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House Moore Mourns

Posted by Brigid on 03/29/21
There are never the correct words that convey the depth of grief when a cherished one is lost - or at least, none that I have found in my experiences with heartache and loss.

I regret most deeply to inform the rest of the peerage that the remnants of House Moore mourn for the loss of Baroness Katherine Moore, Baron Consort Rane Moore, and the brave personal guard who gave their last to protect them when I could not.

I will be taking a thirteen day vigil for those that were lost at the Shrine of Petrichor for it was he who gave my people and family hope when all we saw was darkness - the light that was Katherine and the oaken strength that was Rane will be remembered.

Ever turning on the wheel,
Lady Brigid Inverno nee Moore
Voice of Acorn Hill
Dragoon of Acorn Hill
Dame of the Silver Covenant

--- Thrax Stance via Natasha ---
House Thrax extends its condolences to House Moore's survivors, and the loss of their courageous Baroness and Baron Consort. We pray to the Queen to usher their souls safely to the Wheel, and that the Sentinel's justice prevails.

--- Inverno Stance via Tyche ---
House Inverno mourns with Lady Brigid. The loss felt by one of us is felt by all. May the Queen guides their souls, and may the culprits be brought to swift and exact justice.

--- Ashford Stance via Lisebet ---
House Ashford mourns with the survivors of House Moore, extending our condolences.

--- Laurent Stance via Mabelle ---
House Laurent mourns with House Moore for their tremendous loss and prays all those responsible will be brought to justice. All.

--- Mirrorguard Stance via Quenia ---
The Mirrorguard stands ready to give aid should those of House Moore request it.

--- Leviathan Stance ---
As House Moore mourns, remember: vengeance is no vice.

--- Tessere Stance via Piccola ---
It is customary and honorable to pay people back in their own coin.

--- Wyvernheart Stance via Kiera ---
Wyvernheart mourns with our brave friend Lady Brigid. The loss of Baron-Consort Rane and Baroness-Consort Katherine is indeed a time of sorrow but we must not let our resolve be shaken. The fight will continue.

--- Clement Stance via Norwood ---
Clement sorrows for our closest neighbor and pledge our forces to keep one border as safe as we may.