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define a personal alias/nick by defining a string to
match and replace it with another on the fly

nick[/switches] <string> [= [replacement_string]]
nick[/switches] <template> = <replacement_template>
nick/delete <string> or number

inputline - replace on the inputline (default)
object - replace on object-lookup
account - replace on account-lookup
list - show all defined aliases (also "nicks" works)
delete - remove nick by index in /list
clearall - clear all nicks

nick hi = say Hello, I'm Sarah!
nick/object tom = the tall man
nick build $1 $2 = create/drop $1;$2
nick tell $1 $2=page $1=$2
nick tm?$1=page tallman=$1
nick tm\=$1=page tallman=$1

A 'nick' is a personal string replacement. Use $1, $2, ... to catch arguments.
Put the last $-marker without an ending space to catch all remaining text. You
can also use unix-glob matching for the left-hand side <string>:

* - matches everything
? - matches 0 or 1 single characters
[abcd] - matches these chars in any order
[!abcd] - matches everything not among these chars
\= - escape literal '=' you want in your <string>

Note that no objects are actually renamed or changed by this command - your nicks
are only available to you. If you want to permanently add keywords to an object
for everyone to use, you need build privileges and the alias command.