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Written By Petal

Aug. 5, 2018, 1 p.m.(4/28/1009 AR)

I just made my 13th animal mask for the animal ball!

13 seems like a special number, but knowing me, I will end making 14 or 15 or 16!

So many animal masks. I dream about them now.

Written By Petal

July 22, 2018, 8:21 a.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

I am making the gala prizes. They are taking a lot of my time and pushed back some of my orders. But the will be epic and the most amazing prizes given at a party yet in my memory.

Written By Petal

July 22, 2018, 7:44 a.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

I ordered a costume from Mistress Avaline. I'm going to the nature masquerade ball, but with all my orders I didn't have time to make my own costume. She came to the rescue and I'm excited about it.

Written By Petal

July 7, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

Marquis Rymarr,

It was me. I apologize. I need lessons. I am glad you are okay! Also thank you for protecting me.


Written By Petal

June 17, 2018, 10:43 p.m.(1/13/1009 AR)

As some know I am deeply connected with the Lodge and am a Prodigal. I hold no anger toward the faith for their recent decree. Although the situation with the lodge is complicated and delicate right now to say the least. We are closely connected with the land, including the spirits of the land. I am myself not actively a shaman, but maybe I am passively a shaman. I have not seen or spoke with the spirits, but they were worshiped by my family who is no longer living and I find myself unable to fully renounce them. I realize that price of such might be leaving the lodge. I was not god sworn or vowed, so it shouldn't be too complicated a process on the surface. That being said I have great love for the Lodge. For the help the have given me. For the work they do. For the path they represent. For their kindness to prodigals such as myself. For the land they keep. They have given me a home of true rest. A place for me to garden. They have given me healing. I gave them treehouses, swings, beds and flowers. Legate Orazio has given me official permission to still garden there and I do appreciate such greatly. I also appreciate Dame Leola greatly and I hope that with whatever happens she is allowed to stay in the Lodge. I believe in the gods and felt a god. I believe in spirits. I came to Arx not believing in the gods and following the spirits, but never on the level of a shaman. I was never a priest of the spirits or the of the gods nor I do attend to. Although I do plead for the Lodge that it be allowed to exist as it is and if I must leave, I will still love the lodge and I still give them benches and flowers.


Written By Petal

May 7, 2018, 10:16 p.m.(9/13/1008 AR)

I make Banjos! Probably the banjos around are ones that I made. I also make drums, lutes, lyres and harps.

That being said I haven't been feeling so very well and do the banjo production is down.

Written By Petal

May 2, 2018, 5:48 p.m.(9/1/1008 AR)

I find myself unable to remember all the orders that people have placed let alone keep up with them or get them finished. Luckily I don't charge until I am finished, but I am sure that I let some people down and I do apologize to anyone I let done. Until I am feeling better, I'm not taking any new orders, but I will try to stock my shop back up and I will try to finish anything I said I would make, if those people remind me. Otherwise I might not remember.

Written By Petal

Feb. 9, 2018, 1:50 p.m.(2/23/1008 AR)

I made five masks for the ball! Some are orders and two were just things I wanted to make. Animal masks are fun to make. But I did work really hard on such. I wasn't going to do myself, but then there was this scholar named Derovai was got me mask and said I should. So maybe I will, I don't know. It will be so many people though! It might be fun to see my costumes being worn though.

Written By Petal

Jan. 29, 2018, 6:06 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Archduchess Eleyna and Prince Talon came to my shop and brought four different kind of booze!

My grandmother would never have imagined that an Archduchess would drink the North Shav mead recipes she invented.


Written By Petal

Sept. 29, 2017, 4:42 a.m.(4/21/1007 AR)

I will have to make another banjo for my shop and I think a harp too. I am glad it is being played, I worked hard on it.

Also, I won Going Crownsworn. It is going right up in my shop. I am so excited.

The Bow, Mirari made me is lovely.


Written By Petal

Sept. 21, 2017, 6:07 p.m.(4/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

Princess Alarissa and myself have had our conflict in the past as many are aware.

Recently we have bonded over our shared worship of Blessed Managata.

The past is behind us. It is a new day and a new tide.


Written By Petal

Sept. 21, 2017, 12:28 a.m.(4/3/1007 AR)

Slavery is wrong. It is black and white. There is no excuse and never will be and never has been.

If someone would rather be homeless than take a job with a silk that is their choice to make.

Those who keep thralls are slavers and every slaver out there only increases the power of the Great Slaver.

To keep a slave is to aid the abyss. There is no excuse.


