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Written By Isabetta

Nov. 2, 2017, 4:17 p.m.(7/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Christine

My lovely friend Christine,

She is a invaluable drinking partner, ( I almost wrote unvaluable, I attest this to having tried the rum).
In a hundred years I do not know if they will write about me or her, probably not, let them not say we never
had a good drink. For her it is the rum, for me the brandy, or the wine, or the rum if I am feeling particularly
brave. We hatched a plot, but alas it fell through. Sad ladies.

Today we came together to make the most of our failings and shared yet more drink. It was just rum this time.

I'm honestly starting to believe only trouble comes of the pair of us drinking together. Oh look it's Baron Edward, this will surely end well.

Written By Isabetta

Nov. 2, 2017, 4:14 p.m.(7/6/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Today I learned that Princess Reese can be a person to,

Most of the time I thought her aloof and deep in her responsibilities, but I insisted that she set that aside for a spell.
There is a lot beneath the surface, but typically I do not look, typically she would not of let me.
When the missions begin I think it will be a little easier to follow her now that there is a sense of knowing her better.

The mysteries of Arx truly reside in the hearts of the residents.

Written By Isabetta

Nov. 2, 2017, 4:11 p.m.(7/6/1007 AR)

She walks alone until she sees a bright reflection of herself
They are together, first loves, never apart never alone until
Something new is introduced, something shiny, each admiring
They are not alone, but neither are they both pleased with the other's shiny thing
They drift apart, there are many smaller shiny things to be held, to be had
Fighting, they lash out and misunderstand
Crying, they lick their wounds and try to make amends

The cycle continues, they're only hurting themselves, they are reflections of each other.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 31, 2017, 12:15 p.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

On the wilderness and the Queen of Endings. . .

So there are certainly going to be troublesome individuals out there, some of them are bandits, criminals and others may simply be savages.

Everything or one I see is someone I consider if I need to put an arrow through their skull.

Of course closer to Arx there is a certain safety, but then there is also the possibility among st the trade routes that banditry would be much more common.

I do not travel richly, but I am certain I should consider my potential as a hostage. One must always travel prepared.

I travel prepared to put an arrow through a skull.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 31, 2017, 9:50 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

To say this is not at all whom I expected would be a gross understatement.

Lady Monique is, it turns out, very proper and oriented on her work and studies. Where I thought the well was deep with intrigue, it is rather the opposite. On face value she seems to be clever and tricky, but deeper down she is candid and straight forward. Her pursuits consume her more than her machinations.

I will not deny that I find this a touch disappointing, even though I will do what I can to aide her in those studies she is fond of.

Will her history be a mere footnote in how she is remembered?

She never did show me those wanted posters.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 31, 2017, 8:33 a.m.(7/2/1007 AR)

What have I gotten myself into . . .

Arx is, it turns out, full of mystery and intrigue the likes of which I would have never imagined. You would think, being from the Lyceum, that I might be used to this sort of thing, but really. Was Lenosia ever this bad? Caith certainly was not. Oh sure we had our plots and scandals and intrigues, but the superstitions and the wheels turning here are truly astounding.

Now I know I came here in part to uncover some truths, but honestly I expected by and large to be saturated with your typical drama befit nobility, instead I find myself told fantastical stories and earnestly asked to help uncover more truths.

I will lend my aid where I can as it may in turn assist me in my own goals.

Someday surely I will return to Caith, I doubt if my friends will ever significantly find themselves in Lenosia again. Will I spend the rest of my days in this bizarre city?

Only time will tell.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 30, 2017, 9:54 a.m.(6/28/1007 AR)

It has taken me several days to build up the courage to do this. As if reliving the night would make me feel fresh the shame that I had then.

The ball was a great success and I applaud my friends Talen and Eleyna for their success. I loved the costumes and the masks and the atmosphere.

I confess to making a fool of myself. I took my mask off early on, it was stuffy and hot. Of course the only person with a mask off in a masked ball is going to stand out. I wanted to hide in my room the rest of the ball. I made a small scene, running out like a child! It was appalling. Princess Alarissa did try to temper my embarrassment and I thank her for that. Some others did too, but they were less obvious with whom they are. Being so far along with child makes it difficult to be inconspicuous. The Mistress Margery Greyhope as I am told she is called by Talen, whom is surely an authority. Also came to my rescue later on.

For future reference I will know to never remove my mask during a masked ball and to always arrive with a date.

It would be nice if these events had more intermingling of the guests though.

I hope my shame can be a lesson to the future generations.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 27, 2017, 1:48 p.m.(6/22/1007 AR)

Today I almost threw down my gauntlet.

It was a friend and so I had more pause than I may have had otherwise and sure it would not have meant our friendship were over.

Some slights however simply demand satisfaction.

I feel lucky it did not come to that, it would of certainly been a lot of hassle.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 26, 2017, midnight(6/19/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Mae

What. Just. Happened.

