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Written By Shard

Aug. 9, 2017, 1:04 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

No matter how much some people might want it to be, 'trust me' is not a magical incantation that gets more powerful with repetition. 'You just have to trust me' is not a more powerful version of that incantation either. You can't will trust into being by insisting someone trust you over and over again. At most, you can succeed at browbeating them into giving in, which is a form of abusing trust, not earning it.

Trust is earned by actions, not words. People who try to take shortcuts usually end up with less than they started with, in my personal experience.

Written By Shard

Aug. 2, 2017, 2:42 p.m.(12/13/1006 AR)

So that's a King's wedding. I get that they don't usually contain the glittering spiders, but a fairly short ceremony that was mostly to the point? I thought it would go on for hours. It was the party afterward that went on for hours instead, and I can get behind traditions that prioritize like that, even if parties aren't exactly where I do best either.

I had orders to sleep until noon, but I still have such a headache. That drink was worth it. So is this coffee.

Written By Shard

July 31, 2017, 3:20 p.m.(12/9/1006 AR)

I've seen plenty of practice bouts, real battles, and duels, both fake and genuine. I don't think I've ever seen a marathon quite like last night's competition. It was informative, even if I woke up this morning stiff from sitting in one spot that damned long. Dare I say enjoyable? I think I do.

Written By Shard

July 29, 2017, 4:39 p.m.(12/5/1006 AR)

Once loosed, there are a thousand things that can influence the trajectory of a shot that you have absolutely no control over. You can only attempt to predict and plan for these things before you let go. And you can only predict and plan for so long before your arm gives out against the weight of the draw. That's in an ideal situation, of course, like practice. In a hunt, or combat, you won't be given even that long, so you'd best draw back the arrow, take aim, throw all your calculations at the wind, and let fly.

In other words, archery is a life or death godsdamned guessing game and it's the ones that are either best at guessing or who are fucking lucky who make it out the other side.

It's my favorite form of gambling, but I won't pretend I'm favored in it.

Written By Shard

July 26, 2017, 5:34 p.m.(11/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

I wasn't aware I needed your permission to have no romantic interest in you whatsoever. The things you learn in this city.

Our standard pricing model applies, if you want to hire anyone from the Few.

Written By Shard

July 26, 2017, 1:07 p.m.(11/27/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

That's. Um. No. You're considerably mistaken.

Even if you weren't, it was clear from our first (and I stress, only) meeting you're decidedly interested in someone else. I hope that's not supposed to be a secret, because if it is, you're the worst person at keeping secrets I've ever passingly met.

Written By Shard

July 26, 2017, 5:25 a.m.(11/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

I have my own thoughts on your number 2. I don't disagree.

People are innately selfish, because this is how anyone survives. At least, when survival is a factor, but I don't think that instinct goes away just because someone has money and power. In fact, money and power might actually feed it, bloat it up beyond reason. But if we didn't have it, then we'd never raise a weapon to defend ourselves. We'd never hunt to feed ourselves. We'd never take in any way to provide for ourselves. Humans wouldn't survive as a species or individuals without some form of selfishness. We're all selfish to some degree. And we all draw the line at what's too selfish generally just beyond where it's comfortable for us.

Animals are selfish too, they just don't get self conscious about it. I've never met an animal that wouldn't take food they thought they could get away with taking. For the record, bears are confident they can get away with a lot (they're right).

Written By Shard

July 24, 2017, 3:22 p.m.(11/23/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

That's almost touching, but the concern's misplaced. There are probably thousands of better targets for your offer in the city. Sincerely, I'd suggest starting with young shav refugees (or young refugees in general. I know, I know, you've already said you've been doing this, but if you've got more time, there's always more out there. And as much as I don't like your Menagerie, I won't deny that they'd probably love being shown around it).

Memories are just memories. I remember the horses tasting delicious. Everything does in those circumstances, even when the horses were also starving. See? A bright side to everything.

Written By Shard

July 24, 2017, 1:02 p.m.(11/23/1006 AR)

What? No, no. The closest thing I have to an inspirational animal companion story is the winter that food supplies got so low we had to start butchering our own horses to stay alive. I think we should leave that one out of the Prince's contest.

