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Upcoming potential systems

Posted by Apostate on 08/29/18
So I often forget to tell basically anyone what's coming down the pipe as we work on them, and we get ready to kick off the next chapter in season 2, I thought it might be helpful to let people know what system wise are probably going to be coming potentially (some things might always get changed or scrapped, but these are highly likely).

Projects: So right now @actions have an issue where they are either done or not done, which makes them not great for something that takes place over a long period of time, and has ongoing goals that can be worked on incrementally. For example, a common type of @action right now is people increasing something about noble domains, or building something, or propaganda campaigns, or things like that. Projects will be replacing these, ultimately. We'll likely replace the 2 actions per 30 days limit with an action and a project, and part of the goal here would be to decrease staff load from a sustainability standpoint before we work Puffin and Pax to death.

Social campaigns, and player controlled Voxes, issues of the day, and player controls over propriety. Essentially, I'm going to be codifying a lot of theme that's currently more ambiguous, which I think is creating problems in players being uncertain what would be acceptible behavior for their characters or not, and for people that want to play black sheep or renegades or social pariahs to be able to much more clearly see what would do so, and have codified ways to going on redemption arcs. This will probably mean a little bit less twitter fights in white journals, and more feeling of meaningful social consequences that hopefully will be fun and not have ooc angst. There will be an awful lot of help file type guidelines coming soon.

First magic systems, particularly for characters that have repeatable 'knacks'. They will start to be coded, meaning you won't have to bother staff about them. This will probably be things that start to spread through the player base.

Along with projects, will probably have more ways to start working on domains, and some of the first signs of Dominion, which really won't be there until people have fully coded means to move their armies around, conquer things, fight shavs for fun and glory in a coded and automated way, etc.

Social Systems: Ultimately, social characters will have a limited means of recruiting NPC workers, which will be represented as AP. Any limited means of generating AP will be tightly controlled, and tie into other social systems (org affection and respect for example), but this also means moving away from AP as a gatekeeper against creating work for staff, which I don't think AP does a good job of right now. So tighter controls on things that create work for staff (investigations, actions, etc), and try to move away AP for that and making it more of a general and desired resource for a player influenced economy.

Verisimilitude: This is a big deal for me. I just want to keep giving characters automated means to affect the world that makes it a more living, breathing immersive experience for them. This will be a lot of little things that a lot of people won't care about, but add subtle touches that people might like some of it and ignore the rest. Weather, alcohol, more randomized emits based on player actions, stuff like that.

Tons of things are coming, and the story stuff I'm most excited about and how it ties into magic, but I think that stuff I'll wait to get into later.