, and seek redemption? Or do you lie? Do you blame others? Do you attempt to slough it off, as though it were of no matter at all?

There is no deed done that is so secret that no one knows of it or ever will. And I have no time for cowards.

Written By Leona

July 27, 2017, 9:56 a.m.(11/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valery

Quiet as a mouse this one, and seems shy and almost afraid to speak up. But she listens well and she catches everything - she's sharp. And motivated. Loyal, and tries very hard to do the right things. That's always a bonus, in times like these. Overall, I like her.

Written By Leona

July 27, 2017, 9:35 a.m.(11/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Ailith

The Palace Seraph, she seems like a fairly sweet person. She has offered to be a confidant, but I really have nothing to confide. In any case, she seems concerned for the state of our new recruits as well as our seasoned Swords. Having arranged for services for them with Sir Rymarr previously, I saw no need to change those orders. I wonder what lies deeper than the sweetness under the surface.

No, wait - I know. She has a mouth on her, that one, and uses it when she's tired and mad in training. She asked to start working with some of our squires, to work on stamina and do something physical. I joined the morning exercises as I often do, and was more than a little amused by her hmmm - accompaniment? She didn't quit though, and that says a lot of her strength of character. I hope the soak does her well, and if she doesn't apologize I'm not going to hold that against her.

For the record though? I did warn her.

Written By Leona

July 27, 2017, 9:18 a.m.(11/28/1006 AR)

A surprising number of people seem to want to come train with the King's Own, from the very noble to those who serve the very noble, to even some members of the Faith. I wonder if Lady Aislin's been telling tales. In any case I'm allowing it upon consideration of each request - it's good for our hopeful recruits to see what their competition will be, and it's good to remind people that the King's Own are people too. It's easy to think of us as automatons who simply guard the King, but these Knights who have sworn their lives to the King's Service are so much more than that. They deserve a chance to be remembered as people. Untouchable heroes of old are inspiring in what they do. But I also believe that the ordinary woman, with her quirks and foibles known to those close and still choosing to be exceptional is just as inspiring. I'm sure that our heroes of old had quirks. I know that they were people, and had weak moments. But those are lost to time and legend, and so now this new generation of the Hundred must learn that they will still be human even when I call upon them to do extraordinary things and become legends themselves.

Few of the Hundred die in bed of old age. But while they live, let them LIVE - and let them be as prepared as I can make them, while still remembering the things that make them unique.

Written By Leona

July 20, 2017, 12:07 p.m.(11/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Titania

A gracious hostess and an unskilled as yet, but determined diplomat. I suspect she'll go far. Particularly if she shares around that Kennex vodka. But that's what diplomats do, right? Drink and talk until they have exactly what they want from you, and then ideally you'll think it's your idea in the first place and part as friends. I will be interested to see her future career.

Written By Leona

July 20, 2017, 9:41 a.m.(11/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Merek

Serious Iron Guard is serious. I'd far rather he be too serious than too lax though, so I will probably not use him as a training exercise for the squires who want to one day wear the silver. He is, I think, like many of us - wanting very much to be just a normal soldier, while the world around us has little use for such a simplistic view.

Written By Leona

July 12, 2017, 6:56 p.m.(10/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

An interesting man, the Archlector of Skald. I don't claim to know him well, but he is nuanced in his beliefs and marginally slippery in his manner of speaking. He raised some interesting points about the Laws of Limerance and the servants of the Gods, and I'm quite curious now to see what comes of this. If he speaks as a representative of Skald in this or simply as a person, I think changes will come to the Compact sooner than will be comfortable.

Written By Leona

July 12, 2017, 6:53 p.m.(10/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

A devout Templar, he serves the will of the Dominus without question. It is that last part, the "without question" that bothers me. In fact he argues that we must not question the Gods or Their representatives, even as he questions Their representatives. Our conversation was by turns interesting and confusing. I hope he works out his faith soon. We all must be the champions of our own faith and our own consciences. I wonder what will happen when those two things clash in him. He seems right on the edge of fanaticism and though I liked him I think he will walk a difficult path in the coming months and years.

Written By Leona

July 12, 2017, 6:46 p.m.(10/27/1006 AR)

Some people think I have no sense of humor. That I serve the King without emotion beyond my endless duty. That I am a harsh taskmaster, driven to the training of squires and Knights beyond all sense of reason. That I am willing to go to lengths others would frown upon to make sure those swords are tempered and honed to a fine edge.

I suppose being half right is enough for those people.

In related news, I must remember to send Sir Matthew a note soon.

Written By Leona

June 30, 2017, 12:09 a.m.(10/2/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

He has returned to us a changed man, and yet he is the same man he was when he left. His memories of the past are still there. Things only he would know. Memories. Experiences. They are there in the person of the King who now stands before me, but the man he is now is more mature. He is the King we hoped would be. The one we swore to serve, come to be the best of who he can be. Oh, I am sure he will still make mistakes and he will still be human, and I will expect no more and no less. But he has grown, and these last years of trials have given him a gravitas I only dreamed he would one day achieve. I wish that he had not suffered as he did, but I think he will be a better ruler for it. I have been privileged to serve my King these years. But I have never been prouder of him than I am today.

