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The Compact's Response

Posted by Alaric on 02/25/19
Recently it has been our honor here in Arx to have among our guests emissaries from the distant lands of Cardia and Jadairal. While these two nations clearly have some significant historical disagreements weighing down their mutual relations, they are equally and correctly concerned about the rising power of dark forces in the world. Let it be known that the Crown of the Compact of Arvum shares these concerns and will employ all the substantial resources at its disposal in pursuit of its absolute commitment to vigorously opposing the threats that imperil all the great nations of the world.

Still, it is a rather vast and precipitous leap to go from formal introductions between nations straight to a binding commitment of fealty to one another. Arvum has a long and proud tradition of fidelity to the Faith of the Pantheon that demands all oaths from those between a liege and vassal down to a simple contract over grain be held to the highest standards, and are not to be sworn lightly. To that end it is impermissible to countenance a binding allegiance to any nation that does not recognize the primacy of the Pantheon as the ethical foundation of its ruling mandate, which the sanctity of all sworn oaths are built upon.

The Compact therefore respectfully declines the offers of confederation put before the Assembly of Peers, and reasserts our natural and indisputable dominion over all of Arvum. We look forward to developing further relationships with our fellow nations wherever possible, based on mutual esteem, shared principles, and the goal of making the world a more peaceful and prosperous one for every soul that resides within.

King Alaric Grayson IV, Prince of Bastion, Highlord of the Crownlands, Sovereign of Arx, Ruler of Arvum

--- Templars Stance (from Preston) ---
The Templars are gladdened at the King's unshakable commitment to the Faith and its values, and will always stand to defend the Faithful from the dark.

--- Thrax Stance (from Victus) ---
House Thrax reaffirms its oath of fidelity to the Crown. May Arvum remain ever independent and its morals unshakeable.

--- Harrow Stance (from Felicia) ---
All hail Alaric. Long live the King! Long live the Compact!

--- Seliki Stance (from Orrin) ---
House Seliki is gratified by the decision of wise King Alaric, long may he reign.

--- Velenosa Stance (from Jaenelle) ---
House Velenosa stands with the King and Compact, restating without hestiation our fidelity to the Crown.

--- Ashford Stance (from Olivia) ---
As always House Ashford stands with the King and any decisions he so wisely makes. Long Live The Compact.

--- Malvici Stance (from Calypso) ---
House Malvici stands behind the decision of the King. Long may he reign. Long live the Compact.

--- Whisper Stance (from Gianna) ---
Whisper House applauds the wise decision of the Crown and will continue to stand by and support the Compact in all its needs.

--- Scholars Stance (from Delilah) ---
The Scholars of Vellichor praise the wisdom and knowledge shown by King Alaric, and we stand with the Crown, the Faithful, and the Compact, united by our loyalty and devotion. Long live the Compact!

--- Shepherd Stance (from Malcolm) ---
House Shepherds remain true and steadfast to the Crown and the Compact.

--- Crovane Stance (from Fianna) ---
House Crovane proudly stands in support of King and Compact.

--- Grimhall Stance (from Valdemar) ---
House Grimhall supports his Majesty in this, though it does not address every offer made.

--- Kennex Stance (from Zoey) ---
It is the highest honour of House Kennex to reaffirm its unwavering loyalty to King and Faith. We proudly stand with both through whatever may come.

--- Tyde Stance (from Margot) ---
Tyde stands with Thrax and the Crown.

--- Valardin Stance (from Alis) ---
House Valardin stands fast with the Crown, reaffirming out oath of fidelity to our liege. May the Compact prosper, and the Faith continue to flourish.

--- Faith of the Pantheon Stance (from Orazio) ---
It is good to see the fidelity of the King and the Peers of the Realm who understand the importance of the Pantheon and our Faith. We will continue to do what we can to protect the Faithful in the difficult times ahead, trusting in the Gods and ourselves.