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Rite of Excommunication

Posted by Orazio on 02/09/18
So let it be known to all of the Faithful and of the Church, and to every heart which hearkens yet to the voices of the Pantheon:

As of this day, the second of February, After the Reckoning Year 1008, it is with sorrow and grave compassion which the Church declares Master Esra, once Scholar, to have broken faith with the Church and the gods. For actions including the use of blessed objects to assault members of the peerage, the attempt to blackmail and threaten his brothers and sisters in the Faith, and the breaking of his honor with the Scholars by irresponsible misrepresentation of the Wisdom and Knowledge he stewarded on behalf of the gods, Master Esra is no longer a member of the Faith of the Pantheon.

This decision was not made lightly. In love, he was warned and urged to make penance, by authorities both ecclesiastical and familial. He has refused, and refused again, to acknowledge wrongdoing or make penance for his breaking of trust, of honor, and of Faith. It is Gild that calls us to charity and to generosity, but also Gild who demands that the precepts of civilization be upheld; this, he has failed to do. It is the Sentinel who calls us to enact justice and ensure that the unrepentant are not held equally with the innocent, lest the former corrupt the latter and all be lost for the sake of false compassion. It is Limerance who demands fidelity to one's vows, and Gloria who requires that each man and woman act in accordance with honor. Vellichor calls us to wisdom in our words and our actions, and Skald reminds us that each action is wholly our own choice, as is the responsibility for it. Thus the Faith, bound by the will of the Thirteen Gods of the Pantheon, must act in this case to deny Master Esra the shelter of an institution and faith that he has broken trust with. No shrine will now accept him, and none should consider him a member of the Faithful, under the protection of the gods, until his heart is opened to the Wisdom he has forcibly rejected and he repents of his wickedness and seeks absolution and penance at the feet of the gods. The Faith hopes that this day will come before Master Esra reaches the end of his life and must stand before the gods he has disrespected.

By my hand and authority, speaking as the Voice of the Dominus,

Father Orazio, Legate of Concepts, Shield of the Faith