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Faith Award for Bookbinding

Posted by Orazio on 12/06/17
To the Faithful of the Compact:

Some time ago, the Faith of the Pantheon held a competition for the city's bookbinders and illustrators, asking for works that honored the gods with their art, wisdom, craftsmanship, piety, and understanding of canonical truth. Among those entries submitted, one stood out - the work of Calaudrin Estardes, who stands as a Disciple of the Sentinel and as an officer of the Iron Guard. His beautiful work can be accessed at the Vellichorian Archives, where it stands as an exemplar to others who would seek to do holy work. To him, for his pious effort, goes the 250,000 silver reward, on behalf of all of the Faith of the Pantheon. A special mention is also given to Officer Sparte Fatchforth, for his submission.

By my hand and authority,
Father Orazio, Legate of Concepts, Shield of the Faith

--- Iron Guard Stance (from Silas) ---
The Iron Guard is proud of Lieutenant Calaudrin and Master Sparte. They will be rewarded with fancy quills to file their reports.