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A Treatise

Posted by Smile on 06/19/22
To my fellow distinguished Peers born of Noble Blood,

I am taking this opportunity, although at this point I will beyond the reach of the cursed blades of the Usurper, to respond to the comments made by one Prince Kenjay Redrain at the Assembly of Peers. While I sympathise with the horrors that this man has claimed to endure, I believe he is mistaken.

What you call /slavery/ in the mainlands, we call a second chance. Rather than be slain for their /crimes/, we in the Isles offer people the chance to atone and pay their debts in the hopes that they can one day become a full Compact Citizen. Among the mainlands? There was no such opportunity. You slew them. Pure and simple. The lucky ones has their appendages cut off. Now, this is not a condemnation, for we believe every region should enact their own form of justice. What -they- believe is best for the safety and stability of their lands.

What has become of Peerage now? There's no justice. Instead, we see ennoblements of criminals, marriages, accepting them into esteemed positions of power. This not justice. This is /weakness/. If this comes from a misguided sense of compassion, then we beseech you to understand the merits of our system. Our criminals keep their lives and understand that there will come a time when they will be accepted as one of our people and treated with the care and protection that our commoners receive.

It is not slavery. It is a Second Chance. Perhaps the fury you are feeling is the knowledge of the lives you've taken in your haste to "preserve the ideals of freedom". I've known guilt often manifests as fury toward another.

Lady Sidara Dredcall,
Voice of Dredcall,
High Justiciar of Hopeshallow

--- Kennex Stance via Aethan ---
Thralldom is slavery. Weakness is clinging to the ways of the past like they were a security blanket because you are too much of a child to step into the future.

--- Mirrormask Stance via Giada ---
The penance of the Silent Reflection is a second chance. It the criminals against the faith to gain the forgiveness of the gods. Any who trespass against the laws of the gods is welcomed in His shrine so that they too may find such forgiveness.