Are you writing this down again? Why do you lot keep doing that?

Written By Shard

July 22, 2017, 9:42 p.m.(11/19/1006 AR)

It occurred to me the other day that I made the most basic, childish error in labeling Petrichor a forest god when talking about a vaguely related matter. Obviously, that's not remotely accurate. He's the opposite of a forest god. Even I should have known that. Once I realized the mistake, my confusion cleared right up, and everything fell into place.

It's not better, but it's less confusing.

Written By Shard

July 17, 2017, 2:25 a.m.(11/8/1006 AR)

Bats sound like a type of bird. I suppose that's close to what I was hoping to hear.

Death seems like a reasonable god, as far as gods go. Certainly, she makes more sense. She's familiar. I could see myself going to her shrine again some day, just to see what people say about it.


Written By Shard

July 14, 2017, 11:29 a.m.(11/2/1006 AR)

I have a working theory: the amount someone feels the need to remind you of just how much they respect you is about roughly equal to the amount of contempt they actually feel.

Written By Shard

July 11, 2017, 4:12 p.m.(10/25/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

I kill people for money. To be fair to myself, sometimes I also defend people by killing people for money, but killing people generally factors in somewhere.

You seem to be under the impression that I am questioning your contributions to Arx, or questioning you at all. Not in the slightest. I don't even know you, why would I do that? I'm sure you're as great and wonderful and dedicated as you say you are, and that plenty of others will agree. I certainly don't compare.

For the official record, your project's fine for what it is. I just don't like the concept. Nothing you can do to help that.

Written By Shard

July 11, 2017, 3:12 p.m.(10/25/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Aiden

As someone who is neither part of nor likely to be in a mated pairing any time soon, I'm afraid I'd be unsuitable (besides, who would want to sit around watching me do Captain-General Audric's paperwork all day?). You could always start with the lower Burroughs though. There's the refugee crisis, after all. Solve two problems with one solution?

Written By Shard

July 11, 2017, 2:19 p.m.(10/25/1006 AR)

I think the next project for the Menagerie is clear: a human exhibit. Now is a great time to start on it as well, you'd have no trouble finding a mated pair, and entire essays are being written on the subject of human pairing habits and rituals. What's the phrase? Strike while the iron is hot? Think of the picnics. The parties. The praise from all for being such kind generous souls to the poor helpless humans who will come to live in the new home you have charitably provided for them.

Written By Shard

July 11, 2017, 12:03 a.m.(10/23/1006 AR)

Blah blah blah blah marriage.

I think the current flurry of relationships can be pretty easily explained, it's just no one wants to think in those particular terms, particularly the nobility. The city just survived a devastating war. Thousands of people died. Suddenly a lot of the survivors want to pair up. It's just base instinct, not some mysterious seasonal quality.

I know, I'm a true romantic.

Written By Shard

July 7, 2017, 6:50 p.m.(10/17/1006 AR)

Outside of human reach, any grown animal that can't hunt or feed itself dies, either by starvation or, more often, at the teeth of other animals. That's simply how the world works.

That said, if the Faith actually has the resources and the mind to take care of all of Arx's old and sick animals I'm not going to be the one to complain about it. What an interesting, if bizarre idea.

Written By Shard

July 4, 2017, 11:22 p.m.(10/11/1006 AR)

Saw an elf today. Asked her a question. Got an answer.

Yes, that's all I think needs be written on the matter.

Written By Shard

July 2, 2017, 1:16 a.m.(10/6/1006 AR)

It's been a long, long time since I've played children's games like the one I saw being played today, and I wasn't in the strange sort of mood I'd need to be to break that streak.

Maybe next time (but probably not).

Written By Shard

June 26, 2017, 6:56 p.m.(9/23/1006 AR)

You people are obsessed with writing. One day you're going to run out of places to store all your books and scrolls and end up being smothered under the weight of them all. My contribution for today:

Finally back in the city. Didn't miss the smell. Worn out equipment replaced. Everything's fine.

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