IC Societal Expectations helpfiles
Posted by Apostate on 09/02/18
So originally when I made Arx I wanted to have an underlining theme be the ambiguity of authority and power, and how societal rules can be broken and rewritten by those in power by pushing against weak institutions. The problem with that is it's really designed for a game of like 20 people that I can deal with constantly to answer questions, rather than 500+ people that aren't really sure what they can or can't do or so IC and still be thematic. So I'll be writing very, very long thematic guidelines to give clarity, as I often see minor thematic breaks that would usually be irrelevant by the time I notice them. This will kinda set the stage for more PC controlled controversies and social systems which hopefully people will find fun. These will show under the help topic of 'help expectations' for Societal Expectations, and the first one is about liege to vassal relationships under 'help liege'. I intend to write one for Heads of House to family, nobles to nobles, commoners to nobles, then about the principles that are considered important to NPCs both as the Compact as a whole and per fealty.