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A Reminder to the Refugees of Eurus

Posted by Bahiya on 08/30/21
To the many refugees of Eurus, dwelling in Arvum:

I am sure now that it is commonly known that Bastion has fallen, that as you fled our homeland in these past years, so too are the citizens of that shining city in the wake of what has happened. There are many stories on what has befallen them, the horrors reported, the losses witnessed.

While many of us have endured the same in one way or another, with broken hearts and bodies we fled across the sea and found welcome here on these shores, it is imperative to remember that such generosity should be rewarded with loyalty, and I stand loyal to the Compact and the people that have made my life here what it is today. I have found peace and prosperity and it is a circumstance I am pleased to say has been shared by many of my relocated countrymen.

I would remind you, all of you who came with me, and before, and after, that it is our differences from the worst of our homeland that brought us here, that we fled our fears and chased the audacious dream of being ourselves and being not only safe from the horrors of Eurus, but welcomed by this new country that has fought for us as well as with us.

I would remind you, all of you who came with me, and before, and after, that this new land is shared with us, that we can choose to be what we will in the safety of the Compact, and that here, someday, our children can choose their own paths.

The threat that destroyed Bastion is the enemy of our new friends and allies, and seeks to feed us false promises, an idea of unity that is foul and fatal and corrupt, as any we have learned or encountered before. It would seek to turn us from our loyalty and forget the generosity of Arvum.

I tell you now: Do not let it.

Stand with the Compact. Offer what help you can, comfort our friends and allies, remember why it is we fled the Dune Kingdoms, and why we flourish here in this new country! It is not a gift to be forgotten or cast aside lightly, and it is one we will covet for always:


We can prove to ourselves that with freedom, the Eurus will never be found weak, and that our strength is as plentiful as sand.

Humbled to be your servant,

Ambassador Bahiya'al'Mathali