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Episode: Calling the Banners

Posted by Story on 02/07/18
As storms brew in the East the Compact prepares for war. Legate Orazio, on behalf of the Most Holy Domunis of the Faith, labels the coming battle as a Holy War. He frames it succinctly in terms easy to understand - this is a war of survival, and their faith will be tested. The Templars and the Knights of Solace have been mobilized. Every willing hand should consider how best to serve the Compact. This is the hour where the Compact must come together - and come together they do.

With the urging of various leaders across the Faith, with the help of the Scholars to give the word, people start pouring into the points of muster. Templars are mobilized, Knights of Solace are traveling to the battle. And everywhere, men and women of good heart and strong faith are not just answering the Faith's call, but answering the calls to muster of their liege lords. The work of the Faith strengthens not just those called to godly service but to temporal service as well.