Written By Petal

Aug. 29, 2017, 1:26 p.m.(2/11/1007 AR)


In the breath her of wind
On the rising ocean tide
Soothing storm, we find
Life, the parched, drink
Brandywine soaks in joy
She saves from the brink
Bathing those submerged
Soothed in water’s waves
So sunken souls emerge
She glides over the kelp
nurtures crabs and men
The goddess is our help
Please forgive the lost
who fallen on their way
She gets those tossed
to their watery graves.
Bathing all submerged
Soothed in water’s waves
In the breath of her wind
On the rising ocean tide
soothing storm, we find
Life, the parched, drink

Written By Petal

Aug. 29, 2017, 12:47 a.m.(2/10/1007 AR)

felt the wind of Mangata brushing against my cheek.

Princess Alarissa wrote me a letter saying she will boycott my work. She sent back all the dresses I made for her.

She said that she stands with house Thrax in this and that many of house Thrax will follow suit.

She said it is because of the prayer that I said to Mangata, but I felt her touch and I know that my prayer was not wrong.

I will keep praying to her. I have a faith that I never had before. She is in the mountains too. She is in the air. She cares for even the abandoned.


Written By Petal

Aug. 8, 2017, 10:35 p.m.(12/26/1006 AR)

I made the wheelbarrow. It has black silk and spiders.

However, if you would rather a litter, I could make a lovely spidery one like that.

There is very little limit to what I can make into something amazing.

It might be a wheelbarrow, but it was a great pleasure to craft and is quite amazing. It is a wheelbarrow for a spider princess!

Making things for Princes Eleyna is a pleasure, due to her spidery tastes and her beauty and her southern sharp edge.


Written By Petal

July 7, 2017, 5:57 a.m.(10/16/1006 AR)

Parasols and Bats

In celebration of our new treaty and in honor of the Lady Nekarris, the Tangled Skein is featuring silk parasols for sun protection. They are available in the silken strand room. Two versions are presently available, but more are planned.

Also, in honor of the Queen of Death and in recognition of her growing following, the Tangled Skein is also featuring a line of new clothing with themes like skulls, spiders, bats and so forth and in darker colors. This line is a work in process and items are being displayed one by one as they are finished. So check back often if interested in the line.

Petal of the Tangled and Knotted web.

Written By Petal

June 25, 2017, 12:05 p.m.(9/21/1006 AR)

Dear Compact,

I am starting a second hand shop called the Second Strand. It is part of my main shop the Tangled Skein. It is not open for business quite yet. I am looking to purchase clothing, armor, weapons, books and other items that have been gently used and are still in good condition. These items will then be resold.

If interested please send me a message or come by my shop so I can see your items and quote a price. I am looking for items that are worthy of being resold only. If you know the crafter who made your item, I would love their name so they can be credited with their work and so I can let the new owner know. This is a great way to reuse items no longer desired.

I will not take items made by crafters that are currently in business, unless I have their express permission to accept a certain item and I will only ask if I think the item is unique. I am looking for either unique items, items made by crafters who are no longer in town, no longer living or no longer working as a crafter.

Thanks, Petal

Written By Petal

June 22, 2017, 10:21 p.m.(9/15/1006 AR)

I am so exhausted. I am almost completely about the ability to sew another stitch. I think a need a nap.

There is is much that I want to create, but my finger hurt from so much sewing and I might need to stop for a few days or else find some help around the shop.


Written By Petal

June 22, 2017, 1:34 p.m.(9/15/1006 AR)

My pearlescent peacock costume won best mask at the masquerade ball. I wasn't actually at the ball. I don't normally go those things, but I am flattered that my costume won and I think my work is getting better and better.


Written By Petal

June 11, 2017, 5:47 p.m.(8/19/1006 AR)

I have made animal masks for the upcoming Mask. They are fun to make.

Currently I am working on a white pearlescent owl mask. It not finished yet. It will be my finest mask yet. But it is tons of work! When i am finished it will go in my shop.

My shop features at the moment silk dresses, silk cloaks, silk slippers, wool slippers, wool cloaks, linen dresses, masks, bloomers, thigh highs, wood gloves lined with fur for warmth, meads (including a new flavor) and flowers - lots of flowers. I like flowers.

It is more fun to make what I want and put that in my shop. I think it is freeing to the artist to craft and make away as they so desire.

I have planned to (hopefully soon) put up bathing smocks, fur lined winter boots and male tunics and trousers. My men clothing sales out quickly, but I want get more up. They I want some autumnal colored clothing up and some woolen dresses for the colder months. We will see. It is a lot I need to make. I need to find more help for my shop.

Although Tallius, Leta, Merek and even Princess Valencia have helped in my shop. Can you imagine that a princess helping to make clothing? It is true!


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