Written By Leona

June 15, 2017, 8:48 a.m.(8/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I first saw him when he pranced onto a battlefield, nimbly stepping around the bodies of fallen defenders of Arx, and pouted because the enemies were dead and he didn't get to play with his sword. I had business to handle, so I dealt with that, only to see him telling the father of one of the fallen that everything would be okay. Without respect for the sacrifice of the fallen, nor respect for the grief of those left behind, he is the chaff of the city. I'll hope for a strong breeze soon.

Children should not be allowed on the battlefield.

Written By Leona

June 15, 2017, 8:35 a.m.(8/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

She came running to the danger when the danger presented itself. This is good. She is married to a self-involved pile of garbage. That's a shame. Hopefully she's finding satisfaction elsewhere.

Written By Leona

June 15, 2017, 8:30 a.m.(8/26/1006 AR)

And so this chapter comes to its conclusion, and I write my report at the desk of the Lord Commander still.

When I was appraised, by those still loyal to the King and the Compact, that I was being accused of treason by Shreve so that he could bring me in for questioning and insist that the Inquisition "safeguard" the King, I was skeptical. Not of the information but of the presentation thereof - was this simply a trap within a trap, using the most intriguing of baits, the King's safety? Still we persevered, planned, discussed, and plotted.

Now in the aftermath, Shreve is dead and those who were loyal to him - those who sold their souls to something dark - dead with him. Something dark is dead too, and the King remains in as good health as possible. None of the Hundred died yesterday. That is a surprising thing, as we have died and been sacrificed and died some more of late. I am glad we are not working to replace any who fell yesterday.

The defenders of Arx were not unscathed though. Most of us bear marks, great or small. Even as I write this now there is a burning where my neck meets my shoulder, just at the top of where my gorget ends. I can only imagine what my instructor would say if he saw that I was moving in such a way as to leave that particular place open. Today I'll be working on that in my practice.

And one notable, a man named Narciso, should not be forgotten. He died well, putting himself in a vulnerable position to strike at the heart of the treason that sought the King. His memory should be honored, his sacrifice given due regard. For today, the King is safe and the storm over Arx has passed. As I said to my sister, the blood is dry and my sword is clean and the King lives. That's all we can ask for, really.

Written By Leona

June 13, 2017, 1:34 p.m.(8/22/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Larissa

A most interesting Whisper. She served Queen Genevieve, and I find myself inordinately curious about her. She and I spent an interesting morning getting to know one another, and I found myself waxing philosophic more than I normally would. She seems to think my tale is heroic. I disagree on several very fundamental levels, but I won't deny it's a little flattering that she thinks so. I am looking forward to sharing a drink with her another day, and discussing these philosophical matters in greater depth. How charming, and a pleasant change from discussion of war and guardianship, of protection and duty.

Written By Leona

June 13, 2017, 1:29 p.m.(8/22/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

He's willing to share his rum, and I approve of this. He's in a difficult spot too, as a member of the small Redreef family and beholden to the Deepwaters. He has plans though and seems willing enough to follow through on those. I hope he is successful - I am told he's relatively stable and so perhaps he will help steer his family into better waters than they've been in previously.

Written By Leona

June 6, 2017, 2:17 p.m.(8/9/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

She was sent to me to help her get into shape, by someone who knew exactly how I trained my people. She didn't fall out, I'll give her that, and she kept up as well as could be expected. I didn't have the heart to tell her that what she experienced was what we did before weaponswork, but she also has an invitation to come back. She's Knight-Lieutenant Rainier's relation, and there are worse families around. She didn't complain either, it should be noted, and that workout is one that makes more than a few complain.

As an aside, I really need to find out which of those squires thought I was a monster for that easy little jaunt so he can find out what a monstrous workout is really like.

Written By Leona

April 27, 2017, 10:16 a.m.(5/8/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

I am certain she is not mad. I am equally certain that she is very strange, but she means well. And as she is currently the liason for another group of Knights sworn to holy service, she is definitely worth talking to. I probably should not be so amused at sending Miles to speak with her and orchestrate working with the Order of Petrichor's Fluffybottoms, but I am. And I'm not even a little sorry.

Written By Leona

April 27, 2017, 10:13 a.m.(5/8/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Miles

Since I first joined the King's Own, Sir Miles has been there. He has patched cuts and scrapes and seen to bruises and injury more times than I care to count. He's gruff for certain, but only because he does his level best to keep us all healthy and ready to protect the King. He's a good man and a strong soldier and one that I'm glad to find in the ranks of the King's Own. I lean on him more and more to handle those sensitive matters that we cannot trust to outsiders.

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