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Liberation Day

Posted by Celeste on 02/05/20

The Battle of Pieros and the other conflicts waged in the Saffron Chain this summer have shown us all the dangers that lurk in the unknown at our borders. Thousands of dedicated women and men have spilled their blood, given of their sweat, sacrificed their tears, and even spent their lives so that others might live free, secure lives. Thousands rallied to our cause because we have shown them, again and again, that Pravus takes care of its own. Thousands took up arms because they believe in the guiding light of the Faith to show them the general direction they should take their lives. For their hard work and dedication, for their belief and trust, I and all of House Pravus salute them.

In honor of all who helped liberate the 20,000 slaves held by the cruel chains of the Eurusi of Skald'aja, we welcome you to freedom and so declare that 7/2 shall henceforth be proclaimed as Liberation Day in the Saffron Chain. Let it be used to reflect on the costs of slavery and the joys of freedom.

Furthermore, we recognize the high cost to the loved ones left behind by those who gave the most. Distribution of Death Benefits to the families left behind by our courageous soldiers are being distributed personally by the unit commanders so they can express their respects in person. Your loved ones are not forgotten, nor shall you be.

Lady Celeste Pravus
General of the First Legion
Iron Kraken of Setarco
Scourge of the Sons

--- Templars Stance via Preston ---
The Faith, as the only voice of the Gods, should guide us all. Defeating our enemies and those who would work with them is a great work, for they turn up in such interesting places.