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Episode: A Few Moments of Wonder

Posted by Story on 06/26/19
Others in the city notice it as well, within minutes. The way the light catches on the statue in Alarice Plaza, and for an instant the sculpted metal hair is as brilliant as the queen's silver-and-gold tresses were said to be in life; the statue seems, just for an instant, to smile. The way the sight of the Great Cathedral in the afternoon sun suddenly makes one's breath catch, the light shining from behind the bell tower with a beauty to make the heart ache to hold on to it forever.

The world seems as perfect as the greatest painting; even the mundane bits of the city rendered as fascinating as even the greatest bit of jewelry. More than a few of the citizens stop whatever they're doing, taking the time to look at the world around them with a renewed sense of awe. In times of unrest and strife, it's all too easy to forget how beautiful the world can truly be.

But that perfect light fades all too soon, and the city is once again what it always is. Life continues as it was before, and people resume whatever they were doing before. But perhaps, just for a little while, people move through the world with a bit more wonder in their heart than they had before.