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The Fox That Tricked Death

Posted by Belladonna on 03/21/20

As one grows too old to be young, death comes to their mind more and more often. We bury our loved ones and we fight wars in the name of what is virtuous, but the feeling of loss becomes more and more of a fixture, every single year.

It can be a burden to be aware of such hallmarks of living, and while throughout the years moments of light are peppered throughout, rarely we are graced with tales of hope on such a grand scale, and gifted with not death, but rebirth.

House Pravus would like to take a moment to thank Princess Esera Velenosa for giving us such a blessing this day, returning to us after so long gone. May she decide to not scare us like this again.

May House Pravus invite the Peers to cheers to The Fox That Tricked Death!

--- Harlequins Stance via Hamish ---
A quick note: not dying is not tricking Death. Dying but not staying dead is also not necessarily tricking Death. But congratulations to the princess on being alive.