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Posted by Aureth on 11/16/20
The Faith rejects the calumny and apostasy of false prophets. Since time immemorial, the holy convocation has named the Most Holy, and that convocation will and shall forever reject the lies of the Apostate Ivan and his false Dominus. Dominus Orazio already called for the recall and punishment of the man who once served as the Apostate's seraph, and his public treachery is only more blasphemy, without either authority or substance.

The Faith calls for all of the Faithful: to stand true and loyal to those in service of the gods, reject the false claims and imaginary excommunications of the murdering liars who caterwaul now upon their crimes, and stand with us in support of the true throne, the Queen, and memory of the Grand Cathedral their blasphemy has burned to the ground.

To the pretender Dominus and his blasphemous rabble I say this:

Enjoy your glimpse of power while it lasts, for the Sentinel sees you and your lies, and you will fall under their weight, just as your ignominious pawns fell beneath the roof of the holy Cathedral they put to the torch.

--- Templars Stance via Preston ---
Let us remember that holy lives should not be taken except by holy act. I charge the Templars to bring Waldo to the Star Chamber for trial. Behave with honour. But honour doesn't forbid a little light stabbing if necessary to put him in chains.

--- Eswynd Stance via Norah ---
House Eswynd stands with the Faith. The Faith is the rock and the lodestar for all right-thinking people of the Compact.

--- Harlequins Stance via Hamish ---
The Harlequins, obviously, support Dominus Orazio and his successor, whosoever that may be, Father Aureth Grayhope, Blessed Astrid Ulbran, the Carnifex of the Faith and the Queen of the Compact. To Waldo we say "I know you are, but what, pray tell, am I?"

--- Ulbran Stance via Raymesin ---
So how much do we think Waldo, former Seraph of Sungreet removed by Dominus Orazio, got paid for that little show?

--- Physicians Stance via Eirene ---
The Physicians Guild decries the violent actions taken by the False Dominus Waldo and the slander of the good persons of the Faith and our Queen. The blood spilled at his command is on his hands and those deaths on his head.

--- Scholars Stance via Sina ---
The Scholars of Vellichor hold true the practice of the holy Convocation of the Faith in annointing a new Dominus, and do not recognize self-proclaimed apostates of dubious origin.

--- Malvici Stance via Calypso ---
Malvici supports the rightfully annointed Dominus, whoever that may be. Ie, not this Waldo jackass.

--- Saik Stance via Lucita ---
Saik does not recognize self-proclaimed apostates but stands firm with those of our Faith we have seen serve so selflessly.

--- Grayson Stance via Sabella ---
Grayson, as always, stands with the Faith and hopes that those who have been led astray pray for clarity and are set back on the right path by the Gods and common sense before other means are used.

--- Tessere Stance via Sabine ---
House Tessere stands with those who can properly use 'calumny' in a sentence. They who bring the less eloquent (and false) Not-Dominus to justice will receive their weight in steelsilk and duskweave from our warehouses.

--- Harrow Stance via Felicia ---
Harrow stands by Dominus Orazio and his duly named successor as the true Faith. Apostates will find no quarter here.

--- Moore Stance via Brigid ---
House Moore will continue to honor and stand with those of the true Faith and will not lend any credence to false claims.

--- Whisper Stance via Bliss ---
Oh, won't this be exciting?

--- Tyde Stance via Margot ---
Tyde has no doubt false prophets will meet the fate they best deserve.