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Written By Luis

Sept. 2, 2018, 8:51 p.m.(7/6/1009 AR)

The Gyre's reach was further than we all thought, and now there are dregs that must be dealt with. Hopefully in the coming week there will be just a little less.

Written By Luis

July 15, 2018, 3:33 p.m.(3/13/1009 AR)

It is always interesting when one spends time out among the other nobility. The things one hears, the stories that pass from lips to ears. Sometimes one can hear the most wonderful things. Wonderful in that they can then take it home to their sister and relentlessly tease them about it. My week has ended upon a joyfully mischievous note.

Written By Luis

July 1, 2018, 5:29 p.m.(2/12/1009 AR)

Another month goes by and we hear whispers of the darkness crawling through the streets. Faces that were familiar turn out to be dark tidings in the flesh. There are far too many secrets and too many pieces upon the board. Where once there were a few sides one could say they were upon, now there are lines drawn everywhere. Faith, magic, politic, and martial necessity do battle on every front and yet I truly wonder if anyone does know the truth for which they persevere.

Written By Luis

June 21, 2018, 3:55 p.m.(1/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jeffeth

There is talk of someone not knowing who Sir Dreamy is. I assure you, if there is a noblewoman, or nobleman for that matter, who cannot recall who Sir Dreamy is, I will personally take up the torch to educate them in the matter.

I shall sing the stories of the chiseled jaw and rippling abs, the hair so sweet and divine, the scents of bold masculinity and rugged temptation that one simply cannot ignore in their loins.

Truly Sir Dreamy is unforgettable.

Written By Luis

April 29, 2018, 11:02 p.m.(8/23/1008 AR)

So little time left before big changes and I suppose it is normal to start thinking about all the things that the future could hold.

Written By Luis

April 22, 2018, 10:41 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

Upon my evening the other night, I was sent a query, noting that I was to receive a gift for my war efforts in the battles at Setarco. I found myself intrigued and did attend the event in the Grayson ward of our fine city. I arrived just as my name was called and was presented with a rather remarkable bottle of gin as a thank you. Quite pleased was I and then I sat down to read about all the people that were involved and so noted.

Scrolling down to my name I did discover that I was listed as a warrior. Rather exciting to hear of such things, now I did attend Setarco at the head of a sizable force of Igniseri soldiers, cavalry, and the like, but I suppose compared to the other glorious and skilled commanders upon the field that I simply paled in comparison to them. Apparently it was only my skills as a warrior that stood out among those accounting for such things.

Surprisingly I do not feel slighted by this, but it leaves me curious about the paths before me and to which direction I shall focus mine life unto now.

Written By Luis

April 1, 2018, 6:16 p.m.(6/22/1008 AR)

Why does rebuilding take so long, when the acts by which it is needed can happen in such a short period?

This is something I have mused while at the same time arguing the point that for us to lose something dear to us, we must have first invested into it, be it relationship, or home, or any other thing that we cherish. And yet even then, it is taken, set ablaze, cut down, all of it can be, so final, so swift.

To those who are aiding in the relief and rebuild efforts, I commend you. Such actions are a balm to those who find it impossible to do anything at this conjecture.

Written By Luis

March 25, 2018, 11:14 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Estaban

We had so many things we were waiting till 'after the war' to deal with. So many conversations, so many promises, so many things unsaid. I promised you that I would keep your betrothed safe, and she came back, unharmed, except broken. Broken in spirit and heart for the loss of the one whom meant so much to her.

Your loss is a tragedy that I would never wish upon any. I do not even know where to begin to help Lucita recover. I do not know that she can, but we shall be there for her. I will carry the oath I made with you to the grave and see that she will thrive, even if it is only upon your memories and spirit that she subsists.

Continue to fight well and may your travels be blessed and light. I shall keep my promise and see that it is a very long time before she finds you again, and you know I mean that in the best way possible.

Written By Luis

March 25, 2018, 10:26 p.m.(6/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Margerie

As is the way of many whom simply do. Many would not seek to share their own deeds, boast of them, nor speak of them outside of the ones with whom such actions were partaken. It is once again a credit to Sir Norwood that you would admit his lack of a desire to share such things himself. For him he would likely say it was just his duty. For all of us who fight for the protection of the realm it is easy to simply look at that duty as the way of life, but it was one small action that I saw upon the field that day and one that I believe encapsulates the dedication and perseverance of the Valardin way of life. It was a shining example and of all the things that could and are recorded in these journals, I would see that such action would not be forgotten to the generations to come.

Written By Luis

March 25, 2018, 6:59 p.m.(6/5/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Norwood

Sir Norwood Clement, Sword of Artshall, a knight of principle and dedication. It is him upon which the Duchy of Laurent can present their laurels and appreciation. For in the midst of the valiant charge of beast and creature of the sea, did the Valardin cavalry race out to lay waste about them, but amidst the dark deed, did the Duke find himself unhorsed, injured and while to his credit, he did not fall completely, he did however find himself within a dark a terrible position. It was in such a moment that the Knight Clement did strike back the enemy, offer a hand and find himself down beside the Duke, fighting back to back.

