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Written By Bliss

July 16, 2018, 3:46 p.m.(3/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

I spent about half a year in Artshall when I was seventeen, and let me tell you, Archlector, I do not remember much of that half a year except that I had an awful lot of fun and kept suddenly waking up hungover and broke in confusing places after visiting any tavern that had mead.

Written By Bliss

July 16, 2018, 11:57 a.m.(3/14/1009 AR)

While I, of course, always believe in every cause I fight for -

It's nice having a cause I believe in so very strongly.

Written By Bliss

July 14, 2018, 9:57 p.m.(3/11/1009 AR)

I suspect people wonder sometimes why I'm so outspoken. Expressing disappointment discreetly simply does nothing. Even when I am actively working to cause less of a scene - well. Someone's sure to go public. So why bother?

Allow me to clarify, since it's not particularly a secret who was upset today.

The outfit which Whisper House ended up sponsoring today felt, to me, like a disappointment. Why?

It was an absolutely, stunning, beautiful work of art, and the silk and its adornments were crafted in a way that would have left me breathless and praising Jayus in any other context. Melody wore it beautifully, and it looked stunning on her, and that is a memory I will carry for the rest of my days. The incredible amount of hard work and skill that Dame Morrighan put into the pieces is clear, and they would easily be things I would be proud of owning and wearing myself, without question.

But they weren't what I thought I was paying for. I paid for the best - and while the outfit was beautiful, the simple fact of the matter is that silk pales against aeterna and umbra. This really isn't arguable, no matter how well done the work is. The sheer low quality of the fabric was the disappointment.

Everything else about the gown put everything else in the show to shame.

I offer my sincerest apologies to Dame Morrighan if she thought it was anything about her work that upset me.

Written By Bliss

July 13, 2018, 3:53 p.m.(3/9/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lark

As a Whisper, I find it my place to comment when I see a peer of the realm conducting a breach of etiquette. As a Champion, I pay particular attention to duels of honor and the social mores that surround them, and am very outspoken about this.

Not only that, as a Devotion of Limerance, the ties of Fealty and the implications of the actions of a noble lord toward their vassals are within my sphere to comment on. My word is not law. But it does not come from nothing. I spoke nothing but truth on what the actions of your brother in refusing the challenge implied, though I admit that I may become overly passionate on occasion and as is only human, biased towards my own side by my personal feelings toward Prince Barric - personal feelings which stemmed from my interpretation of our past interactions, and which came out later, harshly and unnecessarily.

I stand by the logic and the intent of my words, though I acknowledge they were barbed. I stand by my honor. I will gladly accept any challenge to prove them before Gloria. If I am worth notice for public chastisement to my honor, why do I not have the right to defend it?

I will not be the one issuing the challenge. I was happy to leave it to House Grayson.

Either way, your brother will not receive further comment from me, and these will be my last unsolicited remarks on this whole affair.

Written By Bliss

July 11, 2018, 12:42 p.m.(3/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

It is, frankly, expected behavior from Prince Barric. This is a man who has walked out on a spar with me because he was losing and I called him out on having thrown a childish fit over me telling him to stop asking me for sex, then tried to get me in trouble for it.

Thrax is truly getting a winner here, but at least Elvesbane will end up in better hands.

Written By Bliss

July 11, 2018, 11:42 a.m.(3/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Barric

Let it be known that, by refusing the Marquis Leary's challenge this day, the Sword of Bastion has admitted to slander and proven his unwillingness to defend his honor before Gloria.

What a shame.

Written By Bliss

July 10, 2018, 2:40 p.m.(3/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Fairen

I can do better.

Written By Bliss

July 9, 2018, 11:13 p.m.(3/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Margret

Best friends.

Written By Bliss

July 8, 2018, 8:21 p.m.(2/26/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

You are correct - that is precisely how it works.

Prince Luca was fighting on the side of Lady Saoirse, whose claim was that he must have cheated to have won the popularity contest.

He won, therefore, he must have cheated.

It was, as I said, a very silly duel.

Written By Bliss

July 8, 2018, 7:47 p.m.(2/26/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Derovai

Actually, what Prince Luca proved was that he had to cheat in order to win the popularity contest.

If you're going to act like the victory at a silly duel like that is the important thing, perhaps at least get the information right.

Written By Bliss

July 7, 2018, 1:26 a.m.(2/23/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

I tried to read this and could only get three paragraphs in. I'm sure there is some irony there.

Written By Bliss

July 2, 2018, 3:25 p.m.(2/14/1009 AR)

I'm writing this from the Embassy of the Nox'Alfar. I am currently sitting at a table with two hundred legs. I counted. Twice, to be sure one of them didn't move while I wasn't paying attention. They do that, these legs, if you don't watch them carefully.

