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Ashford Grieves

Posted by Aislin on 12/22/17
It is with deepest grief that I have to announce that Killian Ashford, the Paladin of Ideals, has returned to the Shining Lands.

Killian had a storied life: fostered with the Bislands, a widely-traveled explorer, a faithful adherent of the Sentinel's teachings, and one of the five paladins who stood together to defend us from Brand during the Silent War. He was...

There are so many things that could be said about Killian's life, and I have the words for none of them. Killian Ashford was my cousin, but he was a little brother in every manner that counted. I don't have it in me to properly eulogize him yet; the grief is too raw.

There will be a funeral soon, and a good Ashford wake -- one with drink, and stories of adventures past, to send him off in proper fashion.

Until then, Ashford grieves.

--- Bisland Stance (from Samael) ---
House Bisland mourns the lose of a great ally and friend. Lord Killian will be missed dearly. All in Pridehall weep for House Ashford.

--- Keaton Stance (from Reigna) ---
Keaton's heart is broken, family found and family lost, a hero of Ashford and an inspiration to those that knew him.

--- Telmar Stance (from Corban) ---
House Telmar mourns. May Lord Killian's journey to the Shining Lands include a stop among the treetops his House holds dear.

--- Malvici Stance (from Calypso) ---
House Malvici mourns with you. The loss of Lord Killian, Paladin of Ideals, is a heavy sorrow to carry. Know that you do not carry it alone.

--- Grayson Stance (from Ainsley) ---
Grayson has no words for its sorrow. Grayson mourns the loss of Paladin Ashford.

--- Saik Stance (from Estaban) ---
House Saik mourns with you, Lord Killian will be missed greatly.

--- Rubino-Zaffria Stance (from Dafne) ---
The Rubinos and Zaffrias mourn with you. A light in the world has gone out.

--- Iron Guard Stance (from Silas) ---
The Iron Guard mourns the loss of one of its most stalwart allies. We will miss him and we will never forget him.

--- Thrax Stance (from Alarissa) ---
Thrax grieves with Ashford over the loss of one of it's family. He will be remembered.

--- King's Own Stance (from Leona) ---
The King's Own honors a Hero of Arx, who stood in defense of the Compact during the Siege, and mourn with Ashford in this difficult time.

--- Gold Order Stance (from Alexis) ---
The Gold Order mourns the loss of Lord Killian Ashford, Paladin of Ideals, and offer their condolences to his friends and family.

--- Templars Stance (from Cassandra) ---
The Knights of the Temple honor Paladin Killing Ashford and will mourn his passing while celebrating his life.

--- Society of Explorers Stance (from Lou) ---
The Explorers mourns the passing of one of its own. We grieve with Ashford, and his adventurous exploits will always be remembered.

--- Halfshav Stance (from Khanne) ---
House Halfshav mourns the passing of Lord Killian Ashford with all others. He is a man who will be missed, his story remembered.

--- Valardin Stance (from Edain) ---
Arvum has lost one of it's heroes today. Valardin will sing songs of Lord Killian's deeds and glory as befitting of a Paladin.

--- Gilden Stance (from Isabetta) ---
House Gilden joins in mourning the loss of Lord Killian and sends it's deepest regards to House Ashford for their loss.

--- Laurent Stance (from Cristoph) ---
House Laurent mourns with its allies in House Ashford over their tremendous loss.

--- Faith of the Pantheon Stance (from Orazio) ---
The Faith mourns the loss of a Paladin, and celebrates the life of a hero.

--- Inquisition Stance (from Laric) ---
We posthumously recognize Killian Ashford as one of our own for his aid, dedication to justice and selfless service to the Compact.

--- Deepwood Stance (from Samantha) ---
House Deepwood extends its deepest sympathies to House Ashford, and offers its shoulders to help bear the weight if mutual grief and loss.

--- Igniseri Stance (from Lucita) ---
House Igniseri offers heartfelt condolences to House Ashford. We mourn with you.

--- Sanna Stance (from Tila) ---
House Sanna joins Ashford and all of the Compact in grieving the loss of Lord Killian. His courage shall not be forgottten.

--- Grimhall Stance (from Harald) ---
Hail the victorious dead.

--- Darkwater Stance (from Carita) ---
House Darkwater thanks the gods that Lord Killian, Paladin of Ideals gave all to defend the city and her people. We honor him.