With such bravery and action displayed it was an easy choice to march the foot forward and surround such courage, emboldened by the example set by the knight to aid him in the protection of his charge, to see the Duke from the field after a mighty show of force. It is for knight like Sir Norwood, that the compact does stand strong. Upon their backs do the concepts of honor and duty bear their fortitude, and it is because of knights like him that everyone else is able to feel their own burdens lessen, for he carries just a little more.

Thank you Sir Norwood for your commitment.

Written By Luis

March 18, 2018, 9:25 p.m.(5/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Ariella

My next present to you, my dear sister, shall be a shield. Not only shall I give you a shield, but I will chain it to your arm so that you may not remove it and instead carry it with you wherever you go. Hearing of your wounds, and then seeing you in such a state does remind me of the mortality of those whom are close to us and the fears at which losing them brings.

Rest and heal dear sister, we shall continue this fight in the spirit of courageousness as you have already done.

Written By Luis

March 18, 2018, 9:22 p.m.(5/20/1008 AR)

The war continues, and while there are rumors of victory in some places, there is foreboding in others, a suggestion that things are not quite as they seem, nor are they anywhere near being over.

Written By Luis

March 11, 2018, 9:22 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Perrach

Does that mean you are looking for honest answers?

Does it matter why anyone fights? The reasons are often widely varied and the answers sometimes even discouraging, but forgive this simple soldier when I say that I honestly do not care why people fight, in so long as when there is a need for them to do so, they stand, and they fight.

If people need a reason, let them have their reasons. Philosophers and those of much greater mental acumen than I can debate and discuss such things, though I also realize that you were not in the slightest putting down anyone for their reason, or calling anyone out, I merely note that sometimes it is easier to just accept that people have a reason and leave it at that.

Written By Luis

March 11, 2018, 8:58 p.m.(5/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

When one approaches a subject with an Igniseri referencing the antics of another Igniseri, the resulting conversation is most likely to be filled with laughing and subtle familiar rivalry. Quietly will plans be made to top whatever the last relation had accomplished, and so it is that stranger and stranger things have come about. Lady Peri, I assure you that the wonderful time that you had with my sister shall be a fond memory, though in the same breath I shall encourage you to branch out and enjoy the company of all Igniseri as we are each unto ourselves a force of... well many things, each unique and unequivocally sublime in our methods. Though there is the one whom is rather blunt, but we won't talk about them... They're working on it.

A lovely evening regardless and I only wished to share with you that plans have been made for further, larger gatherings and I do hope that you will take one of our invites.

Written By Luis

March 4, 2018, 11:08 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)

To my cousins, I find myself once again humbled by your support and generosity in this time. I often do not look to my family for such things, but you have gone above and beyond and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Written By Luis

March 4, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(4/20/1008 AR)

It would seem that every time I record my thoughts in these journals, it is about a war that is about to happen, something that is coming. I wonder if I will have another week to write about the war that is coming, or if we shall finally set out at the appointed time.

Today I also was reminded, so straightforwardly, that often when we march to the orders of others, we can harm innocents without even realizing it. I shall endeavor to ensure that those who fall beneath our blades are indeed deserving. Not that there should be any doubt, though a sane mind is one not troubled by emotion and thoughts of vengeance.

Written By Luis

Feb. 25, 2018, 10:18 p.m.(4/6/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

My dear sister, it is too late now, you cannot hide it any longer, so I say to you congratulations. I look forward to seeing what the coming years bring!

Written By Luis

Feb. 25, 2018, 10:15 p.m.(4/6/1008 AR)

We are going off to war, and my dear sister decides at this very moment to return home. Now what am I supposed to do? She will be off with the navy and I will take the other with the ground forces. All the Igniseri march for war. It shall be glorious!

Written By Luis

Feb. 18, 2018, 11:58 p.m.(3/20/1008 AR)

Parties! Parties everywhere and I understand it. The desire to remind oneself that life is worth living, with such darkness on the morrow. I do hope that the coming nights shall find all filled with joy and laughter, merriment and warmth that shall fill them to bursting and with which shall keep them sated in the coming nightmares.

We should all carry a little joy with us, whenever we can.

Written By Luis

Feb. 18, 2018, 11:55 p.m.(3/20/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Cadenza

And there it is, I am now an Explorer. The lovely Princess Cadenza was so patient with me, when I struggled and even took my limited knowledge and humored me in ways that can only account for her grace in such matters. I did have a marvelous time though, and I do hope that the other Explorers have such class and wit about them, for I may have found a most remarkable place to be.

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