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Episode: Dominus

Posted by Story on 11/27/20
Thirteen unlit candles sit outside the Rectory, guarded by a single templar and attended to by a single Silent Reflection. For hours, they stand there silently, until a godsworn representative of each Archlector leaves the Rectory, each lighting a candle in turn. All but one burns, the priests all kneel and pray, and then the Silent Reflection steps forward to light the thirteen candle.

A new Dominus has been chosen.

The announcement then follows, Aureth Grayhope, first Archlector of the Queen of Endings, then Legate of the Lost, has been appointed the Dominus to replace the fallen Orazio Saik.

It is a direct, pointed challenge to the former Seraph Waldo who has declared himself Dominus as well, presumed to be hiding away in the Mourning Isles. For the first time in hundreds of years, there is a Dominus in Arx, and an anti-Dominus in Arvum. Every godsworn in Arx is well aware of the implications, and what it likely means for bloodshed, but sometimes, it's time to take a stand. A letter is opened at the Rectory, prepared in case of the appointment. A Knight of Solace reads it aloud outside.

"To Most Holy Aureth Grayhope, Dominus of the Faith, and Closest to the Gods,

The Oathlands Orthodox stands with you.
The Seraph of Sanctum"