Reputation changes
Posted by Apostate on 08/22/17
In the wake of the Great Sinking, massive relief efforts were organized. Lady Clover Wyrmguard helped to coordinate all Wyrmguard medics in response to aid the hundreds of Islanders on the crews, while Princess Alarissa Valardin helped to liasie between Thraxians and responders. Princess Fatima Thrax helped to organize the men of the Ward of House Thrax and all her house guards to help the injured. Alexis and Ida were seen on shore and along the docks helping to move wreckage and transport the injured to the House of Solace, and establish triage tents for the mercies. Lady Reigna and Lady Desiree distributed medical supplies from Navegant's and Wyrmguard's stores, and helping to coordinate their house servants in the relief efforts. The Lodge of Petrichor under the direction of Leola brings its horses to greatly aid in transporting the injured to the house of solace, and supplies down to the docks. While Archlector Aureth, after helping mobilizing the Faith to help see to injured Islanders, sees to the grim task of helping identify the dead and see to their respectful funeral services and cremations. Despite the tension between the Isles and the faith and other houses, it's clear that thousands showed up to help, even if far too many were already beyond help.