So at the party I met a girl named Mae, or Margery, to be honest I'm not sure, but she seems to prefer Mae and I will be definitely acquis her request.

I do not think I have had quite such a meeting as this one.

I cannot say if it was good, bad, great, horrible, scary? A lot of different things going through my head. Perhaps tomorrow I will awaken and learn that it was all a dream, it had that sort of quality.

Perhaps this was a joke Talen or Eleyna were playing on me, if so, bravo my dearests, this was truly a bizarre, unique and inexplicable experience. Never have I ever had such a party as this.

Also that fortune teller.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 25, 2017, 11:40 p.m.(6/19/1007 AR)

That damnable fortune teller..

Each fortune she gave was more cryptic than the last and even still I cannot get them out of my head despite having forgotten the words, which were probably unimportant because they didn't make sense. I thought the gentry adept at spewing fourth words with no meaning, weaving pretty sentences to make themselves sound smart while actually saying nothing but, but this fortune teller! She used words to create an air of mystery that would confound the best wordsmith and oh how I wish I could put them in a room together to.. duke it out, a brawl of flowery soliloquy.

But the worst part is I am most certain she a master at my own game, how I entertain to frustrate minds for amusement this fortune teller did so to me with a level of artistry I could not compare.

And this beyond all else was unforgivable!

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 25, 2017, 4:35 p.m.(6/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

An ill advised rivalry.

I thought it might be fun to toy with a random stranger, but as it turns out, she really studies her heraldry, better than I do at least. Now she knows I have a weakness for avoiding lectures and has already demonstrated the intelligence to use it against me. Clearly this will not do. Luckily she is willing to give me outs through competing her, at first on the gauntlet. Now I had never run the course and thought I did perfectly well, but was dismayed to learn my time was 'disqualified'. Cheaters. Especially that Lady Joslyn who was just trying to protect her own time.

Clearly I have to find a way to do better at this gauntlet, but Lady Monique is a different beast entirely. She has her own collection of wanted posters! How exotic. I dare say her adventures shall be difficult to top unless I improve as it were. Luckily there should be more chances in the field soon.

I wonder how we might compete next.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 25, 2017, 1:14 p.m.(6/18/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Christine

While bookish and not instantly the sort of person you might associate with me, Lady Christine is quickly becoming a favorite in this city. Her family has some history with boats, if I'm not mistaken, well ships as I am sure one might correct me. I think I will continue to say boats, but Lady Christine meanwhile hasn't brought up anything nautical to me.

So far we have had some very fun plans and shared some joy in common interests. I would be lying if I did not say I had high hopes for getting to know her better more later.

There is a great injustice she and I will face I think, but that is only the beginning for there is another injustice about the lady that I must face alone. Surely a matter of dire consequence, but I dare not say what it is here. Arx will simply have to wait with baited breath.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 22, 2017, 2:07 p.m.(6/12/1007 AR)

Today I begin my first mission in attempts to successfully adhere to the wishes of His Grace, the glorious, the magnanimous, incredible Prince Talen Velenosa.

He has instructed me that I should be causing trouble as to avoid being ready at his call and thus I intend to do just that. I solemnly accept my sacred duty that the prince has given to me.

Tomorrow morning I steal into the kitchens, hoping that my actions are not discovered. The coffee is my target. This elixir of the gods, this sacred drink, to which even I admit a deep love, shall be the site of the nefarious deed.

In my other hand.. Brandy. It was all I could get that would work in coffee, wine would just make it undrinkable. One would not say I am proficient in the art of the drink mixing, so I may of added too much. We shall know soon enough. Who is the unfortunate soul who will be given this brew I do not know. Actually, I do not care. I just hope the servants are not brewing coffee for themselves.

Actually I better add brandy to a few more things.

I loathe to write so much, but if this act is not recorded for future generations than who shall know of my sacrifice. This was fine brandy.

Written By Isabetta

Oct. 21, 2017, 5:16 p.m.(6/10/1007 AR)

I have just received a message that his Grace, The Prince Talen Velenosa, Sword of Lenosia, Archduke Consort of Lenosia,
Grand Duke Consort of the Lyceum, Sword of the Mirrorguard, Voice of the Artiglio
and if I'm not terribly mistaken, first of his name. . .

Has Deigned to find me worthy of a most generous and momentous invitation to dine with him
as he put it, when not up to trouble.

Naturally I am so overcome with the gravity of such an honor that I find myself even now riding
out for a hunt. My great regret that I am unable to meet with him and so overcome am I with
joy that I do not know what to do with myself but what I do best, this "trouble" he speaks of.

I loathe to be so verbose.

I also loathe to be the hunted, rather than the hunter, but a challenge must be met, so if I am
to be getting into "trouble" then I shall not disappoint.

Someday I shall thank him for the ready made excuse.

If he ever catches me.

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