I was knocked out of the Champion's Tourney yesterday, to Lady Joslyn. She saw an opening I left, one I should have known better than to, and it's done. I'm out. Congratulations to her, but it leaves me now wondering: what next?

I have so many things to get done. Things which have been on my plate for months, in some cases. Tonight, after my next duel (don't worry, the stitches will hold), I must be productive, must recover from the time I spent last week doing less work than usual.

But for now, I sit here in this lobby, in the only place in Arx that really makes sense to me on an intuitive level anymore. This place of utter chaos, free from expectations, from chains, full of life and humor and fun and everything, everything, always lived to its fullest. Where the value of a good sulk is understood properly, so long as it is followed by a burst of life and intensity and change, always change, always something new, always things and people being pushed and stretched to their limit, seeing what they can take, seeing how they will surprise you.

Time to figure out how to set this City's spirit alight again. I'm getting bored.

Written By Bliss

June 30, 2018, 4:29 a.m.(2/9/1009 AR)

You cannot burn away what has always been aflame.

(Credit: Nikita Gill)

Written By Bliss

June 29, 2018, 3:26 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

But you would get to see all sorts of things, such as <redacted> and also <redacted> and, of course, we can't forger about <redacted>!

Yes, Scholar, write the word redacted in there, with the pointy brackets. And my instructions here. People like reading instructions.

Anyway, Messere, it's not like I do not find time to myself outside of my work.

My apprentice has suddenly burst out laughing for some reason. End it here, Schol- yes of course write this part down.

Written By Bliss

June 29, 2018, 1:25 a.m.(2/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Have you considered Whisper House?

Aleksei Whisper has a ring to it.

Written By Bliss

June 27, 2018, 4:20 p.m.(2/4/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I've personally always found it far easier to live my life, as things grow to scales beyond what we can imagine, without scale. And even with all the pain and hardship I have been through, there is little I would do different even with full knowledge. The ride from high to low to high is ever a thrill, each setback an interesting new twist that I must adapt to, a way to make the story all the more enjoyable to tell later.

Of course, nowhere near all my stories are at their end - but I find that when I read about legends, my thought isn't that it's easy, it's that I am wasting my life and need to do more.

Written By Bliss

June 26, 2018, 10:59 a.m.(2/2/1009 AR)

With the Day of Vows coming to a close, I wanted to remind everyone to take a moment to acknowledge the bonds you have made through sworn word. Whether it is the little things like promising to make time to spend with someone, or the big things like marriages and oaths of fealty, these vows shape and define us in many ways, more than anything else.

For me, my vows are largely to myself, and so the Day usually ends up one of quiet contemplation and review. How well am I doing at holding up to them? Is my life oriented in the right direction? Am I making progress?

It is, of course, also a day to remember love. I have my own thoughts on that, but those are for letters, for Reflections, for personal conversations. It's a tricky one for me. But I can say that Limerance's presence is felt in my life, day in and out, in all it's myriad ways. My faith only deepens as I do my best to live up to my Devotion, and see the ripples this has in the rest of my life.

Written By Bliss

June 25, 2018, 12:52 p.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Natalia

There is no one in the Compact more aware of the flaws and faults in Natalia Whisper's past than Natalia Whisper herself. She has done her penance for them, paid her price - and Whisper House took her in, because she earned her spot here.

She continues to earn her spot here, every day, through fantastic, unending, rigorous work. I stand fully behind her, publicly. She has every right to express the opinions she does, and the woman she has become is one of the people I value most highly.

I had similar thoughts about Lady Clara Crovane's writings. I, frankly, do not see the point in them - since she has asked for opinions, I will provide mine here. The points she made were trite ones, lessons to be hung on a wall and recited to children, conclusions that anyone with a working mind would be able to come to in an instant.

As for any specific thoughts about humility, well, the Legate has beaten me to writing about the matter in regard to the Faith, so I will simply say this:

We do not venerate the humble. We are not the spawn of those who have forgiven and forgotten. Each and every House has their pride in their values, and those values are what have driven us so far.

I am a proud woman, and will never cease to be - for it is making sure that I can back that up that is one of my main motivators for excellence.

Written By Bliss

June 24, 2018, 2:01 a.m.(1/25/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

I feel like I have just gotten a membership to a secret club tonight.

One where I'm being asked to call him 'Uncle' Vercyn.

Is this reality?

Written By Bliss

June 22, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(1/22/1009 AR)

Whenever I heard about people signing things in blood, I always assumed it was blood mixed with ink or something along those lines. It's a little more difficult when it's freshly flowing, though it does feel smooth on the paper when you use it.


Scholar, stop looking at me like that, it wasn't /my/ blood. He just wanted an autograph!

Look, if you're going to be squeamish about a little blood, let me tell you something about the moon. You se--

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